
  • 网络abutment body
  1. 该文通过工程实例,介绍在桥台台身位置采用植筋技术浇筋牛腿作为支托,架设一条热力管道穿越桥下的设计、施工及应用评估。

    Through the project example the paper introduces the design , construction and the applied evaluation of erecting a heating power piping under the bridge at abutment body position using reinforcement planting technology to concrete reinforced bracket as a support .

  2. 高速公路石砌U型桥台台身裂缝原因及防治措施

    The Cause and Prevention Measure of U Abutment Crack in Expressway

  3. 偏心量型式的振动发生器锚固在台身上。

    The eccentric mass type vibration generators are bolted to the platform .

  4. 钢筋砼台身部分爆破拆除

    Explosive Demolition Of a Part of Reinforced Concrete Wall

  5. 混凝土台身温度收缩裂纹原因分析及控制措施

    Causes analysis for temperature shrinkage crack of concrete pier and its control measures

  6. 谈片石混凝土桥基、台身和翼墙施工监理质量控制

    A Discussion on Construction Supervision and Quality Control of Bridge Foundation , Bridge Abutment and Wingshelter Construction and Quality Supervision of Cyclopean Concrete Retaining walls

  7. 结合具体工程的裂纹调查情况,分析了薄壁式混凝土桥台台身裂纹的产生原因,从混凝土配合比、养护、入模温度三方面介绍了避免温度收缩裂纹的技术措施,并总结了施工经验。

    Combined with investigation of specific engineering , it analyzes causes of cracks of thin concrete pier , introduces technical measures to avoid temperature shrinkage crack from proportion of concrete 、 maintenance and entering temperature , and summarizes construction ( experiences ) .

  8. 对石拱桥桥基、台身、翼墙浇捣及其支模、拆模等施工监理工作内容进行了详细论述,力求提高监理工作实效和所监理工程质量。

    The construction supervision on pouring , vibrating , form erecting and removing of stone arch bridge foundation , bridge abutment and wingshelter are described in detail in this paper with the aim of enhancing actual effect of construction supervision and quality of engineering .

  9. 学塾中有位老师向山伯透露英台实为女儿身。

    A teacher back at the boarding school revealed to Shan Bo that Ying Tai was actually a girl .

  10. 技术:梅威瑟和马奎兹都是集智慧、技术和拳台兵法于一身的精英级拳手。

    Skills : Both Mayweather and Marquez have elite-level intelligence , technique , and ring generalship .

  11. 台为砖石混合结构,由台身和石圭(俗称量天尺)两部分组成。

    The observatory , of masonry con-strudion , consists of the platform body and the stone gnomon ( commonly named as heaven measuring ruler ) . With a square plane , the observatory is narrow in the top and large at the bottom .