
  • 网络consequentialism;consequentialist theory;consequentiality theory
  1. 通过对各种挑战与回应的梳理,从一种后果论的角度来论证法律解释的客观性,以后果作为衡量法律解释客观性的标准。

    This paper , through analysis over challenges and responses , aims to reason this objectivity from the perspective of consequentialism and set consequence as a standard in benchmarking .

  2. 运用会计准则经济后果论对美国会计准则制定模式的变迁作了理论解释。

    According to economic consequence theory of accounting standard the evolution of American accounting standard is explored in a theoretical perspective .

  3. 后果论要求任何行动、规则或策略等的选择都应该考虑其将带来的可能后果。

    The view on the consequences claims that the choice of any action , rule or tactic should consider the possible consequences .

  4. 通过回顾代理理论、盈余管理理论及经济后果论对盈余管理产生的原因和经济后果进行了阐述,并着重对债务契约和经理人的激励契约进行了详细的理论分析;

    Secondly , through reviewing the agency theory , earnings management theory and economic result theory , this paper describes the cause and economic result of earnings management , and analyzes emphatically and detailedly the debt bargaining and managers ' encouragement bargaining ;

  5. 医疗事故罪中严重损害后果释论

    Explanation and Discussion on the " Serious Damage Result " in Medical Accident Crime

  6. 最后,分析强制性规范违反的法律后果的认识论上的考量。

    In the last chapter , the present study will analyze the legal consequence after the violation of the mandatory rules in epistemology .