- 网络Classical economics;classical economic school

Western economists , such as Schumpeter , Solow , Samuelson , Nelson and Arrow , have all conducted profound researches about it from different perspectives , and they were followed by schools of New Classical Economics , Neoclassical Economics , and International School of Innovation System .
Economics of population is form classical economic school 's theory of population and economy .
Classical economic population theory
There are many perspectives and conclusions about enterprise growth factors since Adam Smith 's theory of labor division , but they haven 't reached a consensus yet .
The second part systematically compares the Austrian school and neoclassical school of economics , the so-called mainstream economics school , so as to better understand the Austrian school of economics .
The theory of economic growth is the theoretical reflection of socioeconomic development , which dates back to the classical economic school represented by Adam Smith and David Ricardo , which was popular after World War II .
Most of the classical economic and previous scholars are against the public debt ; but after the " big crisis ", Keynesians endorse public debt even active liability ; after1970s '" stagflation ", a number of scholars reflect Keynesian proposition and stand for moderate liabilities .
In the 1970s , neo-classic school put forward and demonstrated the monetary policy ineffectiveness proposition .
New classical macroeconomic school was everybody become the rational anticipated school , because the school relies mainly on the rational anticipated etc hypothesis analysis of macroeconomic problems , think the government should not intervene in the economy , market economy will recover smoothly .
The second source is the classical theory of the distribution of economic thought , Marxist criticism of bourgeois classical school of economics in the representative Quesnay , Adam Smith , Ricardo and others , the basis of distribution theory , inherited the reasonable elements of their theory of distribution .