
  1. 高平市谷口村骷髅庙考述

    An Investigation into the Skulls Temple which Situated in Gaoping City

  2. 这是楼口村最大的水库。

    This is the biggest water reserve in Loukou village .

  3. 童年时代常去玩耍的地方是学校后面的那口村井和树林。

    Familiar childhood haunts were the village well and the wood behind the school .

  4. 元朗山贝涌口村改善生活有限责任合作社

    " Yuen Long Shan Pui Chung Hau village better living co-operative society , limited "

  5. 长期以来,学术届更为关注元阳的梯田,而忽略了在梯田中生长的村落&箐口村。

    For a long time , the academic concerns more terrace than the village in Yuanyang .

  6. 另外,泉口村村民有很强的家族观念,依靠这种血缘关系和伦理道德,维系村民之间的人际关系。

    In addition , the villagers of chuen have a strong family concept , they maintain relationships between the villagers relying on this blood relationship and ethics .

  7. 以云南省元阳县等口村为例来展现哈尼族妇女角色地位的演变动因、速度以及趋势。

    This paper takes Goukou Village , Yuangyang County of Yunnan Province for example to illustrate the underlying causes , speed and tendencies of the changes of the Hani women 's roles .

  8. 通过对哈尼山寨箐口村传统节日“昂玛突”活动中两个寨神林的考察可以发现,旅游开发并不必然带来目的地文化的变迁,目的地文化还表现出固守的一面。

    Compare the two magic woods in Qingkou village on the time of traditional feast , we can find that tourism not always bring cultural change , the culture also represent fixedness .

  9. 他说,救援队伍尚未抵达都口村(音译),这里有8000人口,虽然死亡人数相对较少,但村子里没有电。

    He said Doukou village , with a population of 8000 , had not yet been reached by rescue teams and , although the death toll was relatively light , the village was without power .

  10. 泉口村是第二次国内革命战争时期湘鄂赣边区根据地之一,因此该村曾经历过土地革命时期的土改。

    Chuen Village is the one of the bases of Hunan , Hubei , Jiangxi border area in the period of the Second Revolutionary Civil War , so it had experienced the Agrarian Revolutionary land reform .

  11. 被彻底排除在外的地主和富农阶层,在泉口村这个地方,也顺应时势,努力完成角色转换,去适应新的生活。

    Be completely excluded from the landlord and rich peasant class , the village-chuen also conform to the trend of the times and strive to complete the role of conversion and to adapt to a new life .

  12. 阐明了旅游规划与保护规划的差别,传统村落旅游发展动力的不同情况,以及对箐口村未来发展与保护的思考意见。

    It draws a clear distinction between tourism plan and protection plan , and sums up three points upon force stimulating the development of tourism in traditional village . It also clarifies the author 's opinion on how to develop and protect the traditional village in the future .

  13. Changxiangdang,40岁,一家六口人住在malou村。这个人口1000的村落密集着用煤渣砌成的房屋,距离运输主干道不过几百米。

    Chang Xiangdang , 40 , lives with his family of six in Malou Village , population 1000 , a dense cluster of cinder block houses only a few hundred metres from the project 's main channel .

  14. 由磨石口假如这是磨石口到黄村,是条直路。这既是走骆驼的大路,而且一点不绕远儿。

    Between Moshi pass & if it really was Moshi pass-and huangcun , the road was straight , so the camels negotiating it would n 't take him out of the way .

  15. 丹江口库区土壤养分状况及空间变异性研究&以丹江口市小茯苓村小流域为例

    Study on Status and Spatial Variability of Soil Nutrients in the Danjiangkou Reservoir Region & A Case Study in A Small Watershed in Danjiangkou City