首页 / 词典 / good


tóng yì
  • agree with;agree;consent;agreement;approve;accept;acceptance;give in to;concur;concurrence;accede;affirmative;same meaning;with one heart;okey
同意 [tóng yì]
  • (1) [with one heart]∶同心,一心

  • 上下同意

  • 道者,令民与上同意也。--《孙子》

  • (2) [same meaning]∶意义相同;意旨相同。亦指用意相同

  • 日月与鬼神同意共指。--《论衡》

  • (3) [agree with;approve;consent]∶对某种主张表示赞成的意见;准许

  • 同意一个计划

同意[tóng yì]
  1. 我肯定是犯傻了,居然同意了这个想法。

    I must have been insane to agree to the idea .

  2. 我们费了九牛二虎之力才使他们同意。

    We had no end of trouble getting them to agree .

  3. 政府同意成立一个调查委员会。

    The government agreed to set up a committee of inquiry .

  4. 政府已经同意撤销对新闻自由的限制。

    The government has agreed to lift restrictions on press freedom .

  5. 两国同意于随后的一周重新开始会谈。

    The two countries agreed to recommence talks the following week .

  6. 他们最终有点勉强地同意了我们的条件。

    They finally agreed to our terms with a certain reluctance .

  7. 她最后同意用药结束这头可怜的动物的生命。

    She finally agreed to have the wretched animal put down .

  8. 她不同意我今年离校。

    She doesn 't approve of me leaving school this year .

  9. 她不同意我今年离校。

    She doesn 't approve of my leaving school this year .

  10. 她同意与他合作撰写她的传记。

    She agreed to collaborate with him in writing her biography .

  11. 董事们刚刚投票同意给他们自己大幅度提高工资。

    The directors have just voted themselves a huge pay increase .

  12. 你认为他们会爽快同意我们的提议吗?

    Do you think they will be agreeable to our proposal ?

  13. 他同意每月付款50英镑,十次付清。

    He agreed to make ten monthly payments of £ 50 .

  14. 她同意出席但不愿发言。

    She agreed to attend but jibbed at making a speech .

  15. 她告诉他们她的打算时,他们欣然同意。

    When she told them what she intended they readily consented .

  16. 尽管勉强,他最后还是同意帮助我们。

    He finally agreed , albeit reluctantly , to help us .

  17. 他诱骗我同意干那件活儿。

    He cajoled me into agreeing to do the work .

  18. 联合国已同意允许提供紧急援助。

    The UN has agreed to allow the supply of emergency aid .

  19. 她开始表示反对,但最终还是同意了。

    At first she demurred , but then finally agreed .

  20. 她想当演员,可是她父母不同意。

    She wants to be an actress , but her parents disapprove .

  21. 16岁以下的儿童不得自行同意接受治疗。

    Children under 16 cannot give consent to medical treatment .

  22. 学校只有在特殊情况下才会同意这种事。

    The school will only allow this in special circumstances .

  23. 他同意放弃对那笔财产的一切权利要求。

    He agreed to surrender all claims to the property .

  24. 我们希望他们会同意我们的提议。

    We 're hoping that they will say yes to our proposals .

  25. 你认为他会同意他们的建议吗?

    Do you think he 'll agree to their proposal ?

  26. 我们错误地以为她会同意。

    We were wrong to assume that she 'd agree .

  27. 我原以为对方已同意支付我的费用。

    I thought it was understood that my expenses would be paid .

  28. 他的债权人同意给他一个喘息的机会。

    His creditors agreed to give him a temporary respite .

  29. 回复调查的人中60%同意这项建议。

    60 % of the respondents agreed with the suggestion .

  30. 大多数人似乎都同意这种观点。

    The great majority of people seem to agree with this view .