
hé ɡé tóu zī zhě
  • Qualified Investors;eligible investors
  1. 并对中国人民保险公司是否可作为我国海外投资保险业务的承保机构以及我国自然人及私营企业是否可成为合格投资者进行了论述。

    It also expounds whether people 's Insurance Company of China ( PICC ) is an eligible insurer in overseas investment insurance business and whether China 's natural persons and private enterprises are eligible investors .

  2. 深圳证券交易所(shenzhenstockexchange)在其网站上表示,这些债券将以私募方式向“合格投资者”发行。

    The bonds will be issued through private placements to " qualified investors " , the Shenzhen Stock Exchange said on its website .

  3. 印度证券交易委员会(sebi)主席m达摩达兰(mdamodaran)表示,该委员会已将一些对冲基金登记注册为印度股市的合格投资者。

    M Damodaran , the chairman of the securities and exchange board of India , said the regulator had already registered some hedge funds as investors qualified to invest in the country .

  4. (一)保管合格投资者托管的全部资产;

    Safekeeping all the assets that QFII put under its custody ;

  5. 上述汇款的境外收款人应为合格投资者本人。

    The overseas receivers of the above-mentioned repatriation should be the QFII themselves .

  6. 每个合格投资者只能委托一个托管人。

    Each QFII can only mandate one custodian .

  7. 托管人必须为不同的合格投资者分别设置账户,对受托管理的资产实行分帐管理。

    A custodian should set up different accounts for different QFII , and manage those accounts separately .

  8. 第四条合格投资者必须遵守中国的法律法规和其他有关规定。

    Article 4 . QFII should comply with laws , regulations and other relevant rules in China .

  9. 第十九条合格投资者可以委托在境内设立的证券公司,进行境内证券投资管理。

    Article 19 . QFII may mandate domestically registered securities companies to manage their domestic securities investments .

  10. 大型机构需要经历获得合格投资者地位的曲折过程,才能在中国内地交易。

    Large institutions need to run through a tortuous process of winning qualified investor status before trading there .

  11. 第二十二条证券公司保存合格投资者的成交记录、交易活动等资料的时间应当不少于十五年。

    Article 22 . Securities firms should preserve the trading and transaction records of QFII for at least 15 years .

  12. 第二十三条合格投资者经国家外汇局批准,应当在托管人处开立一个人民币特殊账户。

    Article 23 . Upon the approval of SAFE , a QFII should open a RMB special account with its custodian .

  13. (二)所有合格投资者对单个上市公司的持股比例总和,不超过该上市公司股份总数的百分之二十。

    Total shares held by all QFII in one listed company should not exceed 20 % of total outstanding shares of the company .

  14. (二)办理合格投资者的有关结汇、售汇、收汇、付汇和人民币资金结算业务;开盘汇率与收盘汇率

    Conducting all QFII related foreign exchange settlement , sales , receipt , payment and RMB settlement businesses ; opening rate & closing rate

  15. 托管被联合国授权的国家对托管领土的管理每个合格投资者只能委托一个托管人。

    Administration of a territory by a country or countries so commissioned by the United Nations . Each QFII can only mandate one custodian .

  16. 合格投资者的不同资金账户参与股指期货交易应当独立运作。

    Where a QFII participates in stock index futures trading through different fund accounts , it shall ensure the independence of each fund account .

  17. 第十七条合格投资者应当委托托管人,在证券登记结算机构代其申请开立一个证券账户。

    Article 17 . QFII should mandate its custodian to apply for a securities account on its behalf with securities registration and settlement institution .

  18. 这些内容应当包括:私募发行认定、合格投资者、转售限制、基金管理人和申报及备案。

    The content shall include : the recognition of private offering , qualified investors , re-sale limitation , fund manager , and declare and registration .

  19. 在任何交易日日终,合格投资者持有的股指期货合约价值不得超过其投资额度。

    At the end of any trading day , the value of stock index futures contracts held by a QFII shall not exceed its investment quota ;

  20. 第二十一条合格投资者的境内证券投资,应当符合《外商投资产业指导目录》的要求。

    Article 21 . QFII 's domestic securities investment activities should comply with the requirements as set out in the Guidance for Foreign Investments in Various Industries .

  21. 第二十八条合格投资者汇出部分或全部本金的,如需重新汇入本金,应当重新申请投资额度。

    Article 28 . If QFII intends to remit principals inwards again after it partially or fully repatriates its principals , it should re-apply for investment quota .

  22. 合格投资者汇入的本金应当是国家外汇局批准的可兑换货币,金额以批准额度为限。

    The currency of the principals from QFII should be exchangeable currency approved by SAFE and the amount of the principal should not exceed the approved quota .

  23. 在任何交易日日内,合格投资者的股指期货成交金额(不包括平仓)不得超过其投资额度。

    During any trading day , a QFII 's trading amount of stock index futures ( except closing positions ) shall not exceed its investment quota ; and .

  24. 合格投资者自取得外汇登记证起三个月内未足额汇入本金的,以实际汇入金额为批准额度;

    If QFII has not fully remitted the principals within three months after receiving Foreign Exchange Registration Certificate , the actual amount remitted will be deemed as the approved quota ;

  25. 监督合格投资者的投资运作,发现其投资指令违反外汇管理规定的,及时向国家外汇局报告;

    Supervise the investment operations of the QFII , and report in a timely manner to the SAFE if it discovers that the QFII 's investment instructions violate foreign exchange regulations ;

  26. 分为投资对象,证券流转程序,资金流转程序,以及合格投资者与托管人之法律关系和合格投资者与证券公司之法律关系几个部分来予以阐述。

    Third , this thesis describes how the QFII works . This part includes the objects , the security flowing procedure , the currency procedure and the legal relationship between qualified investors and trustees or security companies .

  27. 由于中国仍施行资本管制,外国投资者必须先申请合格投资者资格,然后获得批准进行投资,投资额度由监管部门决定。

    Because China still maintains capital controls , foreign investors first have to apply for status as a qualified investor and then receive permission to put money to work , the amount of which is up to regulators .

  28. 开证行将在市场上售出银行承兑汇票,而后把这笔款汇付给受益人。(二)办理合格投资者的有关结汇、售汇、收汇、付汇和人民币资金结算业务;

    The issuing bank will sell the banker 's acceptance in the market and remit the funds to the beneficiary . 2 . Conducting all QFII related foreign exchange settlement , sales , receipt , payment and RMB settlement businesses ;

  29. 经济增长、企业改革、QFII(合格境外投资者)制度等,将对中国企业债券市场发展产生实质性影响。

    It should be realized that the development of economy , the reforms of enterprises and QFII are all factors that can affect the development of enterprise bond market .

  30. 2002年下半年以来,我国证券监管部门开始展开在我国证券市场引入外国合格机构投资者(QFII)的讨论,QFII制度大有山雨欲来风满楼之势。

    Since the third quarter of 2002 , our securities department begins to discuss introducing QFII to our A stock market . It seems that QFII is just before the threshold .