- 网络the feasible set

It is show that the set of weakly efficient solutions is connected when the feasible set X is compact and the objective function f is cone - continuous and cone - quasiconcave .
Vector F-complementarity problem , general vector variational inequality , and least element problem of feasible set .
Under a stable expectation of the IJV , the feasibility aggregation of technology transmission are decided by the technology transmission benefit coefficient of IJV and its partner .
Analysis construction of contract feasible set in supply chain
Secondly , a industrial feasible set can be defined through the study on resource endowment .
At each step , the projection algorithm is only to do the pro-jection into the feasible set and some function calculations .
Difference quotient algorithm for finding the feasible set of ( 0 , 1 ) programming of optimum design of structures with discrete variables
The new algorithm , based on a feasible set strategy , uses an improved simulated annealing algorithm and a deterministic local algorithm .
After finite iterations , the iteration point gets into the feasible set and the master direction is a feasible direction of descent .
On one hand , the original set membership identification algorithm by least squares support vector machines is improved for better characterization of the feasible parameter sets .
The concept of regularity of feasible set is presented , under the regularity condition , the stability of more general probabilistic constrained programs problems is studied .
The points in the parameter space can be divided into two classes according to whether they are in the feasible parameter set or not by decision functions .
We develop the model by drawing into the concept of " Pareto optimality " and use the concepts of feasible set and validation set to analyze the target function .
Under general feasible set , in consideration of the algorithms for nonsmooth equations and the properties of projection map , the algorithms using the normal equation to solve are discussed .
The feasible set is defined in which the variables economic senses exist and boundaries of the feasible set can be obtained by using combined methods of theoretical analysis and numerical .
The important property is that the feasible region is composed of several surfaces of the constraint region , and the optimal solution occurs at an extreme point of the constraint region .
The input of this model is the charging order of the annealing plans being annealed , which can be coded in natural number and expressed as the gene in genetic algorithm conveniently .
In contrast to the existed combined homotopy interior point methods , the start point needs not to be an interior point of the feasible set , so the new method is more convenient to use .
For bilevel programming problem with its lower-problem being linear multi-objective programming , it is proved that the feasible set is weakly quasi-convex and connected under the assumption that the constrained region is bounded and nonempty .
The main idea of the solution is that a discrete set consists of all the feasible solutions of ILP is stuffed into a continuous simplex , consequently the ILP is transformed into a new Linear Programming ( LP ) .
Several classes of vector F-complementarity problems are introduced and studied in this paper . The relations of the vector F-complementarity problems , general vector variational inequalities , and least element problems of feasible set are given under certain conditions .
To satisfy practical requirements of contract making among supply chain members , the concept of Contract Feasible Set ( CFS ), which extended the contract parameters to an interval , was proposed . Definition and properties of CFS were discussed .
In particular , efficient solution set ( or weak efficient solution set ) may often be the empty set when the feasible set is noncompact . But the set of approximate solution in very weak conditions can be not empty .
Based on the homeomorphous transformation for the model , it can be concluded that if the chaotic attractor for the diagonal is stable for the transverse small perturbation in neighborhood , it should be globally stable in the whole feasible set .
One main task of the SOC system-level synthesis is design space exploration . The essential of the task is finding the optimal set of solutions to a multiobjective optimization problem .
In this paper , an agent model is constructed which has the advantages of BDI model and the situation calculus . In the agent model , the mental states of an agent are comprised of state beliefs , effect rules , feasibility rules , strategy rules and intentions .
The possible solutions search algorithm ( PSSA ) is used to pre-select the materials to obtain the feasible solutions , and TOPSIS method is used to acquire the optimal solution .
Based on the optimization theory , the interior ballistic multiple attribute decision-making model is established . Feasible program set and index set for a certain large caliber gun is made based on classical internal ballistic model . Synthetic optimization and sequence is done for the program with TOPSIS algorithm .
Construct on the Feasible Solution Set to a Class of Linear Matrix Inequality
Robust invariant set is introduced to obtain the terminal constraint set and feasible invariant set for the estimated state .