
  • 网络the coca-cola company;coca-cola;Coca cola
  1. 可口可乐公司(TheCoca-ColaCompany)拥有赞助大型活动的悠久历史,比如奥运会,这是公司值得骄傲的地方。

    The Coca-Cola Company 's long history of sponsoring major events , such as the Olympics , is a point of pride for the company .

  2. 阿斯彭研究所(AspenInstitute)所长沃尔特·艾萨克森(WalterIsaacson)和可口可乐公司(Coca-ColaCompany)总裁兼首席执行官穆赫塔尔·肯特(MuhtarKent)将担任副主管。

    Its vice chairs will be Walter Isaacson , the president of the Aspen Institute , and Muhtar Kent , the chairman and CEO of Coca-Cola Company .

  3. 我知道可口可乐公司将在本周晚些时候被指定为联赛杯的新赞助商。

    I understand Coca-Cola are to be named as the new sponsors of the League Cup later this week

  4. 可口可乐公司必须使将近三十万台自动贩卖机接受新货币

    Coca-Cola had to adapt almost 300000 vending machines to accept the new coins .

  5. 可口可乐公司推出近十年来第一种主要新型产品:可口可乐生命(CokeLife)。

    Coca-Cola has launched its first major new Cola in nearly a decade : Coke Life .

  6. 穆泰康是可口可乐公司的现任CEO。

    Muhtar Kent is the present CEO of Coca Cola .

  7. 他一度曾希望自己的MBA学历能够加速他在可口可乐公司的晋升。

    Once , he hoped his MBA would speed his rise at Coca-Cola .

  8. 许多国际大公司及美国的大企业的总部设在该市,如可口可乐公司、UPS公司。

    Atlanta is the home to headquarters of many large companies such as Coca Cola and UPS .

  9. CMO我选可口可乐公司(Coke)的乔•特里波特。

    I like Joe Tripodi from coke ( KO ) for CMO .

  10. 可口可乐公司(Coca-Cola)全球闪亮品牌中心(GlobalSparklingBrandCenter)高级副总裁温蒂•克拉克花了很长时间研究年轻人。

    As SVP of the global sparkling brand center at Coca-Cola ( KO ) , Wendy Clark spends plenty of time studying young people .

  11. 说到社交媒体的行家,可口可乐公司(Coca-Cola)算是一家。

    In social media , coke is it .

  12. 可口可乐公司(Coca-Cola)正是进军电子游戏市场的最大品牌之一。

    Coca-Cola ( KO ) is one of the biggest brands to enter eSports .

  13. 今夏,可口可乐公司在澳大利亚投入使用了一台类似的机器以测试它的效用。这台机器可以收集产品销量,并通过一个电子LED显示屏和集成摄像机与使用者互动。

    This summer , Coca-Cola tested the use of a similar machine in Australia that collected sales and interacted with users by way of a digital LED screen and integrated camera .

  14. 可口可乐公司刚刚推出了分享可乐(ShareaCoke)营销活动,已在中国、日本、欧洲和俄罗斯市场启动。

    On a practical level , Coke just rolled out its ' Share a Coke ' campaign , which has been introduced in China , Japan , Europe , and Russia .

  15. 怒火中烧的投资者指出,可口可乐公司(Coca-Cola)这几年的股价却上涨了大约四成。

    During that same period , angry investors point out , Coca-Cola stock is up about 40 % .

  16. 可口可乐公司(Coca-Cola)拥有第二大椰汁品牌Zico。

    Coca-Cola owns the second-largest coconut water brand , Zico .

  17. 去年,可口可乐公司(Coca-Cola)建立了与社会媒体接触的一套准则,并通过备忘录发给全体员工。

    Last year , Coca-Cola established its own set of social media guidelines and distributed them in a memo to all employees .

  18. 可口可乐公司表示:这种瓶子的外观、功能以及回收利用都与传统的PET塑料瓶一样,只是所用资源更少,全球碳足迹更轻更环保。

    Coca Cola says the bottle ' looks , functions and recycles just like traditional PET plastic , but does so with a lighter footprint on the planet and its scarce resources . '

  19. 据《饮料文摘》报道,可口可乐公司九月份在美国推出了“Coca-ColaLife”系列。这是一种“中卡路里”可乐,混合了甜叶菊叶子提取物和糖。

    Coke is introducing Coca-Cola Life , a mid-calorie cola sweetened with a blend of stevia leaf extract and sugar , in the United States in September , according to a Beverage Digest report .

  20. 海关关长也用了不寻常的包装,可口可乐公司的C2,新“中卡路里的可口可乐”相结合的玉米糖浆与人造糖。

    CCE also has used unusual packaging for Coca-Cola C2 , the new " mid-calorie cola " that combines corn syrup with artificial sweetener .

  21. 根据可口可乐公司网站,这款冰制的可乐瓶子形状和玻璃材质的传统可乐瓶很相似,公司的logo则是直接嵌进到冰里的。

    This icy new drinking vessel is shaped like the traditional glass Coke bottle and has the company 's name etched into the ice , according to Coca Cola 's website .

  22. 我的朋友也是可口可乐公司的同事本•道奇,是乔治亚州圣约家园(CovenantHouseofGeorgia)理事会的成员,他邀请我参加他们一年一度的露宿募捐活动。

    My friend and colleague at the Coca-Cola company , Ben Deutsch , is on the board of Covenant House of Georgia , and he asked me to join their annual sleep-out fundraiser .

  23. 可口可乐公司(Coca-ColaCo.)本周表示,将向其驻华外籍员工提供环境困难补贴。中国部分城市的雾霾污染已达到有害的水平。

    Coca-Cola Co. now offers environmental hardship pay for employees who have relocated to China , where smog has reached harmful levels in several cities , the company said this week .

  24. 可口可乐公司从2014年底开始,跟英国南非米勒酿酒公司(SABMiller)着手建立一家将由SAB控制、名为可口可乐饮料非洲公司(Coca-ColaBeveragesAfrica,CCBA)的合资企业。

    Coke is creating a joint venture with SABMiller begun in late 2014 , known as Coca-Cola Beverages Africa , which SAB would control .

  25. 可口可乐公司目前正在推广这些冰可乐瓶子,瓶子用后可以融化不会损害自然环境。但根据ABC新闻指出,这些冰可乐瓶子需要额外的制冷条件,所以基本上抵消其环保效果。

    Coke is touting the environmentally friendly nature of these melt-away bottles , but as ABC News points out , they require so much extra refrigeration that it basically cancels out the eco-friendly aspect .

  26. 戴蒙谈到雇用和培养年轻一代的话题时,另一位讲话嘉宾&可口可乐公司(Coca-Cola)首席执行官穆泰康谈到了向年轻一代营销产品所面临的挑战。

    While Dimon spoke about hiring and training the younger generation , his fellow panelist , Coca-Cola CEO Muhtar Kent , spoke of the challenges in marketing to them .

  27. 这台设备造型时尚,看上去像是苹果公司(Apple)的产品。百事公司把它当作可口可乐公司(Coca-Cola)Freestyle可乐售卖机的直接竞争对手。

    The machine , which is sleek and resembles an Apple ( AAPL ) product more than anything else , situates itself as a direct competitor to Coca-Cola 's ( KO ) Freestyle .

  28. 可口可乐公司(Coca-Cola)第四季度的碳酸饮料销售取得了近10年来的最快增速,原因是新兴市场的消费量大幅增长,抵消了北美销量下降的影响。

    Coca-Cola enjoyed its fastest growth in carbonated soft drinks for nearly a decade in the fourth quarter , as increased consumption in emerging markets offset decline in North America .

  29. 可口可乐公司首席执行官穆泰康(muhtarkent)表示,其旗舰产品已成为中国消费者“能够承受的常用品”。

    Muhtar Kent , coke chief executive , says that its flagship product had become an " affordable staple " for Chinese consumers .

  30. 但今年的招标会境况不同,包括可口可乐公司(Coca-ColaCo.,KO)和宝洁公司(Procter&GambleCo.,PG)在内的很多企业都在重新思索:在中国公众上网时间越来越长的情况下如何向他们推送广告。

    But this year 's comes as companies ranging from Coca-Cola Co. and Procter & Gamble Co. are reconsidering how to reach out to a Chinese public spending increasing amounts of time online .