
hòu xiàng
  • Afterimage;after image
后像[hòu xiàng]
  1. 目的研究后像消逝试验与DR早期诊断的相关性。

    Objective To study the relativity between the flight of colors test and the early diagnosis of diabetic retinopathy ( DR ) .

  2. 异常视网膜对应以同视机法发现率最高,为51.3%,后像法26%,Worth四点法最低,只有15%。

    The detection rate of abnormal retinal correspondence varied with the methods used . It was 51.3 % by synoptophore test , 26 % by after-image test and 15 % by Worth four-dot test .

  3. 当从数据库发送或检索数据时,JDBC适配器的出站处理支持以下两种业务对象样式:后像(after-image)和增量(delta)。

    Outbound processing for the JDBC adapter supports two business object styles when sending or retrieving data from the database : after-image and delta .

  4. 目的重新解释后像试验检测目的。

    Objective A new interpretation to the purpose of afterimage Test .

  5. 对后像试验检测目的的新解释

    A new interpretation to the purpose of Afterimage Test

  6. 你想毕业后像他们一样有钱。

    You wanna graduate baird , become a rich big shot like them .

  7. 你所见的轮廓就是所谓的「后像」或「残影」。

    The outline you saw is known as an afterimage , or ghost image .

  8. 我们将要在数据库中存储的最终版本称为后像。

    The final version that is to be stored in the database is the after-image .

  9. 磨边后像可调接头后倾座椅对认知能力的影响

    Back - image - adjustable edging adaptor Effect of tilt - back seat on gnosia

  10. 使用后像业务对象样式的操作有创建、更新和删除。

    Operations that use an after-image business object style are create , update and delete .

  11. 后像业务对象是进行所有更改之后的完整业务对象。

    An after-image business object is the complete business object after all changes have been made .

  12. 她潜入水中,几秒钟后像软木塞一样又浮了上来。

    She dive below the surface , then bob up like a cork again a few second later .

  13. 那少女被抓住后像野猫一样拼命厮打以求脱身。

    When the girl was captured , she fought tooth and nail like a wild cat to get away .

  14. 你可以将“正后像”视为拨动后琴弦的振动。

    You can think of it as something like the vibration of a string after it has been struck .

  15. 你想有钱,你想毕业后像他们一样有钱。

    You wanna get rich . You wanna graduate Baird , become a rich big shot ④ like them .

  16. 去年12月14日,26名孟加拉人醒来后像往常一样,前往位于达卡的服装厂上班。

    On December 14 last year , 26 Bangladeshis woke up and left as usual for their Dhaka garment factory .

  17. 延长后像及多色光闪烁时间综合治疗中重度弱视

    Clinical study of combined therapy by prolonged posterior imaging and multicolor light-scintillate time in moderate and severe degree of amblyopia

  18. 我在多伦多的第一位导师建议我利用业余时间多钻研专业知识,在下班后像兼职学生那样修完所有必需的学分。

    My first counselor in Toronto suggested me to take all the required credits as a part-time student after work .

  19. 你会在手上看到后像,而且它会比在墙上时来得大。

    You will see the afterimage on your hand and it will appear larger than when it was on the wall .

  20. 同时进行传统方法治疗:遮盖,精细目力训练,后像红闪仪训练;

    Meanwhile , applied traditional complex treatment , which involved covering the eyes , fine sight training , ocular spectra and red filter treatment .

  21. 中国现有约八百万农村儿童移居到城市后像我一样只能去不正规的私立学校学习,只因为他们没有城市户口。

    There are about eight million rural children who migrate to China 's cities like me and study at the nonstandard private schools because they don 't have a City-Hukou .

  22. 介绍了影像数字地质编录中坡面展示影像图的制作原理及其流程,重点阐述了畸变校正后像片坡面影像几何纠正的两种不同的处理方法。

    With the principles and process of making slope showing photomap in digital geological logging introduced , this paper mainly expatiates two methods of geometric rectification of photomap after distortion correction .

  23. 因为环境是后像的先决条件,观看此作品最理想的环境要备有灯光控制器,及在作品与观众之间留有足够的观赏距离。

    Due to the physical prerequisite of Afterimage , the ideal viewing environment should have light controller and spare enough space for a suitable proximity between the project itself and audience .

  24. 方法:对243例发育性弱视患者进行包括验光配镜、遮盖治疗、红光闪烁治疗、后像疗法、精细目力训练等的综合治疗。

    · METHODS : A total of 243 cases ( 408 eyes ) of developmental amblyopia underwent comprehensive therapy including glasses , eye-shade , red light glitter , photogene and eyesight exercise .

  25. 方法:对33例单眼重度弱视患儿采用配镜、遮盖主视眼、精细作业、多色光交替闪烁仪、穴位按摩、药物、后像镜及屈光性压抑等综合治疗方案。

    METHODS : 33 children with serious unilateral amblyopia were treated comprehensively by using spectacles , envelopment of dominant eye , fine occupational therapy , multiple color light flicker pleoptophor , point massage , medicine , euthyscope , and refractive penalization etc.

  26. 听觉诱发表象很好地解决了视觉后像的干扰问题,也更吻合表象自上而下的加工过程,因为被试产生的表象是基于自己过去的经验,从自身出发,主动加工的结果。

    Auditory evoked imagery solves the interference problem of visual after-image , and consistent with the " up-dowm " process , because the subjects come into being the imagery is based on past experience , starting from their own and active processing .

  27. 方法:对32例重度斜视性弱视患儿先行强化后像增视训练后,使其注视性质改善后,斜视度>20°以上,视力0.2~0.3之间尽早行眼位矫正术后,再进行弱视训练。

    · METHODS : Intensive afterimage therapy was applied on 32 children with severe strabismic amblyopia to make them have visual acuity of 0.2-0.3 and strabismus degree was more than 20 ° . Then they were treated with ocular muscle operation . Amblyopia training was continued after surgery .