
  • 网络Benefit tax
  1. 这些特性包括收入的充足性、税收中性、简单、公平以及受益税特征。

    These advantages include revenue adequacy , neutrality , simplicity , equity , and property of benefit tax .

  2. 由于纳税人倾向于支持收益大于成本的公共项目,所以受益税能提高公共决策效率。

    Because taxpayers tend to support those whose benefits outweigh the costs benefit from the tax can . improve the efficiency of public decision-making .

  3. 受益于烟草税和日渐增加的市政吸烟限制规定,中学生的烟草使用率也已达到有史以来的最低点。

    Cigarette use among high school students is at its lowest point ever , largely thanks to tobacco taxes and growing municipal smoking limits .

  4. 美国是世界上受益于国际铸币税最多的国家,并在此基础上构建了其全球领域的金融霸权。

    American is definitely the biggest beneficiary of seigniorge , taking the advantage of seigniorge , American has constructed comprehensive financial hegemony in the world .