
  • 网络nago;HOTEL ROUTE INN NAGO;moon beach hotel
  1. 月份在一个反基地平台入选的名护市市长稻岭进立即拒绝了该计划。

    Nago City Mayor Susumu Inamine , elected in January on an anti-base platform , immediately rejected the plan .

  2. 成教生医学信息教育的组织与优化109名护生PSQI总分≥8分,即34.6%护生的睡眠质量差。

    The total PSQI score of 109 nursing undergraduates was higher than 8 , which means 34.6 % of undergraduates had poor sleeping quality .

  3. 方法对临床护理实习带教老师的带教情况及护生学习情况,采用自制评教评学问卷调查法对63名护生进行调查。

    Methods Sixty-three nurse students were investigated with questionnaire .

  4. 此外,澳大利亚的黄金海岸的南斯脱布克岛也需要一名护岛人。

    Also in Australia , the Gold Coast wants a caretaker on South Stradbroke Island .

  5. 通知我被他们选中,作为一名护旗手。

    called me and said that I had been selected to be one of the flag-bearers .

  6. 对126名护生在实习期的需求和148名带教老师对护生需求的认知及影响因素进行调查研究。

    To study student nurses ' needs in internship , 126 students and 148 teachers were investigated .

  7. 方法采用定期召开护生会议及自行设计调查表对105名护生进行问卷调查。

    Methods To hold nursing students meetings regularly and 105 nurse students were investigated by using self-designed questionnaire .

  8. 将170名护生按年级分为实验组和对照组。

    Methods : A total of170 nursing students were divided into test and control group based on their grade .

  9. 方法:采用问卷调查法对经过近一年临床实习的140名护生自身专业态度及临床带教老师对其专业态度、未来工作期望值的影响进行调查。

    Methods : 140 Student nurses and their clinical teacher were investigated by questionnaire for their speciality attitude and job in future .

  10. 方法以508名护生为研究对象,对《护理美学》课程进行教学内容和教学方法的改革。

    Method Reform was carried out in 508 nursing students from the contents and methods of teaching in the course of Nursing Aesthetics .

  11. 在实习结束前填写教学反馈意见,观察40名护生对两种教学效果评价比较。

    After practice , they were asked to write teaching feedback ideal , then we compared the evaluation of 40 nurse students to two teaching methods .

  12. 1998年9月~1999年6月在外科实习的97名护生为对照组,实施分阶段教学。

    Another 97 nurse students from September 1998 to June 1999 were set in a control group . They received just teaching based on each teaching stage .

  13. 以问卷形式对220名护生进行调查,以专题讲座、主题班会、交流经验等形式进行专业引导。

    Then , the specialty guidance was provided through the means of lectures , class-meeting on a special topic , meeting of experience exchange , and so on .

  14. 上周在肯特兰为布雷登·丹顿举行的葬礼上,6名护柩者分别打扮成蜘蛛侠、雷神托尔、绿巨人、超人、钢铁侠和蝙蝠侠。

    The six pallbearers for Brayden Denton 's funeral last week in Kentland dressed as Spider-Man , Thor , the Hulk , Superman , Iron Man and Batman .

  15. “我们想研究名护市以外的其它地方,”鸠山由纪夫昨天说。“我的理解是,很可能还需要数月时间。”

    " We want to explore other sites than Henoko ," Mr Hatoyama said yesterday . " My understanding is that several months are likely to be needed . "

  16. 方法将浙江海洋学院医学院护理专业2003级147名护生为教改组,2002级141名护生为对照组。

    Methods One hundred and forty-seven nurse students of grade 2003 in Zhejiang Ocean College Medical School were selected as teaching reform group , while 141 of grade 2002 were selected as control group .

  17. 108名护生前10位压力源为:准备及参加考试、处理病人紧急情况、接触传染性疾病等;

    Among the 108 nursing students , the first ten causes of learning stress included preparing and taking part in exams , treatment of emergency clinically , contact with the patients with infectious diseases , ea al .

  18. 方法采用学习过程问卷(SPQ)对157名全日制护生的学习方式进行调查。

    Methods The study process questionnaire was used to investigate learning approaches of 157 nursing students .

  19. 为了解男护生心理健康状况,运用SCL-90对91名男护生进行测查。

    To understand the mental health state of male nursing students , 91 male nursing students were tested with symptom check list 90 . Factor means of the male nursing students were higher than Chinese norm .

  20. [方法]采用症状自评量表(SCL-90)、防御方式问卷(DSQ)和艾森克个性问卷(EPQ),对202名中专护生进行调查。

    Method : a total of 202 technical secondary nursing students were investigated via filling out the symptom checklist 90 ( SCL-90 ), defense style questionnaire ( DSQ ), and Eysenck personality questionnaire ( EPQ ) .

  21. 方法:对120名在校护生进行问卷调查分析。

    Methods : Take a questionnaire survey analysis of120 nursing students .

  22. 对135名实习护生进行无记名问卷调查。

    Mthods : 135 nursing students were surveyed by self-designed questionnaires .

  23. 535名高护生逆境智商的调查与培养研究

    Investigation on Adverse Circumstance IQ of 535 Nurse Students

  24. 48名男护生择业观念调查分析

    Investigation and analysis of idea of 48 male nursing students in choosing nursing

  25. 362名高职护生心理状况的调查及分析

    Investigation and Analysis of the Mental Status of 362 Students of Nursing Department in Higher Vocational College

  26. 方法采用自行设计的双语教学认知调查表对2002年68名本科护生进行调查。

    Methods A self-made Questionnaire of Perception of Bilingual Teaching was used to investigate grade 2002 undergraduate nursing students .

  27. 结果在毕业实习期间,432名实习护生在10个月实习期间发生针头刺伤总计967次;

    Results During 10 months probation , the total times of needling damage were 967 in 432 probationer nurses .

  28. 方法对250名高护生进行礼仪知识需求调查。

    Methods A self-designed questionnaire about the demands of nursing etiquette knowledge was used to investigate 250 advanced nursing students .

  29. 为探索课堂形成性测试用于《护理学基础》教学的效果,将111名统招护生作为研究对象。

    To probe into the effect of classroom formation test being applied in " Basic Nursing science " teaching , 111 nursing students were selected and divided into 2 groups .

  30. 结果294名实习护生中,发生针刺伤者占86.7%,共发生1299例次,平均4.4例次/名;

    Results The prevalence of needle injury was 86.7 % . 1 299 cases of needle injuries occurred among the 294 nursing students , which averaged as 4.4 cases per student .