
  • 网络mou;memorandum of understanding
  1. 同样是在周二,国家电网与韩国电力公司和日本软银(SoftBank)签署了推动东北亚互联电网发展的合作备忘录。

    Also on Tuesday , State Grid signed an MOU with Korea 's power utility and SoftBank of Japan to promote an interconnected grid in north-east Asia .

  2. 中国科技部与美国卫生与公众服务部续签《卫生健康医药科学合作备忘录》。

    Renewal of the MOU between the Ministry of Science and Technology of China and the Department of Health and Human Services of the United States on Health and Medicine Sciences Cooperation ;

  3. 周五,商会与OECD签署了一项合作备忘录,意图为这些原则的实施制定更详细的说明。

    The chamber on Friday signed a memorandum of understanding with the O.E.C.D. to create more detailed directives for enacting the guidelines .

  4. 在泰坦尼克号沉没100周年纪念日的几周后,克莱夫·帕尔默向外界宣称,本周一他和中国国营的CSC金陵船厂签订了合作备忘录,准备踏上建造泰坦尼克II号的征途。

    Weeks after the 100th anniversary of the sinking of the original Titanic , Clive Palmer announced Monday he has signed a memorandum of understanding with state-owned Chinese company CSC Jinling Shipyard to build the Titanic II .

  5. 中国国航、中国石油、波音和霍尼韦尔旗下的UOP公司宣布签署合作备忘录,以利用中国种植和加工的生物质可持续生物燃料实现首飞。

    Air China , PetroChina , Boeing and UOP signed an agreement for the first demonstration flight using sustainable aviation biofuels that were produced from biomass planted and processed in China .

  6. 既然我们已经达成共识,可以先签订合作备忘录。

    We can go ahead and sign a memorandum of understanding since we 've already reached a consensus .

  7. 他说,合作备忘录的签署成为两所交流与合作的重要里程碑。

    " The signing of the cooperation memorandum is a significant milestone for the two stock exchanges ," he said .

  8. 菲律宾旅游部与中国国家旅游局签署的旅游合作备忘录执行项目。

    Implementation program of the memorandum on tourism cooperation between the Department of tourism and the China National Tourism administration .

  9. 这所英国的大学和青岛市以及山东大学签署了一份合作备忘录。

    The UK-based university signed a memorandum of understanding with Qingdao and Shandong University , a major national university in China .

  10. 故宫博物院与香港当局签署兴建香港故宫文化博物馆的合作备忘录。

    The Palace Museum and Hong Kong authorities have signed a memorandum of cooperation on the Hong Kong Palace Museum in Beijing .

  11. 会上,长沙市总商会与美国北卡中国友好交流协会就在长株潭地区联合建设“美国文化商业街”签署了友好合作备忘录;

    In addition , a cooperation memorandum was also signed between the chamber and the American Pengda Real Estate and Property Development Co.

  12. 10月10日中国电信与中国气象局在北京正式签署全面战略合作备忘录,双方正式结成战略合作伙伴关系。

    10 october , China Telecom and the State Administration of Meteorology signed in Beijing the memorandum of strategic cooperation , formally establishing strategic cooperative and partner relations between the two parties .

  13. 在中国的贸易伙伴中,有不少正急着发展高速铁路;哈萨克斯坦只是最新一例。泰国和老挝近期都与中国签署了高铁建设合作备忘录。

    Kazakhstan is the latest in a string of Chinese trading partners who are clamouring for some high-speed rails : Thailand and Laos have recently signed memorandums of cooperation with China to build high-speed links .

  14. 与部分国家签署了共建一带一路合作备忘录,与一些毗邻国家签署了地区合作和边境合作的备忘录以及经贸合作中长期发展规划。

    China has signed MOUs of cooperation on the joint development of the Belt and Road with some countries , and on regional cooperation and border cooperation and mid-and long-term development plans for economic and trade cooperation with some neighboring countries .

  15. 两国签署《美国核管制委员会和中国国家核安全局关于AP1000型核电机组核安全合作谅解备忘录》。

    Both countries signed a Memorandum of Cooperation on Nuclear Safety for the Westinghouse AP1000 Nuclear Reactor .

  16. 上个月,神华和壳牌签订了合作谅解备忘录。

    Shenhua and Shell last month signed a Memorandum of Understanding for a coal-to-liquids project .

  17. 双方欢迎交通领域合作谅解备忘录的签署。

    To this end both sides welcomed the MOU on Collaboration in the Field of Rail Transportation .

  18. 《清洁发展机制项目合作谅解备忘录》是中加实现这一目标的重要双边途径之一。

    The Memorandum of Understanding on Clean Development Mechanism Projects is one important bilateral tool we possess to achieve this goal .

  19. 英中两国还将签署一份基础设施合作谅解备忘录,这份备忘录能够提高中国投资英国项目的可能性。

    Britain and China will sign a memorandum of understanding on infrastructure co-operation that boosts the possibility of Chinese investment in UK projects .

  20. 2004年,中国卫生部与美国克林顿基金会签署了合作谅解备忘录,启动艾滋病合作项目。

    In2004 , the Chinese Ministry of Health and the Clinton Foundation signed a memorandum of understanding on cooperation , cooperation projects to start AIDS .

  21. 美国商业部上月与中国签署了旅游合作谅解备忘录,允许中国公民组团赴美旅游。

    The US Department of Commerce signed a Memorandum of Understanding ( MOU ) with China last month which permits group leisure travel from China to the US .

  22. 双方同意共同落实好《农产品贸易合作谅解备忘录》,扩大两国农产品贸易。双方一致认为,人民币应在中泰贸易中发挥更大作用。

    Both sides also agreed to fully implement the MOU on Agricultural Trade Cooperation and facilitation trade in agricultural products and RMB should play a greater role in the business transactions between China and Thailand .

  23. 我们指示金砖国家科技部长在下次部长会上签署《金砖国家科技创新合作谅解备忘录》,为科技领域合作提供战略框架。

    We instruct the BRICS Ministers of Science and Technology to sign at their next meeting the Memorandum of Understanding on Science , Technology and Innovation , which provides a strategic framework for cooperation in this field .

  24. 在第一阶段,应继续完善已有的双边监管协作机制,包括实施监管合作谅解备忘录、签订双边金融监管合作协议等。

    In the first stage , we should continue to improve the existing bilateral supervision and coordination mechanisms , including the implementation of regulatory cooperation memorandum of understanding , identification of bilateral financial regulatory cooperation agreement , and so on .

  25. 台资银行仍被禁止直接入股中国大陆银行,尽管在去年底签署《两岸金融监管合作谅解备忘录》后,台资银行现在可在中国大陆建立分行和子行。

    Taiwanese banks are still barred from taking direct stakes in Chinese banks , although they can now apply to set up branches and subsidiaries in China following the signing of a cross-strait financial memorandum of understanding at the end of last year .

  26. 九、双方将按照《中英海上风电合作谅解备忘录》的精神,加强在海上风电技术、施工标准、金融支持等方面的务实合作,共同组建海上风电技术培训中心。

    Both sides will strengthen concrete cooperation in offshore wind power technology , installation standards and financing mechanisms and jointly consider establishing a training center for offshore wind power technologies according to the MOU between China and the UK on Offshore Wind Power Cooperation .

  27. PCAOB一直在唱红脸&不断地和中方对话,而且签署了一些毫无意义的协议,比如双方在执行方面进行合作的谅解备忘录。

    The PCAOB have been the good guys , keeping negotiations going and making meaningless agreements like the enforcement cooperation Mou .

  28. 两国领导人欢迎双方签署关于加强跨境河流合作的谅解备忘录。

    The leaders welcomed the signing of a MoU on Strengthening Cooperation on Trans-border Rivers .

  29. 双方对《关于加强绿色低碳城镇化合作的谅解备忘录》的签署表示欢迎。

    Both sides welcomed the signing of the MOU on Strengthening Cooperation on Green and Low Carbon Urbanisation .

  30. 关于各国进一步制定海关与贸易界之间旨在开展防止药物走私合作的谅解备忘录的宣言

    Declaration on the Further National Development of Memoranda of Understanding between Customs and the Trading Community aimed at Cooperation to prevent Drug Smuggling