
  • 网络the nineteen ancient poems;19 ancient poems;Nineteen Old Poems
  1. 谈《古诗十九首》中被误解的几首友情诗

    A Discussion of the Misunderstood Poems concerning Friendship in The 19 Ancient Poems

  2. 本文在细读文本的前提下,在总结、借鉴前贤研究成果的基础上,从四个角度对《古诗十九首》进行分析研究。

    This paper discuss " The nineteen ancient poems " on prose under the premise of reading carefully and the foundation of research results * It is divided into four major chaters .

  3. 青青河畔草,郁郁园中柳。(《古诗十九首》)

    Green , green the riverside grass . dense , dense the garden willows .

  4. 迢迢牵牛星,皎皎河汉女。(《古诗十九首》)

    Far away twinkles the herd-boy star ;| brightly shines the lady of the silver river .

  5. 浩浩阴阳移,年命如朝露。(《古诗十九首》)

    In infinite succession light and darkness shift , | and years vanish like the morning dew .

  6. 对生命的深沉咏叹是《古诗十九首》的魅力所在。

    Nineteen Ancient Poems ' charm lies in deep intoning of life .

  7. 《古诗十九首》中的生命意识分析

    The Analysis of Life Consciousness in the Nineteen Ancient Poems

  8. 《古诗十九首》的悲情主题探析

    A Probe into the Melancholic Theme of Nineteen Ancient Poems

  9. 《古诗十九首》的细读批评

    Interpretation and Comments in " Nineteen Ancient Poems "

  10. 《古诗十九首》抒情艺术探析

    A Study on the Lyric Art of " The Nineteen Ancient Poem "

  11. 美丽凄怆之语,何以成为五言之冠冕&解析《古诗十九首》的声音

    On the Voice of Nineteen Classic Poems

  12. 《古诗十九首》的颓废主义诗歌

    Decadence Poetry in the Nineteen Old Songs

  13. 《古诗十九首》之女性形象&思妇的此岸形象与彼岸意义

    The feminine Image in the Nineteen Ancient Poems : Yearning Women in Reality and Ideology

  14. 论《古诗十九首》的浑雅之美

    Overall Beauty of Nineteen Classic Poems

  15. 论陈子昂《感遇》诗对《古诗十九首》的继承与发展

    On the Inheritance and Development of Chen Zi-ang ′ s GanYu Poems From the Nineteen Ancient Poems

  16. 回环往复的抒情方式与低回要妙的美学风格并不肇始于《古诗十九首》。

    The roundabout , indirect lyricism and mild graceful aesthetic style are not begun with The19 Ancient Poetries .

  17. 是时代背景和文学发展成就了《古诗十九首》的相思离别之情。

    So they were all painful . Time background and literature development lead to the achievements of Ancient Poetry 19 .

  18. 追迁逝于■古转意象于虚圆&从《古诗十九首》看东汉士人时空意识的扩展

    The Extension of Literati 's Consciousness of Time and Space during Eastern Han as Seen from 19 Chinese Ancient Poems

  19. 《古诗十九首》具有浓重的孤独意识,这种孤独意识可以从其中的游子思妇诗中得到集中体现。

    " Nineteen Ancient poems " displays heavily loneliness that embodied in its poems of the homesick husbands and the lonely wives .

  20. 《古诗十九首》在艺术风貌上兼有民间与文人双重特征。

    From the perspective of artistic style and features , the " Nineteen Ancient Poems " is of both vulgar and literary characters .

  21. 试论《古诗十九首》的抒情方式及其美学风格&兼与刘跃进先生商榷

    Discussion on the Lyric Patterns and Aesthetic Styles in The 19 Ancient Poetries & And to Be Discussed Further with Mr. Liu Yuejin

  22. 长期以来,许多文学评论家们对《古诗十九首》杰出的艺术成就评价甚高。

    For a long time , literary critics have spoken highly of the superb artistic achievements of 《 The Nineteen Ancient Poems 》 .

  23. 作为中国古典诗歌由民间走向文人自觉创作的标志,《古诗十九首》在抒情艺术上取得了非凡的成就。

    As the mark of the creation turns from folk to scholar , The Nineteen Ancient Poem gets great achievement on lyrical art .

  24. 本文旨在进一步探讨《古诗十九首》独特的艺术风貌的主要成因。

    This article aims at further exploring the formation of the unique artistic style and features of 《 The Nineteen Ancient Poems 》 .

  25. 《古诗十九首》的典范意义之一,或许正在于它对充满张力的情思的抒写。

    And one of the model significance of ( The Nineteen ) Ancient Poems lies perhaps in the emotions and thoughts filled with tension .

  26. 首先,将《古诗十九首》的艺术源头、创作背景做一个系统的介绍。

    First of all , I try to make a systematic introduction about : artistic creation background and origin of the " Nineteen Ancient Poems " .

  27. 《古诗十九首》在文学史上享有“诗母”之重要地位,其研究史延续近两千年。

    Regarded as the mother of poetry in the history of Chinese literature , the study of the Ancient Nineteen Poems has lasted for almost two thousand years .

  28. 20世纪《古诗十九首》研究与中国社会的发展变化密切相关,也与中国学术思潮的兴衰相表里。

    The study of Nineteen Ancient Poems in the 20th century is closely related to China 's social development and the flow and ebb of Chine 's academic trend .

  29. 《古诗十九首》是汉末文人五言诗的代表之作,在汉末文学史上有着及其崇高的地位。

    " Nineteen Ancient Poems " is the representative poem of late Han Dynasty scholar . In the late Han Dynasty literary history , it has a lofty position .

  30. 利用巴赫金的对话理论,通过分析《古诗十九首》中所表达的各种声音,以及作者委婉含蓄的表达自己内心声音的方式,尝试分析该组诗感发力量强烈的原因。

    With Bakhtin s dialogism , the author tries to find out the reasons of Nineteen Classic Poems emotional effects through the analysis of perse voices and poets tactful techniques .