
  • 网络vedanta;Advaita Vedanta;Vedas
  1. 在我们个体生命中实践吠檀多是为了发展精确的精神态度。

    Practice of Vedanta in our individual lives : Developing the right mental attitudes .

  2. 多达布里立刻发现室利罗摩克里希纳正在准备成为吠檀多的学生,开始启迪他进入吠檀多的奥秘。

    Totapuri , discovering at once that Sri Ramakrishna was prepared to be a student of Vedanta , asked to initiate him into its mysteries .

  3. 在不同的国家,他写了许多关于Kesari吠檀多文化的文章。

    He has contributed articles to The Vedanta Kesari on the Culture and Civilization of Various nations .

  4. 因此,“罪”在吠檀多中就不能占据重要位置,罪即“无明”。

    So'sin'does not occupy an important place in Vedanta . 'Sin'is ignorance .

  5. 问:吠檀多哲学里面的什么东西在吸引着你?

    Question : What appeals to you about Vedantic philosophy ?

  6. 吠檀多是一种哲学;你能很好地理解它。

    Vedanta is a philosophy ; you can understand it perfectly well .

  7. 多达布里开始传授室利罗摩克里希纳吠檀多伟大的真理。

    Totapuri began to impart to Sri Ramakrishna the great truths of Vedanta .

  8. 维丹塔(吠檀多)是印度哲学的一个分支,更加集中论述这个问题。

    Vedanta is a branch of Hindu philosophy which gives this matter a greater focus .

  9. 而且,他在欧美传播的主要内容就是吠檀多哲学与瑜伽实践的方法。

    One of the important things he spreads in Europe and America is the ways of practicing yoga .

  10. 他早年的时候受到吠檀多不二论的训练,把世界看成一个幻像。

    Trained from early youth in the disciplines of the Advaita Vedanta , he looked upon the world as an illusion .

  11. 幼兽看守的时候会吼叫;他们会放弃森林小树林,进入城墙打猎。他叫哈里在生活中实践吠檀多,放弃不真实的念头,追随真实。

    The cubs shall roar as they keep watch ; they will forsake the forest groves and come hunting inside the walls of cities .

  12. 《奥义书》更具哲学的特点,它包括了印度教的中心理论思想,其后面部分的文献通常称作《吠檀多》意思是《吠陀》的最后一部分。

    The upanishads , somewhat later writings usually called Vedanta that is , the end of the veda , are more philosophic in character and contain the central theoretical ideas of hinduism .

  13. 真正为艺术而生的作家这些人把艺术变成自己的宗教,就像塞林格所做的那样;除了艺术,塞林格的宗教还有吠檀多,还有禅,还有道不会选择屈尊向下,不会选择妥协融合。

    The writer who truly lived for his art who made it , as Mr Salinger did , his religion , along with Vedanta and Zen and the Tao did not descend and did not integrate .