
kǒu shù lì shǐ
  • oral history
  1. StoryCo.获得了麦克阿瑟基金会颁发的100万美元的奖金,StoryCo.是国家口述历史组织,它们的作品也曾出现在NPR节目中。

    Story Co. , the national oral history organization whose works have been heard here on NPR , is receiving a one-million dollar prize from the McArthur foundation .

  2. 在法国巴黎银行(BNPParibas)、汇丰(HSBC)和巴克莱等一些机构,档案保管员发起了口述历史项目来捕捉高管们对事件的回顾。

    At some institutions , such as BNP Paribas , HSBC and Barclays , archivists run oral history programmes to capture executives ' reflections on events .

  3. 图书馆口述历史工作的伦理问题初探

    Study on the Ethical Problems of Oral History Work in Library

  4. 口述历史在地方文献工作中的意义及实践

    The Practice and Significance of Oral History in Local Document Work

  5. 我国图书馆建设口述历史数据库之探讨

    A probe into the database-construction of oral history in the library

  6. 口述历史及其在现代图书馆资源建设中的作用

    〗 The Oral History and the Collection of Document Resources of Library

  7. 口述历史:国家图书馆关注的新领域

    Oral History : the new field concerned by National Library of China

  8. 联合国口述历史项目信托基金

    Trust fund for the Oral History of the United Nations

  9. 口述历史与纪录片的结合实属必然。

    The combination of oral history and documentary is inevitable .

  10. 网络环境下高校图书馆口述历史资源的收藏和开发探讨

    Collection and Exploitation of College Library Oral History Resources under Network Environment

  11. 从新闻采访到口述历史的几点实践体会

    From Journalist Interview to Oral History : Practical Experiences

  12. 这是一部口述历史,是一代一代传下来的。

    It is an oral history , passed on from generation to generation .

  13. 成功的口述历史制作,可以给人以成就感。

    Oral history , well done , gives one a sense of accomplishment .

  14. 图书馆开发口述历史资源探索

    Exploration on Oral History Resources Development in Libraries

  15. 口述历史资料搜集计划藏经阁内存有丰富的历史资料。

    Oral history survey The Classics Pavilion houses a rich collection of historical records .

  16. 口述历史与高校校史研究&以中国科学技术大学口述校史研究为例

    A Case Study of the Oral History of University of Science and Technology of China

  17. “口述历史”超越了现阶段我国档案工作的边界了吗?

    Does " oral history " overstep bounds of archival work of our present stage ?

  18. 哥伦比亚大学口述历史研究室的建立,标志着现代口述史学的诞生。

    The establishment of Columbia University oral historical laboratory indicates the birth of modern oral history .

  19. 口述历史在美国刍议

    Notes on Oral History in America

  20. 人类生命的跨度给我们搜集口述历史资料的主题设置了疆界和范围。

    The human life span puts boundaries on the subject matter that we collect with oral history .

  21. 口述历史纪录片的话语具有故事化、情感化、碎片化的特点,节目制作者试图挖掘历史背后的故事,讲述与教科书不一样的历史。

    The discourse of oral history documentary tells a story , emotional , and with fragmentation characteristics .

  22. 最后,了解口述历史剧场策略对学生情感同理与分享方面的能力有何影响。

    Meanwhile , the influence of the students'competence of empathizing and sharing is also investigated in the research .

  23. 口述历史计划延长部分

    Extended oral history project

  24. 分析了大陆图书馆口述历史工作存在的问题并提出了相应的对策。

    After analyzing the problem lying in the history in China , it puts forward to the conferring solution .

  25. 虽然目前口述历史教学在中国的发展有一定的困难,但是笔者相信,口述历史教学在中国有很大的发展前景。

    Although there are some difficulties , the writer believes that the oral history teaching in China has great prospects .

  26. 口述历史资源反映的是大众文化和大众记忆内容,收集整理这方面资源,有助于增强公民道德意识及其自觉的社会主人翁态度。

    Oral sources represent popular culture and collective memory , which empower people , and are important for civic education .

  27. 由于目前学术界用传播生态学理论来研究口述历史尚不多见。

    The author considers that the present science theories to study ecology communication research of oral history are still not many .

  28. 在口述历史项目中,被采访者向采访者回忆一个历史事件,采访者记录下搜集到的资料,然后再创制出一个历史学的记录。

    In oral history projects , an interviewee recalls an event for an interviewer who records the recollections and creates a historical record .

  29. 本文选择编译了其中与口述历史关系较为密切的部分内容,包括“口述”和“传统”的各种意义;

    This paper selects and edits some contents closely related to the Oral History , including the various meanings of Dictation and Tradition ;

  30. 口述历史的诠释性是口述历史的哲学理论基础,它为其作为历史研究方法的价值性存在提供哲学层面的论述。

    Annotation is the philosophical foundation of oral history . It provides the value of oral history as a history research method with philosophical explanation .