
  • 网络Jitong;CHINA GBN
  1. 中国电信、中国联通、中国吉通三家公司获准开展IP电话商用实验以来,IP电话成了业内外人士关注的热点。

    Since China Telecom , China Unicorn , China GBnet have developed their commercial test of IP phone , many people begin to interest in IP phone .

  2. 本部分简要介绍锦州港的基本情况,锦州港近年来陆续发生的几个事件,例如参股吉通,遭财政部否决;

    It is a brief introduction to the basic situation of Jinzhou Port , the incidents took place in late years , for example rejection by the Ministry of Finance for its intended share participation in Jitong ;