
  1. 长江口口外海滨盐度扩散的分层数学模型

    A Stratification Model For Salinity Diffusion In The Offshore Region Of The Changjiang Estuary

  2. 长江口外海滨悬浮体的粒度特征及其与锋面的关系

    The Grain Size Characteristics of the Suspended Matters in the Offshore Region of the Changjiang Estuary and the Relation with the Front Information

  3. 具体为:河口围填后相当于河流近口段、河口段、口外海滨段相应地向海延伸,必然会引起河口体系的自动调整并形成新的动态平衡;

    After reclamation , the mouth of river extends towards sea , causing the system of estuary adjustment automatically and reaching a new balance .

  4. 本文根据1988~1991年河口锋区现场调查资料分析的基础上,论述长江口外海滨悬浮体的粒度组成、分布及其与锋面的关系。

    This paper intends to describe the composition , distribution of the suspended matters in the offshore region of the Changjiang Estuary and the relation with the front .