
kě shǐ yòng zhuàng tài
  • serviceable condition
可使用状态[kě shǐ yòng zhuàng tài]
  1. 管理和保养检验工具,使其一直处于可使用状态。

    Manage and maintain inspection tools to make them always functional and available for use .

  2. fsck的工作就是确保要装载的文件系统的元数据是处于可使用的状态。

    Fsck 's job is to ensure that the to-be-mounted filesystems'meta-data is in a usable state .

  3. 全文目录''%1!''处于不可使用的状态。请除去并重新创建此全文目录。

    Full-text catalog ' % ls ' is in a unusable state . Drop and re-create this full-text catalog .

  4. 反过来,你也可以通过一个离散的和可重复使用的状态机的规范来分别地定义上述的复合状态的内在分解。

    This , in turn , allows you to define the internal decomposition of that state separately by a discrete and reusable state machine specification .

  5. 为使资产达到预定可使用或者可销售状态所必要的购建或者生产活动已经开始。

    The acquisition , construction or production activities which are necessary to prepare the asset for its intended use or sale have started .

  6. 地基梁可不进行承载能力极限状态的计算,其配筋可由正常使用极限状态中的允许裂缝宽度来确定。

    Ultimate strength design is not required and the reinforcement can be determined only on basis of allowable crack width in design of beam on foundation .