
hé tonɡ zhǔn jù fǎ
  • applicable law of contract
  1. 船员雇佣合同准据法

    Applicable Law of Contract of Crew Employment

  2. 本文从合同准据法、国际商事仲裁、对国际法律的解释等方面评析通则在国际商事交易中作为法律适用的现实性和可能性。

    This article analyses the reality and possibility of application in international commercial transaction according to applicable law of contract , international commercial arbitration and interpretation of international law .

  3. 论国际技术转让合同准据法的确定

    On Determination of the Applicable Law of the International Contract of Technology Transfer

  4. 意思自治原则确定涉外合同准据法比较研究

    Comparative Research on Choosing Laws Applicable to foreign Contracts by Autonomy of Will

  5. 小议有效性理论在合同准据法确定中的作用

    On the Function of Validity Principle in Deciding the Contract 's Applicable Law

  6. 论涉外合同准据法的确定

    On Determination Of Applicable Law In International Contract

  7. 按照意思自治原则选择合同准据法的若干问题

    Some Issues Concerning Choice of Applicable Law in Light of the Principle of Autonomy of the Parties

  8. 意思自治原则已成为世界各国确定涉外合同准据法的首要原则。

    Autonomy of will has become the most important principle every country in the world follows in making its foreign contract proper law .

  9. 格式之争与合同准据法的选择、管辖权的选择以及履行地的选择都有关系。

    Admittedly , the battle of the forms is related to choice of law , choice of jurisdiction or choice of place of performance .

  10. 合同准据法的选择是国际私法领域最复杂、最混乱的问题。

    The choice of legal principles for a law of contract criteria has remained the most complicated and most confusing problem in the field of private international law .

  11. 意思自治原则作为确定合同准据法的首要原则,已为绝大多数国家的立法及有关国际合同法律适用公约所确认。

    The doctrine of autonomy of will is admitted by most of countries by way of their legislations and relevant international conventions as the preliminary rule to choose laws applicable to contracts .

  12. 在如何确定涉外合同准据法的问题上,当今世界各国均将意思自治原则作为确定涉外合同准据法的首要原则,即由合同的双方当事人共同选择适用于合同的准据法。

    As far as how to determine the applicable law in international contract is concerned , currently the international view is regarding " doctrine of autonomy of will " as the primary principle to determine the applicable law .

  13. 该原则经法国学者杜摩林首先提出以后,即受到国际社会的普遍关注,至今已发展成为世界各国确定国际合同准据法的基本原则。

    When the French scholar Charles Dumoulin first raised this theory , it aroused a universal sensation in the world and nowadays it has developed into a fundamental principle to establish the applicable law of contracts in the international community .

  14. 法律适用问题一直是国际私法中争论最多的问题,正如美国学者比尔所说:冲突法中没有哪个问题比处理合同准据法问题更为错综复杂。

    The problem of applicable of law is the most disputable in the international private law . Just as what Beale said , There is no more complicated than to deal with applicable law of contract in conflict law , who is an American scholar .

  15. 正确确定合同准据法是有效解决国际借款合同法律冲突的关键,准据法的确定一般应遵循当事人意思自治原则和有管辖权的法院确认原则。

    The correct determination of the applicable law of contracts is the key to effectively resolving conflicts of law arising from international loans . The confirmation of the applicable law should commonly follow the doctrine of party autonomy and the principle of the decision of court with jurisdiction .

  16. 略论国际借款合同的准据法

    On Applicable Law of International Loan Contracts

  17. 我国在立法和司法实践中也都采纳了根据最密切联系原则来确定涉外担保合同纠纷准据法的做法。

    In China , The most significant relationship doctrine has been adopted to choose the governing law for the contracts of guarantee with foreign elements in both legislative practices and judicial practices .

  18. 基于这些因素,卖方所在国的法律似乎便成了规定买卖双方之间合同的准据法。

    Based on those combined findings , ( the law of the country of the Seller ) appears to be the proper law governing the Contract between the Seller and the Buyer .

  19. 可以在合同中加入准据法、审判地、律师费等条款。

    Consider including choice of law , venue selection , and attorneys fee clauses .

  20. 意思自治原则是私法最重要的原则之一,其在国际私法中典型的反映便是在涉外合同领域,当事人有选择合同准据法的自由。

    The rule of autonomy of will is one of important principle of private law . It 's reflection in international private law that client has right to choose applicable law of contract in involving foreign affair .

  21. 国际私法中的意思自治原则(principleoftheautonomyofwill)是指国际合同的当事人有权合意选择合同的准据法。

    The principle of the autonomy of will means that the parties in an international contract have the right to choose their applicable law of the contract .