
  • 网络port logistics
  1. 基于SOA架构的陆路口岸物流园区信息化建设

    Building of information platform of inland port logistics distribution based on SOA

  2. 最后结合大连口岸物流公司的实际需求,给出了基于Web的集疏运数据仓库系统的具体设计与数据仓库的实现。

    As a case in point , the paper shows the designing and implementation of web-based data warehouse according to the needs of Dalian Port Logistics Corporation .

  3. 关于我国口岸物流现代化问题的探讨

    Investigation on the Modernization of Material Flow Technology in Chinese Ports

  4. 口岸物流是一种比较特殊的物流体系,是集多种功能为一体的综合性系统。

    Port logistics is a special logistics system with multiple functions integrated .

  5. 卸箱作业是口岸物流运输作业中的一个关键问题。

    Unload Container is a critical problem in transportation working of port logistics .

  6. 我国口岸物流信息平台建设存在问题与发展策略

    Problems and Developing Tactics for Constructing the Port Logistics Information Platform in China

  7. 对口岸物流设计相关因素的全方位分析保证了新口岸物流模式的可实施性。

    It also promises the enforcement of new model that analyzing from whole sides .

  8. 中职口岸物流专门化方向工作过程导向下实训课程的设计

    The Design of Training Courses under Work Process-oriented in the Specialized Direction of Port Logistics in Secondary Vocational School

  9. 所谓口岸物流,是指中心口岸城市利用原有口岸优势,以先进的软件硬件设施为依托发展起来的综合物流体系。

    The so-called Port Logistics develops in the port area with the harbor hardware strengths and the advanced information system .

  10. 口岸物流是近年来出现的新名词,是指以口岸城市为中心发展起来的综合物流体系。

    Port Logistics is a new term refers the complex logistics system that appeared recently and developed from the important ports .

  11. 由于云南口岸物流体系尚未健全,不能满足整个区域经济快速发展的需要。

    The incomplete logistics system of Yunnan to its surrounding countries is unable to meet the rapid economic developmental requirements of the entire area .

  12. 漯河市政府加大政策资金扶持,开通货运专列,促进口岸物流发展。

    LeiHeShi the government increased the policy support to the capital and opened the freight train , and promote the development of port logistics .

  13. 本文对口岸物流的概念进行了定义,分析了其特点,并提出了口岸物流的发展方向。

    This author gives the definition of the port logistics , analyzes its characteristic , and put forward the development direction of the port logistics .

  14. 航空物流:开展以航空快件速递、分拨、第三方物流、空运保税仓储等为主的航空口岸物流增值服务;

    Air Logistics : Develop the airports value-added logistics services mainly focusing on air express courier , distribution , third party logistics and bonded warehousing etc.

  15. 最后文章从经济效益、物流速度、物流成本等方面对新旧口岸物流模式进行评估,进一步验证新口岸物流模式为优派带来的效益。

    At last , the paper contrast current port-logistics model with new one from the sides of economic performance , logistics cost , process speed , and further verify the efficiency of new model .

  16. 本文在分析口岸物流集装箱运输特点的基础上,对该问题进行了研究,建立了一个卸箱作业优化问题的模型,并基于遗传算法设计了一个启发式优化算法。

    This problem is studied on the basis of the transportation characters and a model of optimal problem of Unload Container working is established . Finally , a heuristic optimal algorithm based on genetic algorithm is designed .

  17. 口岸国际物流运输管理系统的研究与实现

    Development and Research of Transportation Management System of Port International Logistics

  18. 上海口岸汽车物流的现状调研和分析

    The Shanghai port automobile physical distribution present situation investigates and studies and analyzes

  19. 口岸公共物流信息平台建设规划

    Research on Port Logistics Information Platform Construction

  20. 第一章简要描述了国际国内集装箱运输的发展和宁波口岸集装箱物流发展现状,并由此引出宁波口岸集装箱场站的发展情况。

    Chapter I briefly describes the development of international and domestic container transportation and logistics development of Ningbo port , and thus raises Ningbo container yard developments .

  21. 口岸是物流、人流量较大的地区,不仅存在疾病传播的风险,还面临外来新物种入侵的可能。

    Port is the area with a large flow of people and commodities , the risk of disease transmission and invasion of new species exists in port area .

  22. 大连作为东北地区的重要口岸,物流业尚处于初级阶段,严重滞后并阻碍了区域经济的发展,开展现代综合物流服务迫在眉睫,这一任务理所当然给大连港提出了重要的发展课题。

    As an important port of north-east , Dalian 's logistic is still in the primary stage and severely blocks the development of regional economy , therefore the operation of modern integrate logistic service is urgent .

  23. 近年来宁波口岸集装箱物流飞速发展,带动集装箱供应链中的相关单位的高速发展,集装箱场站作为供应链中的重要环节,其业务的深度和广度不断加大。

    In recent years , the rapid development of Ningbo port container logistics and supply chain related to container units rapid development . Container yard as an important link in the supply chain , the depth and breadth of its operations have been stepped up .

  24. 交易成本的节约、资源基础的异质,使得保税物流聚集于口岸,口岸物流和保税物流协同发展。

    The saving of the transaction cost and the differences of the resources basis makes the bonded logistics getting together at the ports , which leads the port logistics and bonded logistics joint developing .

  25. 其实质反映的是近代中国中东部较为发达城市(通商口岸)间的物流状况。

    The results reflected the logistics situation in the more developed eastern modern Chinese cities .

  26. 其次从江西省各口岸发展现状以及物流机构,分析了江西省建设口岸物流中心的必要性和条件,然后通过模型预测口岸物流需求量实证了建设口岸物流中心的必要性。

    Secondly , this paper analyzes the necessity and conditions of the construction of port logistics center in JiangXi province , which from the present situation about the each port and logistics agency .

  27. 保税港区是指经国务院批准,设立在国家对外开放的口岸港区和与之相连的特定区域内,具有口岸、物流、加工等功能的海关特殊监管区域。

    The bonded port area is Customs supervised special area , which is established at the national opening of the ports areas connected to a specific region , authorized by the State Council , with the functions of porting , physical distribution , processing and so on .