
xiànɡ xīn lì
  • centripetal force;central force
向心力 [xiàng xīn lì]
  • [centripetal force] 把物质粒子约束在一弯曲路径上的力,这力朝内向路径的曲率中心作用而产生向心加速度(例如利用外铁轨在外车轮凸缘上作用的力来防止铁道列车离开弯曲的轨道)

  1. 牛顿关于向心力概念的数理思想

    Newton 's thoughts on the measuring of central force

  2. 很多UFO的奇怪现象都是由这一向心力引起的。

    A lot of strange phenomena of UFOs are caused by this centripetal force .

  3. 对多个机构的仿真数据分析并绘制出数据图,发现随偏距的增大机构的传力杆上Z方向约束反力数值变小;X和Y方向上约束反力受到向心力的作用变大。

    Analysis of the simulation data of multiple models and graphics made from the data show that constraint force values along Z axis become smaller while the offset on the wheel increases ; constraint forces along X and Y axis increases as they are only influenced by the centripetal force .

  4. 首先,本文借鉴了新经济地理学的D-S模型和OTT模型,通过本地市场效应、价格指数效应、市场拥挤效应三个方面,阐述了导致经济集聚和扩散的向心力和离心力。

    First of all , we focus on D-S model and OTT model , and analyze centripetal force and centrifugal force which lead to economic concentration and diffusion , through local market effect , price index effect , market crowding effect .

  5. 我以为你对这份工作很有向心力!

    I really thought you had more commitment to this position !

  6. 塑造和凝聚“仕诺”的文化向心力。

    Molds and the condensation " shi promises " culturalcentripetal force .

  7. “生的目标”是凝聚向心力必备的条件。

    Prerequisite of cohesive force is the goal of life .

  8. 许多公司削减了员工大量的薪金和福利,使得公司内部向心力日下。

    Many companies alienated and hurt their workforces by cutting too much .

  9. 培育优秀企业文化,增强企业的凝聚力和向心力。

    Cultivating excellent enterprise culture , increasing the cohesion and the centripetal force .

  10. 万有引力和向心力在行星公转和自转中的作用机制

    Action mechanism of gravitation and centripetal force on revolution and rotation of planets

  11. 从而提升企业的凝聚力和向心力。

    So as to enhance the cohesion of the enterprise and centripetal forces .

  12. 影响城市规模的因素是向心力和离心力。

    The factors which affect the city size are agglomeration forces and dispersion forces .

  13. 在向心力的一些论述之后,他推出了开普勒的第三定律。

    After some treatment of centripetal force , he deduces Kepler 's third law .

  14. 强化主管向心力,降低其离职倾向。

    Reinforcing the managers ' cohesiveness , in order to reduce their turnover intention .

  15. 有三种向心力令银行回归:政治、法规和去杠杆。

    Three powerful centripetal forces are at play : politics , regulation and deleveraging .

  16. 这个实验的目的是为了证明向心力的原则。

    The aim of this experiment is to demonstrate the principle of centripetal force .

  17. 这是离心力,不是向心力。

    It 's centrifugal , not centripetal .

  18. 集聚均衡是由各种向心力和离心力相互作用的结果。

    Agglomeration equilibrium is the result of the interaction of centrifugal force and centripetal force .

  19. 正是在这样的时代背景下爱国主义的那种增强民族凝聚力和向心力的作用就凸现得尤为重要。

    Therefore , the role of patriotism that enhances national cohesion and solidarity is particularly important .

  20. 渠道的忠诚度和向心力低,服务水平参差不齐;

    They are especially too low between the loyalty and the customer service to the dealers ;

  21. 员工组织情感承诺包含了价值认同、努力意愿和组织向心力三个特征维度;

    Employee affective commitment includes three factors : value identity , efforts willingness and organizational involvement ;

  22. 多元一体、众志成城的民族统一凝聚力是古代中华民族精神的核心;万众一心、振兴中华的爱国主义向心力是中国近代民族精神的精髓;

    The cohesion , the centrality and the vitality are traditional components of the Chinese Ethos .

  23. 现在我相信上帝与玛丽有一种精神和向心力,这是耶稣还。

    Now I believe mary had a spiritual togetherness with god and also jesus which is one .

  24. 然后,我们假设知识决定集聚向心力。

    Then , we consider the hypothesis that the state of knowledge determines the prevalence of centripetal forces .

  25. 向心力和离心力互相对峙的缘故,遂能使行星在轨道上行动。

    The centripetal and centrifugal forces acting in opposition to each other keep our planet in her orbit .

  26. 具有向心力的中心城市和具有活力的腹地是地区发展的必备条件,两者缺一不可。

    Development will not occur if either the hub with gravitational pull or the vibrant hinterland is missing .

  27. 增强国企科技人员向心力问题的探讨

    The discussion on how to strengthen centripetal force of people engaged in science and technology in nation-owned enterprises

  28. 这枚硬币有一种叫做向心力的特别的力量作用。

    The coin spun around due to a particular force called ' centripetal force ' acting upon it .

  29. 今天随向心力俱乐部去了一个世外桃源,我看到了一个最美的天堂。

    Today , with the centripetal force of the club to a paradise , I see a beautiful paradise .

  30. 然大体言之,熊式辉维持了省政府的权威和向心力、凝聚力。

    However , in general , Xiong Shihui maintained the authority of the provincial government and solidarity , cohesion .