
  • 网络Springer
  1. 比如在瑞典,超过三分之一的英国史宾格猎犬被诊断患有乳腺肿瘤,类似于人类的乳腺癌。

    For example in Sweden , more than one-third of English Springer Spaniels are diagnosed with mammary tumours , analogous to breast cancers in humans .

  2. 史宾格犬“鲁比”是英国最成功的嗅钱犬,在服役的五年时间里,她总共截获了1050万英镑的违禁现金。

    Springer spaniel Ruby is Britain 's most successful money detection dog . She detected 10.5m pounds of illicit cash in the five years she has been a detector dog .