
  1. 我感觉吐吐苦水对我有好处。

    I feel it 's done me good to get it off my chest .

  2. 即使他们所做的只是吐吐舌头。

    Even if all they 're doing is sticking out their tongue .

  3. 她向他吐吐舌头。

    She puts out her tongue at him .

  4. 这些声音险些淹没那些从窗外传来的摩托车吐吐声。

    Not that you can hear it above the sound of the motorbike outside your window .

  5. 她冲我吐了吐舌头。

    She stuck her tongue out at me .

  6. 她做了个鬼脸,向他吐了吐舌头。

    She made a face and stuck out her tongue at him

  7. vt.吐,吐出进入教室前,请把你的口香糖吐掉。

    spit Please spit out your gum before you came into the classroom .

  8. “你就知道这些,”思嘉说着,吐了吐舌头,不想让自己的兴致给破坏了。

    " That 's all you know ," said Scarlett , putting out her tongue and refusing to lose her good humor .

  9. 突然,我看到了一条小蛇,正用恶毒的眼光看着我,火红的舌头一吐一吐的,吓的我腿都发抖了。

    Suddenly , I saw a small snake glaring at me me viciously , sticking a blood red tougue . I felt my legs trembling with fear .

  10. 不过这只调皮的浣熊可并不打算放弃抗争,在等待求援的过程中,它还冲我们的摄影师吐了吐舌头。

    But the cheeky raccoon was not going to give up without a fight and stuck its tongue out at the photographer while it waited to be rescued .

  11. 在酒店房间里,她竟然当着朋友的面向新男友脱衣示爱,并在地板上竭斯底里地打滚;随后的午餐上,她又吃了吐,吐了吃。

    She strips in a hotel room to woo her new boyfriend in front of her pal ; she rolls on the ground in hysterics ; and later throws up at lunch .

  12. 第二十名的水果竟然是神秘不起眼的石榴!水果菜鸟恐怕会抱怨:**,那么多籽吐都吐不完!我宁可吃橙子,也不吃这玩意……你是不是连籽一起吃啊?!

    Sneaking into the top 20 , it 's the enigmatic and much underrated Pomegranate - guaranteed to make fruit noobs complain " WTF do I do with all the seeds ? I wouldn 't take this from an Orange ! ... " I think you 're supposed to eat the seeds .

  13. 你何不吐出来?吐出来你就会感觉好一点。

    Why don 't you throw up ? You 'll feel better afterwards .

  14. 胞吐作用胞吐作用就是将蛋白质穿过细胞膜分泌到质膜外。

    Exixytosis Exicytosis is the secretion of proteins out of the cell across the plasma membrane into the extracellular space .

  15. 就算从这儿吐,都不会吐不中。

    You couldn 't miss if you aimed from here .

  16. 妈,快吐出来,快吐出来

    Spit it out , ma ! Spit it out !

  17. 免得你们玷污那地的时候,地就把你们吐出,像吐出在你们以先的国民一样。

    And if you defile the land , it will vomit you out as it vomited out the nations that were before you .

  18. 他没有准备好招待,甚至没有准备好和那些可以“从同一张嘴里既吐出冷气又吐出热气”的人相识。

    He was not prepared to entertain , or even mix with , someone who could ' blow hot and cold from the same mouth . "

  19. 我开始每天呕吐30至40次,在学校吐,在卫生间吐,只要能找到地方就吐。

    I started throwing up22 thirty to forty times a day . I would do it at school in the bathrooms and anywhere else I could find .