
  1. 由于伊泰公司连续几年来效益上升,利润留存丰厚,企业信誉良好,因此,具备内源融资的条件。

    As Yitai Company enjoys escalating economic benefit , fat profit reserves and good corporate reputation for successive years , the conditions for internal financing have been achieved .

  2. 所有其他银行都提出了包括资产出售、风险加权资产重新计算、利润留存预测和所谓的负债管理的综合措施。其中负债管理是指回购市价低于面值的债务,它会立即产生资本利得。

    All other banks have come up with a combination of asset sales , risk-weighting recalculations , profit retention projections and so-called liability management exercises , involving the buying back of debt that is trading below par values , a process that triggers an immediate capital gain .

  3. 购并日及购并前利润、购并日留存利润的确定。

    The certainty of acquisition day , the profit before the acquisition , and the profit retained after the acquisition .