
  • 网络Presidents of Liberia
  1. 在我离开之前,我阅读了利比里亚总统艾伦o沙立夫o强森的自传《前途无量的孩子》(ThisChildwillbeGreat)。

    Before I left , I read Liberian President Ellen Sirleaf Jonhson 's autobiography This Child will be Great , which helped me imagine what my week might be like .

  2. 奥巴马将向利比里亚总统埃伦·约翰逊·瑟利夫(EllenJohnsonSirleaf)提供帮助,在该地区建设最多17个埃博拉病毒治疗中心,共有大约1700张病床。

    Mr. Obama will offer help to President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf of Liberia in the construction of as many as 17 Ebola treatment centers in the region , with about 1,700 treatment beds .

  3. 美国国务卿希拉里·克林顿在周二讨论了对于利比里亚总统埃伦·约翰逊·瑟利夫的支持。

    On Tuesday , Secretary of State Hillary Clinton discussed that support with Liberian President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf .

  4. 此前利比里亚总统埃伦·约翰逊·瑟利夫宣布该国进入90天的紧急状态,以应对这一致命病毒。

    This comes after Liberian President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf declared a state emergency of 90 days to tackle the deadly virus .

  5. 我的利比里亚总统的第一个任期即将结束,我将再次投入大选。

    As my first term as the president of Liberia comes to an end , I will be standing for re-election .

  6. 利比里亚总统爱伦·约翰森·希尔丽夫敦促选民忽略其对手温斯顿·塔布曼发起的总统选举抵抗活动。

    The Liberian President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf has urged voters to ignore a boycott of the presidential election called by her rival Winston Tubman .

  7. 检控官表示,当时担任西非国家利比里亚总统的泰勒用钻石与武器交换,然后将武器偷运至塞拉利昂。

    Prosecutors say Mr. Taylor - then president of West African Liberia - exchanged the diamonds for weapons , which he smuggled into Sierra Leone .

  8. 随着利比里亚总统竞选活动接近尾声,面临着反对派抵制星期二总统决选的现任总统需要选民出现高投票率。

    As presidential campaigning ends in Liberia , the incumbent is calling for a high voter turnout in the face of an opposition boycott of Tuesday 's run-off election .

  9. 埃伦•约翰逊•瑟利夫,2006年当选利比里亚总统,成为非洲历史上首位女总统。

    Ellen Johnson Sirleaf , President of Liberia Ellen Johnson Sirleaf , the first elected female head of state in Africa , has acted as president of Liberia since 2006 .

  10. 利比里亚总统选举的初步结果显示,现任总统埃伦?约翰逊?瑟利夫遥遥领先于最强对手,但仍要进行决胜选举。

    Initial results from Liberia 's presidential election give the current head of state , Ellen Johnson Sirleaf , a clear lead over her closest challenger but not enough to avoid a run-off .

  11. 该联盟包括利比里亚总统艾伦.约翰逊舍里夫、美国前总统克林顿、约旦王后诺尔、前爱尔兰总统玛莉.鲁宾逊,及前加拿大总理坎贝尔。

    Among those taking part in the initiative are Liberian President Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf , former U.S. President Bill Clinton , Queen Noor of Jordan , former Irish President Mary Robinson , and former Canadian Prime Minister Kim Campbell .

  12. 在赖斯之后上讲台的是利比里亚总统瑟利夫,她称赞美国在利比里亚内战后对利比里亚的援助。她说,世界指望在美国的带领下走出目前的危机。

    Rice was followed to the podium by Liberian President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf , who praised U.S. aid to her country following its civil war , and said the world looks to the United States to lead the way out of the current crisis .

  13. 尤里,利比里亚的总统正在来这里的路

    Yuri , the President of Liberia is on his way up .

  14. 卡鲁姆的父亲是利比里亚的总统

    Kalume 's father is the president of Liberia ,

  15. 利比里亚的总统说,埃博拉病毒已造成本国约2000人死亡。

    Liberia 's president says Ebola has killed about 2000 people in her country .

  16. 对于利比里亚前总统查尔斯泰勒的审判星期一在荷兰的海牙法庭开庭。

    The trial of former Liberian president Charles Taylor began on Monday in The Hague , the Netherlands .

  17. 5年后,115名证人和5万页指控其罄竹难书罪行的证词,终于让特别法庭做出了裁决,宣判利比里亚前总统查尔斯·泰勒因资助邻国塞拉利昂内战中的反政府武装,犯有战争罪与反人类罪。

    After five years , 115 witnesses and 50000 pages of gruesome testimony , the trial reached its conclusion , finding Charles Taylor guilty of aiding and abetting war crimes in Sierra Leone .

  18. 他还以利比里亚女总统埃伦.约翰逊.瑟利夫为例,说明妇女一旦被赋予权力,就能发挥多么巨大的作用,把一个濒临崩溃的国家带上充满希望的道路。

    And he pointed to Liberian President Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf as an example of just how much an empowered woman can do to bring a country on the brink of collapse to a hopeful future .

  19. 利比里亚第二轮总统选举计票工作正在进行中,这是2003年为期14年的内战结束以后的首次选举。

    Votes are being counted in Liberia 's second presidential election since a14-year civil war ended in2003 .