
hé zī ɡōnɡ sī
  • Joint Venture;co-partnership;limited partnership
  1. 第三,合资公司、中外银行为某些特定的业务发展目标而合资设立新的金融机构。

    Thirdly , co-partnership company , Chinese and foreign bank set up new financial institution for some specific business development goal and joint venture .

  2. 总的来说,外资在我国汽车业跨国并购的模式主要有A股市场协议收购、定向增发B股、合资公司控股上市公司、合资并购、整体并购等。

    Generally speaking , the foreign investment have A stock market 's agreements to purchase mainly in the mode of transnational merger of the automobile industry of our country , orientation issues additional B-share , hold listed company of co-partnership company , joint-venture to merges , merges etc.

  3. 招商形式:BOT方式、合作、合资公司均可。

    Business Invitation : BOT , cooperation , or joint venture is acceptable .

  4. 摩根士丹利(MorganStanley)在与本土管理层发生争执后,挣扎了多年才退出与中金公司(ChinaInternationalCapitalCorp)的合资公司。

    Morgan Stanley struggled for years to exit its JV with China International Capital Corp after falling out with the local management .

  5. 汇丰(HSBC)等其它银行也表示有意组建类似合资公司。

    Other banks such as HSBC have said they are interested in similar ventures .

  6. 到目前为止,富达投资(fidelity)、capitalgroup和先锋集团(vanguard)等国际集团一直不愿组建中国合资公司。

    So far , international groups such as fidelity , capital group and vanguard have baulked at the idea of forming Chinese ventures .

  7. 摩根士丹利(MorganStanley)和瑞士信贷集团(CreditSuisseGroup)已经分别签署了成立合资公司的初步协议,将根据这些新规定进行落实。

    Morgan Stanley and Credit Suisse Group have already signed preliminary agreements for new joint ventures that will be governed by these rules .

  8. 总部位于上海的投资集团上海联新(NewAlliance)和诺基亚将分别持有新合资公司50%的股份。该公司将于明年1月开始运营,员工人数为80人。

    New Alliance , a Shanghai-based investment group , and Nokia will each hold a 50 per cent stake in the new venture which will start business in January and employ 80 people .

  9. 芬兰移动电话巨头诺基亚公司(NokiaCo.)周三称,公司将与NewAlliance组建合资公司,在中国大陆市场提供移动服务。

    Finnish mobile phone giant Nokia Corp. ( NOK ) said Wednesday it will form a joint venture with New Alliance to offer mobile services in China .

  10. 近期,百度与环球音乐(UniversalMusic)、华纳唱片(WarnerMusic)和索尼音乐(SonyMusic)旗下的合资公司万仕达公司(One-StopChina)达成了为期两年的协议。

    Recently , baidu struck a two-year deal with one-stop China , a local joint venture owned by universal music , Warner Music and Sony Music .

  11. 西方三大石油公司之一的英国石油(bp),正寻求在俄罗斯和其它资源丰富的国家建立更多合资公司,以此作为实现增长的一种方式。

    BP , one of the three biggest western oil companies , is seeking more joint ventures with Russia and other resource-rich countries as a way to deliver growth .

  12. 本周三,卡梅隆参与创立的3d技术公司“卡梅隆-佩斯集团”(cameron-pacegroup)宣布与两家中国国有企业组建一家合资公司,生产拍摄3d影视所需的先进摄像器材。

    Cameron pace group , the 3D technology company co-founded by Mr Cameron , on Wednesday announced a joint venture with two Chinese state-backed companies to produce the advanced camera equipment needed for 3D filming .

  13. 近年来,外资金融集团和私人股本基金蜂拥蜂进入中国,或与当地伙伴创办合资公司,或收购中国平安和太平洋保险(ChinaPacific)等公司的股权。

    Foreign financial groups and private equity funds have flocked to China in recent years , striking start-up joint ventures with local partners or acquiring equity stakes in the likes of Ping An and China Pacific .

  14. 美林于2005年以5亿美元从其印度合作伙伴手中购入合资公司dsp美林的控股股份这笔交易在当时创下一个纪录。

    Merrill bought a controlling stake from its local partner in their joint venture , DSP Merrill Lynch , in 2005 for $ 500m a record transaction at the time .

  15. colonycapital去年与杰克逊成立了一家合资公司,以整修荒废的梦幻庄园,使之免于被没收拍卖,该公司没有就其计划发表评论。

    Colony capital , which saved Neverland from a foreclosure sale last year by forming a joint venture with Jackson to spruce up the dilapidated property , has not commented on its plans .

  16. 中国加入WTO以后,全球快递公司迅速完成了从合资公司向全外资公司的转变,全面进入中国市场。

    Since china entry to the WTO , the competitive speed of the Multi-national Express companies alternated from the joint venture companies to whole foreign-owned companies , comprehensive access to the Chinese market .

  17. 流行歌手麦当娜(Madonna)与IconixBrandGroupInc.组建合资公司,推出了她自己的时装品牌“MGIcon”。

    Pop singer Madonna is launching her own fashion brand , MG Icon , as part of a joint venture with Iconix Brand Group Inc.

  18. Xu三人的研究发现:合资公司和那些部分私有化的大型企业一样,并没有很好的财务表现。

    Ms Gan , Mr Guo and Mr Xu find that , overall , joint ventures have yielded similarly lacklustre financial results to the partially privatised behemoths .

  19. 2010年,日本电气公司(NECCorp.)、日立(HitachiLtd.)和卡西欧(CasioComputerCo.)组建了一家手机合资公司,日本电气担当大股东。

    NEC Corp. , Hitachi Ltd. , and Casio Computer Co. in 2010 joined forces to form a cellphone joint venture majority owned by NEC .

  20. 除了印度,dhl还在越南、新西兰和澳大利亚设有合资公司。

    Apart from India , DHL has joint venture partnerships in Vietnam , New Zealand and Australia .

  21. 它持有北汽股份10%的股份,并与后者组建了一家合资公司,在中国市场销售梅赛德斯-奔驰(Mercedes-Benz)汽车。北汽股份是北汽集团(BeijingAutomotiveGroup)的上市子公司。

    It has a 10 per cent stake in BAIC , the listed arm of Beijing Automotive Group , as well as a joint venture with BAIC to sell Mercedes-Benz cars in the country .

  22. 高盛(GoldmanSachs)、德意志银行(DeutscheBank)、瑞银(UBS)、苏格兰皇家银行(RoyalBankofScotland)等其他7家银行早已推出了中国证券合资公司。

    Seven other banks including Goldman Sachs ( GS ), Deutsche Bank ( DB ), UBS ( UBS ), and Royal Bank of Scotland have already launched Chinese securities ventures .

  23. 后发生的UPS从当地的合作伙伴-中外运,联邦快递花4亿美元收购其余的股份,其合资公司与中国公司大田集团。

    After UPS broke from its local partner-Sinotrans , Fedex spent $ 400 million to acquire the remaining stake of its joint venture with the Chinese firm DTW Group .

  24. 日立的半导体业务同三菱电机(MitsubishiElectric)相同业务组成的合资公司瑞萨科技(RenesasTechnologyCorp.)仅今年就给日立带来了11亿美元的亏损。

    Renesas Technology , a pairing of Hitachi 's unprofitable semiconductor business with that of Mitsubishi Electric , generated a $ 1.1 billion loss just for Hitachi this year .

  25. 这桩交易是中国基金管理行业大规模资产重组的一部分,也让摩根士丹利与华鑫证券(HuaxinSecuritiesCo。)坐上了同一艘船,华鑫证券拥有合资公司30%的股份。

    The deal is part of a larger asset shuffle among Chinese firms and puts Morgan Stanley in business with Huaxin Securities Co. , which has a30 % holding .

  26. 高盛(GoldmanSachs)在华关键投行业务合伙人即将辞去其在双方合资公司里的全职职务,以便将主要精力放在成立一只中国国内私人股本基金方面。

    Goldman Sachs ' key banking partner in China is to relinquish his full-time duties at their joint venture to focus on establishing a domestic private equity fund .

  27. 包括瑞银和瑞信(creditsuisse)在内的少数几家外资银行拥有此类牌照,而劲敌高盛(goldmansachs)也设法与一家本土证券公司建立了合资公司。

    UBS and Credit Suisse are among the handful of global banks to possess them , while even arch-rival Goldman Sachs managed to strike a partnership with a local securities group .

  28. 合资公司将索尼的Walkman品牌与爱立信的无线技术结合起来,创造出最早的音乐手机之一。目前音乐手机也吸引了类似苹果(AppleInc.)这样的公司。

    It paired Sony 's Walkman brand with Ericsson 's wireless technology to create one of the first music cellphones , a category now attracting the likes of Apple Inc.

  29. 新加坡证交所与芝加哥期货交易所组建了一家对等持股的合资公司,将大宗商品期货在新加坡的联合亚洲衍生品交易所(jade)上市,目的是进入零散但增长迅速的衍生品市场。

    The SGX has a 50-50 joint venture with the CBOT to list commodity futures on a Singapore-based platform called Jade , which aims to tap the fragmented but fast-growing derivatives market .

  30. KBR通过英国合资公司M.W.Kellogg拥有该财团四分之一的股份,KBR控制着合资公司55%的股份。

    The consortium is quarter-owned by KBR , through its 55 per cent-controlled British joint venture , M. W. Kellogg .