
biàn xiàng tǐ fá
  • corporal punishment in disguised form;corporal punishment in any shape or form
变相体罚[biàn xiàng tǐ fá]
  1. 要让孩子感到你是一棵大树,把绿阴覆盖在他们身上;让体罚和变相体罚远离文明的场所。

    Let the child feel you are a tree , put them over the allow corporal punishment and corporal punishment in disguised form a place far away from civilization .

  2. 体罚和变相体罚学生现象评析

    A probe into corporal punishment and covert corporal punishment on students

  3. 形成初中学生不良群体的学校主要因素为:体罚和变相体罚;

    ( 3 ) The main school reasons : Punishment and corporal punishment in disguisedform ;

  4. 坚决不能体罚或变相体罚学生。对学生要有爱心、耐心和细心。

    No physical punishment to students ; be more patient , considerate and nice to the students .

  5. 冷漠行为、权压行为、体罚及变相体罚行为呈现显著的教师年龄差异。

    There is obvious difference in the age of teachers on the behavior of indifference , suppression , physical punishment and disguise physical punishment .

  6. 冷漠行为、体罚及变相体罚行为城区教师与乡镇教师存在显著差异。

    There is obvious difference between teachers from suburbs and teachers from towns and townships in the behavior of indifference , physical punishment and disguised physical punishment .

  7. 结果如下:1.具有教师问题行为的中小学教师不占主流,但亦有相当的比例,尤其是权压行为、体罚及变相体罚行为。

    The results are the following : 1.Some teachers have the problem behavior , especially on the behavior of suppression , physical punishment and disguised physical punishment .

  8. 而体罚、变相体罚等现象的存在,有悖师德,有悖教师职业素质要求。

    But the phenomena of the punishment or punishment in different forms go against the teachers ' professional morality , also violate the requirements of the teachers ' quality .

  9. 冷漠行为、偏爱行为、权压行为、体罚及变相体罚行为班主任与一般科任教师存在显著差异。

    There exists obvious difference between teachers in charge of class and ordinary teachers in the behavior of indifference , favorite , suppression , physical punishment and disguised physical punishment .

  10. 调查内容涉及教师的体罚(包括变相体罚)和心理惩罚、学校的各种规章制度、不良的校园风气等对在校小学生所造成的伤害,以及学生面对这些伤害时应对的情况等。

    It covers the harm resulting from punishment front teachers , psychological penalties , rules and regulations of primary schools and school spirit , and die measures taken by students .

  11. 体罚和变相体罚作为一种教育方式广泛地存在于教育的历史和现实、东方教育和西方教育、学校教育和家庭教育之中。

    The corporal punishment and its covert form , as the means of education , exist extensively in the history and present , oriental and occidental , school and family education .

  12. 调查显示,1/4的体育教师曾在教学过程中以体罚、言语刺激、变相体罚的方式教育学生,另外,有35%的学生曾经遭到体育教师的体罚。

    The survey shows 1 / 4 P.E. teachers used the corporal punishment , verbal stimulation in the teaching process . Another 35 % of the students had experienced corporal punishment by P.E.

  13. 目前,我国明文规定,禁止教师体罚或变相体罚学生,但实际上这一现象还是相当严重;

    Do Corporal Punishment and Education Go Together ? At present , corporal punishment or covert corporal punishment is prohibitive in china 's documents , but in fact the phenomenon is serious .

  14. 近年来,在教育界体罚和变相体罚现象屡屡发生,教师体罚学生的恶性事件不断出现,造成了恶劣的社会影响。

    The recent years have witness the frequent occurrence of corporal and disguised punishment and a mounting number of vicious examples in education circle , which have exerted bad effects on the society .

  15. 本文拟通过对冷漠行为、偏爱行为、权压行为、体罚及变相体罚行为的研究探讨中小学教师问题行为的基本特点。

    The essay discusses the basic features of the problem behavior of teachers from the primary and middle schools through teachers ' behavior of indifference , favorite , suppression , physical punishment and disguised physical punishment .

  16. 所以,要真正禁止体罚和变相体罚,转变教育观念是基础,加强立法和执法是保证,提高教师的师德水平和整体素质是关键。

    So to end the corporal punishment , we should base the conversion of education ideas , make sure that the legislations and the applications of the law strengthened and improve the teachers virtue and stuff .

  17. 第十五条学校、幼儿园的教职员应当尊重未成年人的人格尊严,不得对未成年学生和儿童实行体罚、变相体罚或者其他侮辱人格尊严的行为。

    Article 15 Teaching and administrative staff in schools and kindergartens shall respect the personal dignity of the minors , and may not enforce corporal punishment or corporal punishment in disguised forms , or any other act that humiliates the personal dignity of the minors .

  18. 第四十八条学校、幼儿园、托儿所的教职员对未成年学生和儿童实施体罚或者得变相体罚,情节严重的,由其所在单位或者上级机关给予行政处分。

    Article 48 Where teaching and administrative staff in schools , nurseries or kindergartens subject minor students or children to corporal punishment or corporal punishment in disguised forms , and if the circumstances are serious , disciplinary sanctions shall be given by their units or the authorities at higher levels .