
  • 网络ancient furniture
  1. 浅谈古代家具的管理和保护

    Elementary introduction of the management and protection of the ancient furniture

  2. 中国古代家具审美思想成因的研究

    A study of the contributing factors of aesthetic conception of Chinese ancient furniture

  3. 这些特色、特征顺理成章的体现在中国古代家具上。

    These characteristics are reflected in the ancient Chinese furniture also .

  4. 她很会鉴赏古代家具。

    She has an eye for antique furniture .

  5. 她的讲座上将有幻灯片演示,是关于带镶嵌细工的古代家具。

    Her lecture will include a slide-show of historic pieces of furniture decorated with marquetry .

  6. 建筑与家具&古代家具结构与风格的建筑化发展

    Architecture and Furniture Colour AND Furniture

  7. 中国古代家具设计中的理性精神

    Rationality in Chinese Ancient Furniture Design

  8. 在几千年的演进历程中,中国古代家具在形制、结构以及造型、装饰、色彩等外观形式上都发生了深刻变化,并随着时代与地域的不同而形成了各种各样的风格。

    The ancient Chinese furniture innovated in thousands of years , and formed different styles due to both time and region .

  9. 中国古代家具作为社会文化功能和艺术审美功能的载体,具有丰富的传统文化内涵,体现了各个不同时代的审美意识。

    As the carrier of the social culture and the art aesthetics , the Chinese ancient furniture has rich traditional culture connotation and shows different aesthetic ideology of different times .

  10. 本文从哲学、社会意识等方面来研究我国古代家具审美思想的成因,追溯我国古代家具的文化内涵,以期从深层次上把握中国古典家具提供参考。

    This article detects the reasons of the forming of the Chinese ancient furniture 's aesthetic conception in the aspects of philosophy and social ideology and traces back to its cultural connotation , so as to understand the Chinese classical furniture in depth .

  11. 同时对我国古代家具发展最初由席地跪坐的低型矮坐的家具转变至垂足而坐的高型家具这一特殊历史时期的宋代作为研究对象。

    The same time , the study object is the development of Chinese ancient furniture , a low-type kneeling on the grounds of the furniture at first , then to sitting on the high-type furniture of Song Dynasty of this special historical period .

  12. 两国传统家具审美意识的相似之处体现为:都注重显现材质的天然纹理和色泽,黑、红两色在中日古代家具中都得到过广泛运用。

    Aesthetic sense of the traditional furniture reflected similarities : they all share a wood culture , pay attention to show the natural texture and material color . black and red in the furniture of ancient China and Japan . have been widely used .

  13. 西方古典家具史论(一)古代埃及家具

    Historicism of Western Classical Furniture (ⅰ) & Furniture of Ancient Egypt

  14. 一件美丽的古代法国家具。

    The an beautiful antique French furniture .

  15. 根据其关键构件的形式特点,中国古代木家具腿足可分为板足式、跗足式、立腿式、架座式、门式、托泥式等六种基本形式。

    The forms and structures of ancient Chinese wooden furniture can be classified into six types : Board style , Instep style , Standing leg style , Pedestal style , Kunmen style , and Tray style .