
jí rì
  • an auspicious day;first day of a lunar month
吉日 [jí rì]
  • (1) [lucky day]∶吉利的日子;好日子

  • 良辰吉日

  • (2) [the first day of the lunar month]∶农历每月初一

  1. 李玉瑛表示:中国的传统要求新人不仅必须要在吉日,而且还要在吉时结成夫妻。所以,拍照过去常常被压缩成一个非常匆忙的仪式。

    Chinese tradition dictated that couples had to be married not only on an auspicious day , but also at an auspicious hour . So photo-taking used to be squeezed into a very rushed ceremony , says Prof Lee .

  2. 我把自行车锁在了吉日旅馆的前院。

    I locked the bike in the forecourt of the Kirey Hotel

  3. 通书上说今天是个吉日,宜出行。

    The almanac says that today is a suitable day for going out .

  4. 怀孕也要挑“吉日”Seasonofconceptiontiedtoschoolperformance在本周举行的“儿科学术协会年会”上,一项研究报告称,母亲怀孕的月份可能会影响孩子以后的学业成绩。

    The time of year a womanconceivesmay influence the future academic performance of her child , according to research reported this week at the Pediatric Academic Societies ' annual meeting .

  5. 坎瓦尔(SonaliKanwar)是一名34岁的家庭主妇,在听取了占星家的建议后提前一周把儿子生了出来,为的是赶上吉日。

    Sonali Kanwar , a34-year-old stay-at-home mother , followed the advice of her astrologer and moved her son 's birth date up by a week to catch a sweet spot on the calendar .

  6. 还有几天才是王子的大婚吉日,人们会更加兴奋的。

    So it 's going to get even more exciting .

  7. 他们选择吉日订婚。

    They choose a white day for their engagement .

  8. 今天就是他们的开张吉日,他们准备举办一场隆重的晚宴来庆祝这一日子。

    This was their grand opening and they were hosting a chic soiree to celebrate the event .

  9. 从拉斯维加斯到新加坡,成千上万的情侣也将参与这一吉日的庆祝活动。

    Thousands of couples from Las Vegas to Singapore are also joining in the celebration of the auspicious date .

  10. 星期三为结婚吉日,星期五或星期六结婚不吉利。

    If one marries on Wednesday one will be happy ; if one marries on Friday or Saturday one will be unhappy .

  11. 据婚礼策划人士介绍,2007年7月7日已成为近年来最受欢迎的“结婚吉日”。

    Wedding planners say July7th-or7 / 7 / 07-as the date appears in print , has become the most popular day in years to get married .

  12. 凡农桑歉收之年,于冬季选祭地,次年农历二月吉日搭祭台,供祭品祭众神。

    Where Nongsang harvest year , in winter Jide election the following year auspicious Lunar New Year in February take the altar for the sacrifice festival gods .

  13. 独特设计的花传美浓吉日餐厅、法餐厅以及盘古文奇美食汇的26个不同装饰风格的中餐包间,提供宴请宾客的多种选择;

    Entertain with style in one of hotel 's signature restaurants , Kaden Minokichi , French , or in one of26 private rooms of Pangu Wenqi Chinese Restaurant individually decorated .

  14. 王的谕旨所到的各省各城,犹大人都欢喜快乐,设摆筵宴,以那日为吉日。

    In every province and in every city , wherever the edict of the king went , there was joy and gladness among the jews , with feasting and celebrating .

  15. 昔日,哈曼和他的谋士利用掣签的方法,来选定一个歼灭犹大人的吉日(见三7)。

    Haman and his friends did that when he was trying to decide when would be the best time to destroy all the Jews in one day ( see3:7 ) .

  16. 如果没有任何意外,这将是最好的情况下,如果你可以选择一个日期,可满足您的需求,并在同一时间吉日。

    Without any surprise , it will be the best scenario if you can choose a date which can suit your needs and at the same time an auspicious date .

  17. 此外,如今一个标准的中国婚礼会如下进行:在一对新人订婚后,接下来就是挑选吉日成亲。

    In addition , a typical Chinese wedding nowadays goes like this : when a new couple is engaged , what follows is a choice of the date of their marriage .

  18. 对三对在结婚吉日1月4日宣誓至死不渝但几天后离婚收场的夫妻来说,永远并没有多远。

    FOREVER ended up being a very short time for three couples who vowed until death do us part ' ' on the auspicious marriage day of January 4 but divorced just days later .

  19. 对三对在结婚吉日1月4日宣誓“至死不渝”但几天后离婚收场的夫妻来说,永远并没有多远。

    FOREVER ended up being a very short time for three couples who vowed " until death do us part " on the auspicious marriage day of January 4 but divorced just days later .

  20. 有无其实都不重要,不过你最好选个晴天吉日,攀上你所能到达的至高点,也算是“会当凌绝顶”吧。

    Does not really matter whether or not , but you 'd better choose a sunny good day , climbing to reach the highest point you can also be considered " extremely Ling will be when " it .

  21. 不过,有一些人,尤其是乡下人很有可能请算命先生挑个结婚的吉日(常是双日子)这样就是双喜临门了。

    However , quite a few others , especially those in the countryside , would probably ask a fortune-teller for a lucky date ( usually an even number ) so that their marriage would have " Double Happiness " .

  22. 只一句“生日快乐”当然不算什么,但在喜庆吉日里对您格外亲切的祝贺,包含多少温馨的情意都出自我的心窝。愿您生日快乐,天天愉快,永远欢乐!

    Just " happy birthday " isn 't much to say , yet in this special message meant for you this special day are many very loving thoughts and warmest wishes for happiness on your birthday and always all year through .

  23. 所以住无城墙乡村的犹大人,如今都以亚达月十四日为设筵欢乐的吉日,彼此馈送礼物。

    Therefore the Jews of the villages , that dwelt in the unwalled towns , made the fourteenth day of the month Adar a day of gladness and feasting , and a good day , and of sending portions one to another .

  24. 我读过一篇报道说,印度的占星家比世界其他地方所有的占星家都多,因为很多印度人无论大事小事都想听听占星家的建议:哪天是结婚吉日?

    I have read that India may be home to more astrologers than the rest of the world combined because so many people there seek astrological advice on questions large and small : When is an auspicious time of day for the wedding ?

  25. 一走进屋子,他就诚恳地要求她择定吉日,使他成为世界上最幸福的人,虽说这种请求,暂应该置之不理,可是这位小姐并不想要拿他的幸福当儿戏。

    and as they entered the house , he earnestly entreated her to name the day that was to make him the happiest of men ; and though such a solicitation must be waved for the present , the lady felt no inclination to trifle with his happiness .