
  • 网络Extend Up;stretching upward;upward stretch;Upward Stretching
  1. 小径沿着山坡向上延伸。

    Tracks led up the mountainside .

  2. 一条狭窄陡峭的小径向下伸进山谷,又从山谷的那一边向上延伸。

    A narrow steep path leads down into a valley and up the far side .

  3. 然后把管子放在适当的位置,这样一端就一直放在杯子里,剩下的线就沿着洞的一边向上延伸。

    Then lay the tube in place so that one end rests all the way in the cup and the rest of the line runs up — and out — the side of the hole .

  4. 在三叉神经中脑核内HRP标记神经原的分布范围自脑桥的外展神经核水平开始向上延伸至中脑上丘嘴侧水平。

    HRP labeled neurons in the MTN extended from the pons at the level of the nucleus of the abducens nerve to the midbrain at the rostral level of the superior colliculus .

  5. 认为:在对基岩断层的活动性评价中,反射纵波法根据基岩断层是否向上延伸到第四纪Q3地层内,而剪切波分裂法则根据由Q3地层内界面反射横波确定的各向异性。

    The P-wave reflection method is based on the fact that whether the fault of bedrock extends up to Quaternary strata Q 3 or not .

  6. 横膈穹窿向上延伸到第6肋水平。

    The diaphragmatic domes extend upward to the level of the6th ribs .

  7. 如果缺乏成长空间,曲线无法向上延伸。

    Without the space for growth the curve can not extend upward .

  8. 中心最初的锅炉系统向上延伸通过所有地下层

    The Centre 's original boiler system extends through every sub-level

  9. 产品线不断向上延伸,开发啤酒市场中增速最快的高端人群啤酒消费市场。

    Product line constantly extended upward . How to develop premium beer market ?

  10. 平流层是从对流层顶向上延伸到50千米高空的界层。

    The stratosphere is the layer above the troposphere and extends to about50km .

  11. 你的大腿绷直,向上延伸。

    Your legs are stretched , straight upwards .

  12. 向上延伸75层楼高,

    and then rising 75 stories above ,

  13. 道路开始急剧向上延伸。

    The path began to climb steeply .

  14. 社会分配理论走了一条可持续发展的不断向上延伸的动态发展路线。

    Social distribution theory go extended upward along a sustainable development of the dynamic development course .

  15. 穿透地平线的尖顶和穹顶向上延伸以宣示更为崇高的目的。

    The spires and domes which punctured the horizons rose upwards in acknowledgment of a higher purpose .

  16. 操作隔离级别可以一直向上延伸,直到向解决方案提供完全独立的硬件,在物理上隔离它们。

    But it goes all the way to physically separating solutions by giving them their own hardware altogether .

  17. 资源供应的多源化和液化天然气产业链的向上延伸,是未来中国可以采取的应对措施。

    Diversified resource supply and development of gas industrial chain are main countermeasures for China in the coming days .

  18. 同时,关于品牌向上延伸对基于消费者的品牌权益产生正面影响的假设得到部分证实。

    Meanwhile , the hypothesis that the step-up brand extension positively influences on the customer-based brand equity is partly supported .

  19. 响应者链是一组对象链接集,多数部分是通过视图层次结构向上延伸的。

    This is a linked set of objects that , for the most part , goes backward up through the view hierarchy .

  20. 结论高血压病人阻力动脉段向上延伸,伴存动脉结构、机械特性和血管舒缩运动异常,并导致微血管系统整合功能障碍。

    Conclusion The resistance arteries extend upward , assosiated with vascular abnormalities of structure , mechanic and function and its microvessel dysfunction in EH .

  21. 在30处中脑-间脑接合处病灶中,11处病灶显著向上延伸累及间脑结构,18处病灶显著向下延伸累及脑桥延髓区域。

    Of the30 MDJ lesions , 11 showed a marked upward extension involving the diencephalic structures and18 had a prominent downward extension involving the pontobulbar region .

  22. 交易部门的指令链从高级交易员到交易主管、部门经理,最后一直向上延伸到董事会。

    The chain of command on trading floors runs up from senior dealers to desk heads , departmental managers and all the way up to the board .

  23. 双语失语形式多为不完全性中度语言表达障碍,病灶主要位于尾状核头部、壳核、丘脑前份、内囊前肢及向前向上延伸累及的白质部分。

    The form of aphasia is incomplete moderate languages impressing disorder . The site located at the head of caudate , nucleus , capsid , anterior thalamic nuclei .

  24. 所述杆架单元是包括一对挡止部,是形成在所述杆架单元上,并从所述杆架单元的一端向上延伸;

    The frame unit comprises a pair of stop parts that are arranged on the frame unit , and extend in the upward direction along the frame unit ;

  25. 极涡是该区域四季存在、冬强夏弱、向上延伸至平流层下部的基本环流系统。

    Polar vortex is a basic circulation system which exists in every season ( strong in winter and weak in summer ) and can extend to the lower level of stratosphere .

  26. 从前面提到的西大门开始,所有的温顿塞斯特人都熟悉的那条大道,向上延伸到一个长达一英里的长方形斜坡,渐渐地把那些房屋抛在后面。

    From the western gate aforesaid the highway , as every wintoncestrian knows , ascends a long and regular incline of the exact length of a measured mile , leaving the houses gradually behind .

  27. 西尔斯大厦由建筑师史基摩、欧文斯和米瑞尔设计。大厦由九座23米见方的大楼组成,这种设计有无限向上延伸的空间。

    Designed by architects Skidmore , Owings & Merrill , the Sears Tower is composed of nine twenty-three-by-twenty-three-m towers bundled together , a type of design which allows for a building to have unlimited altitude .

  28. 之后再将改良范围向上延伸,增加侧面出光的比例并控制在一定的角度范围内减少顶部出光的能量。

    After then , the improved ranges were extended and the portion of side-emitting light was increased and well controlled within the range of certain angle to reduce energy of the light on the top .

  29. 在大坡面上,土壤含水率沿不同高差的坡面呈不规则锯齿状向上延伸,而且有减小趋势。

    Synchronously , farmland and forest land moisture terms are poor relatively at the same time . In heavy domatic , soil moisture content of domatic extend upwards along different discrepancy to take the form of irregular sawtooth in elevation and the decreasing tendency . 4 .

  30. 3.stretchv.延伸这条路以陡峭的坡度向山上延伸。

    The road stretches uphill at a steep slope .