
dīng yǎo
  • bite;sting
叮咬[dīng yǎo]
  1. 当昆虫叮咬基因改造后的Bt菌玉米,他们叮咬的其实是满口的内置毒素,植物的每一个细胞都会产生这样的毒素。

    When insects bite genetically modified Bt corn and cotton , they get a mouthful of a built-in toxin , produced by every cell of the plant .

  2. 本例患者,这些因素与另一可能触发因素&昆虫叮咬结合,产生了可自衍生为MCC的炎性环境。

    In our patient , these factors were combined with another possible trigger-an insect bite , generating an inflammatory milieu from which MCC could have derived .

  3. 马不断地被苍蝇叮咬。

    The horses were continually pestered by flies .

  4. 防蚊叮咬好说难做。

    Avoiding mosquito bites is easier said than done .

  5. 被蜱叮咬会引发莱姆病。

    Tick bites can cause Lyme disease .

  6. 旅行者满脸都是被虫子叮咬的疙瘩。

    The traveller 's face was covered with insect bites .

  7. 当蜜蜂叮咬敌人之后,一种酸液就会沿着叮咬的地方进入伤口之中,从而造成剧烈的疼痛。

    When the bee stings , an acid juice flows down the sting into the wound , and causes a smarting pain .

  8. 皮肤被叮咬的地方高高肿起,在接下来的几天时间里,这个伤口都会令人感到疼痛难忍。

    The skin will swell1 at the place where you were stung , and that spot will feel very sore for several days .

  9. 过去有一个人,头上没有头发。冬天大受寒冷,夏天则苦恼于太阳暴晒之热,加上蚊虻叮咬,昼夜不得安宁,十分痛苦。

    Once , there was a man who was bothered by total baldness . In winter , he felt particularly cold , while in summer , the heat scorched his head , bitten by mosquitoes and gadflies , he had no peace day or night .

  10. 不幸的是,首页的补救措施例如吃大蒜或者服用维生素B片无助于减少蚊子叮咬。

    Unfortunately , home remedies like eating garlic or taking vitamin B tablets don 't help .

  11. McAb-IFA检出病毒抗原的时间分别为实验感染后第3d,自然叮咬后第2天。

    Virus was detected by McAb-IFA as early as 2 days after infection .

  12. wo们也的确应当知道这些潜在的健康问题以及预防蚊虫叮咬。

    You do need to be aware of potential health issues and to prevent mosquito bites .

  13. 有些研究人员认为血液的酸性环境让蚊虫无法存活,或是蚊子可以检测血液疾病,而另一些人相信维他命B提供了免于蚊虫叮咬的保护。

    While some believe that it is in fact sour blood that keeps the insects at bay , or that the mosquitoes can detect blood disease , others are convinced that vitamin B provides protection against mosquitoes .

  14. 因此,即使HIV病毒进入了蚊子或其他昆虫体内,昆虫不会感染,也不会通过叮咬人类而传播HIV。

    Thus , even if the virus enters a mosquito or another insect , the insect does not become infected and cannot transmit HIV to the next human it bites .

  15. 本文报道地里纤恙螨雄虫人工接种恙虫病立克次体后与雌虫配对培养和传代,应用幼虫叮咬小鼠分离立克次体和PCR结合核酸杂交(核酸杂交检测PCR产物)检测子代体内立克次体的结果。

    This paper reports the results of the detection of Rickettsia tsutsugamushi in the offsprings of Leptotrombidium deliense which male parents were infected through inoculating by using PCR combine DNA-DNA hybridization technique and traditional technique .

  16. 子叮咬的包和不安全感。尽管就像比尔·布来森(BillBryson)证明的那样,事情并非绝对如此,不过女性似乎的确更愿意展露困难的一面,而这显然比讲走了多少英里更吸引人。)

    l Bryson can attest , but women seem more comfortable opening up about the woes that are inevitably much more interesting than the miles . )

  17. 50%对母婴传播和唾液、汗液、蚊虫叮咬、共用浴缸坐便等不传播HIV途径缺乏认识;

    50 % did not possess the knowledge that HIV could be spread to the baby by the mother but could not be spread through saliva , sweat , mosquito bites or sharing of bathtubs or toilets ;

  18. 蚊子追踪二氧化碳(CO2)气体,因为它们叮咬的动物(在本案例中就是人类)呼出这种气体,蚊子在叮咬过程中传播诸如疟疾和登革热等疾病。

    Mosquitoes follow carbon dioxide ( CO2 ) gas because it is breathed out by animals , on whom they feed & in the case of humans , transmitting diseases such as malaria and dengue in the process .

  19. 斯氏按蚊叮咬伯氏疟原虫ANKA株感染的昆明小鼠18~21d后,在无菌条件下解剖出唾腺,制备子孢子悬液,接种于单层培养的胚肺细胞。

    ANKA strain infected Kunming mice and after 18-21 days were dissected under aseptic conditions for preparation of a sporozoite suspension .

  20. 用半饱血SGE抗原经间接ELISA法检测人工感染的镰形扇头蜱幼虫、若虫、成虫的免抗蜱唾液抗体的变化情况,发现被蜱叮咬的兔抗体效价随着叮咬次数的增加而增加。

    The dynamics of antibody responses in rabbit infected with the tick was examined using indirect ELISA . The antibody titer increased after biting and the more biting the higher titer .

  21. 方法采用茚三酮法、PAS法、Feulgen法及图像分析仪,对中华硬蜱叮咬不同免疫力宿主后中肠蛋白质、糖原及多糖定位和分布以及DNA的含量进行研究。

    Methods The techniques of protein staining , PAS , Feulgen method and imaging analysis were employed to determine the content of protein , glycogen , polysaccharide and DNA in the digestive cells of ticks ' midgut .

  22. “还有一情况比起常人蚊虫似乎特别喜欢叮咬我”,可能说明您皮肤中缺乏维生素B1,不妨补充些试试,无毒副作用。

    " Is there a mosquito than ordinary seems to be particularly fond of bites me ," may your lack of vitamin B1 skin complement , might as well try some , non-toxic side effects .

  23. JEV在鸟与蚊子之间有一个区域性传播循环,猪作为中间扩增宿主,带毒蚊子通过叮咬将感染性病毒传播给人。

    The virus has a zoonotic transmission cycle between birds and mosquitoes , with swine serving as an intermediate amplifier hosts from which infected mosquitoes transmit the virus to humans .

  24. IFAT阳性率不但受微小按蚊种群大小的影响,而且受其年活动时间和人暴露给它叮咬程度的影响。

    Not only the size of An . minimus population affected IFAT positive rates , but also the length of its annual activity time and the degree of human exposure to its bite too .

  25. 在现场窗户微开时应用该盘香能有效预防蚊虫叮咬,但蚊香点燃结束后2.5h,蚊虫叮咬率为13.3次/h;

    The burning incense could effectively prevent mosquito bites with windows open a little but 2.5 h after it was burnt the frequency of mosquito bites was 13.3 times per hour .

  26. 如果你还是不幸被叮咬了,那么Vosshall发现最好的办法就是迅速用你能忍受的最热的水来冲洗伤口。

    If you should get bitten , the most effective treatment Vosshall has found is to immediately run the welt under the hottest water tolerable .

  27. Vosshall说:蚊子在叮咬完了之后会留下蛋白质,可能这些热水就像煮鸡蛋一样使那些蛋白质变质了。

    The mosquitoes leave a protein on the skin , so it could be that the hot water cooks it , like cooking an egg , she suggested .

  28. 巴西卫生部传染病监测部门主任克劳迪奥·梅罗韦奇(ClaudioMaierovitch)表示,恐惧心理及科学信息的缺乏可能会导致人们无视政府的劝告,即防止蚊虫叮咬,清除滋生蚊虫的积水。

    Claudio Maierovitch , the Brazilian Health Ministry 's director of surveillance of communicable diseases , said there was a danger that fear and scant scientific information would lead people to ignore the government 's exhortations about protecting themselves from mosquito bites and removing standing water that allows mosquitoes to breed .

  29. 被叮咬受害者的免疫系统似乎对一种叫做“alpha-gal”的物质敏感。几种主要的食物过敏反应都由蛋白质引起,然而这里的罪魁祸首却是alpha-gal——一种碳水化合物。

    The bitten victim 's immune system appears to become sensitized to a substance called alpha-gal. And whereas all the major food allergies are triggered by proteins , the culprit here - alpha-gal - is a carbohydrate .

  30. 蚊子通过叮咬被感染的猴子从而把该病传染给人类。

    Mosquitoes pass the disease to humans after biting infected monkeys .