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yuán bīnɡ
  • reinforcements;relief troops
援兵 [yuán bīng]
  • [reinforcement] 增援的部队

  1. 正从临近地区派遣援兵。

    Reinforcements were being sent from the neighbouring region ..

  2. 军队又增派了援兵以平息叛乱。

    The army brought in extra reinforcements to fight the rebels .

  3. 这样他们听到警报就会增派援兵。

    So that they 'd sound the alarm and send reinforcements .

  4. 不过通用的“援兵”可能很快就到了。

    Help for GM ( GM ) could arrive soon .

  5. 伯克霍夫,我的援兵怎么还没到

    Birkhoff , where 's that back-up ? Not coming .

  6. 敌人援兵到达时,将军胜利的希望破灭了。

    The general 's hopes of victory were dashed when enemy reinforcements arrived .

  7. 也许胜败尚未见分晓,但援兵已到。

    The battle may not yet be won , but the cavalry has arrived .

  8. 战士们设法牵制住敌人,等待援兵到来。

    The soldiers tried to keep the attacking enemy in check until help came .

  9. 等他们叫来援兵吗?

    For them to come in with reinforcements ?

  10. 我们正等待着波斯的援兵。

    We await help from the Persians .

  11. 由于游击战的牵制,侵略者无法输送给养或援兵。

    The aggressors could not get supplies or reinforcements through because of the guerrilla warfare .

  12. 这个镇被包围了,但是镇民们一直坚持到最后援兵到来。

    The town was surrounded , but the citizens held out until help at last came .

  13. 2010年,我们引入了许多援兵,我们得以改变了战略环境。

    We have brought in huge reinforcements in2010 , and we 're able to change the strategic environment .

  14. 中午,缪拉派他的副官到拿破仑那儿请求援兵。

    In the middle of the day Murat sent his adjutant to Napoleon with a request for reinforcements .

  15. 由于没有援兵的消息,希特勒听了鲍曼的谗言,又开始以为要发生新的叛国阴谋了。

    When no news of the relieving forces came , Hitler , prompted by Bormann , began to expect new treacheries .

  16. 本月初,布隆迪已经派遣了1000人的部队。剩余的援兵预期将在今年年底到达。

    A battalion of about 1000 Burundian troops was deployed earlier this month and the rest of the s are expected later this year .

  17. 假如骚扰部队跟着游戏玩家你的矿车攻进来,在援兵到来前,试着让游戏玩家你的矿车倒退着绕着建筑物行进,以避免受到更大的伤害。

    If the harassment force follows your harvesters in , try to dance them around buildings using reverse move to try and avoid taking a few hits before reinforcements arrive .

  18. 活生生的各种鱼类,如海笛鲷和援兵彩色游泳学校在该地区以及马里鳗鱼,一个水下螃蟹,龙虾,鳗鱼和鳗鱼种类。

    Schools of various vibrantly colored fish such as damsels and sea breams swim in the area as well as moray eels , a variety of underwater crabs , lobster and conger eels .