
  • 网络oral tradition
  1. 大多数的民俗故事最终会从口头传统演变成文字形式。

    Most folktales eventually move from oral tradition to written form .

  2. 这种出场有其深刻的历史背景,即口头传统与书写传统。

    This appearance has a profound historical background : the oral tradition and the written tradition .

  3. 彝族口头传统与民间文学的社会文化功能

    Socio-cultural Functions of the Yi People 's Oral Tradition and Folk Literature

  4. 民俗学视角下的口头传统

    Oral Tradition in the Light of Folklore Studies

  5. 书面传统与口头传统在互动之中为中国精怪信仰和精怪叙事的发展作出贡献。

    Writing tradition and oral tradition contribute to the development of Jing-guai belief and Jing-guai folktale .

  6. 非洲裔黑人小说不仅是欧美小说的一个分枝,而且是非洲裔美国黑人口头传统的一种发展,作为美国文学百花园中的一朵奇葩,非洲裔黑人文学更是散发着独特的魅力。

    As a wonderful works of American literature garden with hundreds of flowers , African American literature sends out unique glamour .

  7. 非物质文化遗产包括口头传统、民俗、礼仪、节日庆典、传统表演艺术和传统手工艺技能。

    Intangible cultural heritage includes oral tradition , folklore , ceremonial rituals , festival rituals , traditional performing arts , and traditional craftsmanship .

  8. 我想提醒你们在这本书里,超越其他传统,巴斯终于对口头传统感兴趣了。

    I want to suggest to you finally that Barth is interested in the oral tradition above all other traditions in this book .

  9. 夏、商、周初是先秦口头传统的兴盛时期,因而《洪范》应是夏商时代的作品。

    Xia , Sang , Zhou period reached the peak of verbal tradition , so Hong Fan should be the work of this period .

  10. 按照口头传统,七七节是摩西律法在西奈山产生的日子。

    According to oral tradition , Feast of Weeks was the time of giving The Torah or The Law of Moses at Mount Sinai .

  11. 特克斯马的血统和繁殖保持纯洁,通过保持血统的口头传统,也由于其相对隔离。

    The Tekes horses'lineage and breeding was kept pure , through an oral tradition of maintaining bloodlines , and also due to their relative isolation .

  12. 最后就当代童话创作向口头传统时代回归的倾向与弗莱的文学史的循环理论达成一致。

    At last , for inclination of modern fairy tale creation come back the traditional speak period have a same theories of Northrop · Frye " Cycle of literature " .

  13. 傈僳族民间口承文学丰富多彩、鲜明独特,是傈僳族悠久历史,古老传统的延续,是新的经济、政治、文化发展的缩影,其口头传统具有较高的艺术价值。

    Lisu folk oral literature is rich and colorful , is the continuity of Lisu history and the epitome of new economic , political and culture . The oral tradition has high artistic value .

  14. 在范围上,非物质文化遗产包括口头传统与表达,表演艺术,社会实践、仪式礼仪、节日典礼,有关自然界和宇宙的知识和实践,传统的手工艺技能五个方面。

    As for the scope , intangible cultural heritage includes oral traditions and expressions , performing arts , social practices , rituals , festivals ceremony , the nature and the universe of knowledge and practice and traditional craftsmanship .

  15. 口头传统作为世界各民族文化的重要遗产和承传载体,记录了人类丰富的文化财富,是各民族文化发展的重要源泉,也是民族文化身份的重要标志;

    The Black oral traditions are important heritages and sending carriers of the world nations ' cultures which recorded abundant civilization , and it is the developing headsprings of every national culture and the important sign of national identity .

  16. 对黑人口头传统的运用,使她找到了摆脱黑人文化边缘化与文化认同危机的文化策略,一定程度上奠定了黑人文化合法性存在的基础,批驳了白人文化优越论和种族主义偏见。

    The use of Black oral literary tradition leads to the discovery of her cultural strategies for freedom from the marginalization of Black culture and the crisis of cultural identity , lays the foundation for the legitimate existence of Black culture , and refutes White supremacy and racist discrimination .

  17. 但其书写是在与原有的口头诗学传统的竞争中发展起来的。

    But Chinese writing was developed from competing of the long-lasting original traditional of the theory of oral composition .

  18. 满族说部文本及其传承情况研究&第一批出版的《满族口头遗产传统说部丛书》的介绍

    Studies of Manchu Oral Text and Its Transmission and Inheritance & The introduction of the first publication of the " Series of Manchu tradition oral heritage "

  19. 民众通过对历史的集体记忆,将传说与地方风物相结合,延续了帝尧传说的口头叙事传统,表现了鲜明的民间叙事特征。

    By virtue of the historic collective memory , people combine legends with local scenery , continue the oral narrative tradition for legends about Yao , and show folk narrative characteristics distinctively .

  20. 美国黑人民族作为世界民族大家庭中的一员,传承、创造了的丰富口头文化传统,其中的口头文学、音乐、神话、民间故事、传说等就是莫里森森创作的重要基石。

    As a member of the World nations families , Afro-American created and sent abundant oral traditions , the oral literature , music , myth , folk-stories and tales formed the footstone of Toni Morrison 's writings .

  21. 第一个层次将阐述荷马及其口头叙事传统并扼要的梳理前人对《奥德赛》的研究状况。第二个层次展开论文的立论依据、批评范式以及创新价值。

    The first level will be explained Homer and its oral narrative tradition and briefly comb previous research on the " Odyssey " . In the second level argument basis of the paper criticized the paradigm and the value of innovation .

  22. 她的语言幽默、机智,吸取了黑人口头文学的传统。

    Her language is humorous and quick-witted , absorbing the essence of the tradition in the black oral literature .

  23. 但由于这种语言观独重口头、民间传统而排斥其他传统,致使文学语言失去了必要的发展空间。

    Unfortunately , it is his exclusive stress on the oral and folk tradition and his rejection against other traditions that makes his language lose the room of further development .

  24. 口头法与非洲传统法律文化

    AFRICA Oral African Law and Traditional Legal Culture

  25. 看来,这种口头讲故事的传统仍充满活力,经久不衰。

    It seems the age-old tradition of verbal storytelling is very much alive and well .

  26. 我们看到肃北蒙古族祝词是在特定的仪式语境中,通过口头表演来完成的民间口头传统。

    We see Subei Mongolian message of the ceremony is in a particular context , through oral folk performances to complete oral traditions .

  27. 在当今波及全球的人类口头与非物质文化遗产保护和研究热潮中,从口头传统切入对莫里森小说创作进行研究,不仅是必要的,而且是可行的。

    In the upsurge of studying and protecting " the human 's oral and insubstance heritages ", it is necessary and feasible that we study Toni Morrison 's works from the angle of the Black oral traditions ;