
  • 网络Germinative energy;germination rate;germination energy
  1. GA3和Ca2+能显著提高玉米种子的发芽势和简化活力指数,且表现出一定的加成作用,但对种子发芽率没有影响;

    Both GA and Ca 2 + could obviously increase germinative energy and simple vigor index of maize seeds and had accumulation effect , but no use to germinative percentage .

  2. 结果表明:随着种子老化加深,发芽势、发芽率、活力指数、过氧化物酶、超氧化物歧化酶活性和可溶性糖、可溶性蛋白质含量逐渐降低,相对电导率和MDA含量不断增加,且品种间有差异。

    The results showed that the germination rate , germination energy , vigor index , activities of POD and SOD , the contents of soluble sugar and soluble proteins were reduced gradually along the seeds aging ;

  3. 结果显示:模拟干旱条件下,供试种的发芽势(3d发芽率)皆从-0.3MPa起即开始显著下降(P<0.05)。

    Results showed that germinative capacity ( 3d germination rate ) of the test species declined significantly ( P < 0.05 ) as the osmotic potential decreased .

  4. 聚乙二醇(PEG)引发能提高芦笋种子萌发的整齐度和发芽势,幼苗更为健壮,活力指数提高。

    PEG Priming can not only enhance the uniformity and potential of the AsParagus SeedsP germination , make the seedlings more strong , but also raise the vigor index .

  5. PEG渗透调节后,种子活力指数、发芽势、发芽指数、SOD活性、CAT活性均有不同程度的提高,相对电导率和MDA含量呈下降趋势。

    Treated with PEG , seed vigor index , germination potential , germination index , SOD activity , CAT activity increase at different levels , relative electrical conductivity and MDA content decrease accordingly .

  6. 结果表明,3%硝酸钾液浸种24h处理极显著提高了大黑长茄和沪茄3号种子发芽势、发芽指数。

    The results showed that germination energy and germination index of the seeds were increased with the treatment of soaking seed for 24 h in 3 % KNO3 solution .

  7. NaCl胁迫下,黄瓜种子的发芽势、发芽率、发芽指数和活力指数以及胚根长和鲜重均显著下降,且随NaCl浓度的增加下降的幅度增大。

    Germination vigor , germination rate , germination index , vigor index , radicle length and radicle fresh weight of cucumber seeds decreased significantly under NaCl stress with the decreasing of salt concentration .

  8. 在P0、P5时吸湿回干可分别提高菘蓝种子发芽势45%、9%。

    At P0 , P5 , germination potential of woad seed was respectively improved at45 % , 9 % by Moisture-Absorbing and Drying Again .

  9. 根据种子萌发特性,确定了发芽势和发芽率的统计时间,4d为初次计数时间,14d为末次计数时间。

    According to the characteristic of seed germination , the first counted time was 4th day and the last counted time was 14th day .

  10. 总的来看,转基因大麦的Trxh活性得到了很大提高,而Trxh活性的变化又进一步提高了啤酒大麦籽粒中的淀粉酶活性,促进了碳代谢的进程,提高了籽粒发芽势。

    All in all , the Trx h activity has been greatly enhanced and it has caused the higher activities of amylase , quick metabolism of carbon and strong seedlings-vigor in transgenic beer barley seeds .

  11. 较低剂量(30秒~60秒)的CO2激光处理可以促进秦艽种子的萌发率和发芽势;提高幼苗叶子的总叶绿素、叶绿素a、叶绿素b含量和可溶性蛋白含量,促进秦艽幼苗生长。

    The results showed that : ( 1 ) CO2 laser irradiation of lower dose ( 30s - 60s ) promoted seed germination , Improved content of total chlorophyll , chlorophyll a , chlorophyll b and soluble protein , and then promoted the seedling growth of Gentiana macrophylla Pall .

  12. 结果发现:较低浓度的DA-6能提高种子发芽势和活力指数,且能提高萌发时α-淀粉酶及总淀粉酶的活性。

    Lower concentrations of DA-6 proved to improve the germination energy and vigor indexes of the seeds and enhance amylase activity .

  13. 对西葫芦种子进行不同温度和时间的干热处理,结果发现:60℃、24h处理的效果最好,能提高种子的发芽势,促进幼苗生长;

    The seeds of summer squash were treated with different temperature and time . The results indicated that the best treatment was 60 ℃, 24 h , which could increase seed germination vigor , promote seedling growth .

  14. 这些研究结果说明,水稻对ABA的敏感性同时受单位点的多基因和上位性基因控制;而且控制种子萌发阶段发芽势和苗期对ABA敏感性的遗传基础有很大的不同。

    These results indi-cated that both single and epistatic loci were involved in the ABA sensitivity in rice , and the genetic basis of ABA sensitivity at seed germination and seedling stage was largely different . 4 new genes were obtained .

  15. 冷蒿VOCs可不同程度的降低种子发芽势、发芽率与发芽指数;抑制幼苗芽与根生长;阻碍侧根(须根)产生;抑制生物量积累与分配。

    The germination energy , germination rate and germination index were reduced differently ; buds and roots growth , fibres ( lateral roots ) development , total biomass and biomass allocation were inhibited by VOCs from A. frigida .

  16. 通过培养试验,研究了GaAs、Ga~(3+)和As(V)对小白菜和菠菜种子发芽势、发芽率和胚芽生长等形态指标以及过氧化氢酶、多酚氧化酶活性的影响。

    Effects of GaAs , Ga  ̄( 3 + ) and As ( V ) on the germination ability , gemination rate , germ band growth and the activities of hydrogen peroxidase , polyphenoloxidase of seeds of little rape and spinach were studied by means of culture experiment .

  17. 田间活力指数与脱氢酶活性、POD活性以及室内发芽势、发芽率、发芽指数、活力指数等指标显著正相关(p0.05),而与MDA含量极显著负相关(p0.01)。

    The correlation among field activity index and dehydrogenase activity , peroxidase activity , indoor germination energy , germination percentage , germination index and vigor index was significant positive ( p0.05 ), but the correlation between field activity index and MDA content was very significant negative ( p0.01 ) .

  18. 当提取液浓度达到0.025gDWmL-1时,对种子发芽势和发芽指数的抑制作用达到极显著(P<0.01),抑制率分别为14.5%和29.3%;

    Germination inability and germination index were significantly inhibited ( P < 0.01 ), and the inhibition rate was 14.5 % and 29.3 % respectively when the concentration of aqueous was 0.025 gDW mL ~ ( - 1 ) .

  19. 对K326种子进行了9个不同的催芽时间处理,并测定了处理后包衣种子的发芽势、发芽率及发芽指数。

    The seed of flue-cured tobacco K326 was primed in9 different treating durations , and the germinating ( viability ,) percentage and indexes of primed pelleted seed were determined .

  20. 试验结果表明:经高空气球搭载的谷子,种子发芽势比对照提高21.1%,株高比对照降低6.8cm。

    The experimental results showed that germinating viability increased by 21.1 % , plant height reduced 6.8 cm compared with control .

  21. 种子发芽势、发芽率和发芽指数在花后36d内随灌浆递进均显著提高,花后第46d发芽率达到最大。

    The seed germination vigor , germination rate and germination index were significantly improved with filling duration prolong within 36 d after blossom but showed difference further long .

  22. 结果表明:盐浓度越大,种子发芽势及发芽率越低,简化苗木活力指数(SVIS)越小;

    The higher the concentration of salt was , the lower the germinating energy ( GE ), germination rate ( GR ) and simplify vigor index of seeds ( SVIS ) were .

  23. 在30%的PEG6000高渗溶液培养条件下,种子吸水速度快、萌发时间短、吸水率小、相对发芽势和发芽率高的品种,具有较强的抗旱性。

    It was shown that the cultivars with high water absorbing speed , low water absorbing rate , short germination time and high relative germination speed and percentage had good drought resistance in the culture with 30 % PEG ( 6000 ) liquid .

  24. 结果表明:经Ca-GA处理和KH2PO4处理后的冬小麦种子萌发时α淀粉酶活性显著升高,发芽势、发芽率均高于对照。幼苗的根冠比增大,叶片相对含水量增大。

    The experimental results showed that Ca-GA treatment and KH_2PO_4 treatment markedly increase the activity and ability of α - amylase during germination whereas root-shoot ratio and the relative water content ( RWC ) were increased in young seedling .

  25. 结果表明,15mg/kgFe2+浸种对大豆种子萌发最有利,低浓度的Fe2+处理(0.01mg/kg、0.1mg/kg)使大豆种子发芽势、发芽指数和活力指数增加较少;

    The results showed that 1-5mg / kg was the most suitable for to the germination of soybean seed . Under lower Fe 2 + concentration ( 0.01mg/kg and 0.1mg / kg ), germination power , vigor index and germination index of soybean seed increased less .

  26. 结果表明:去雄期间摘除雄穗及1~4片叶时,商品种子产量将分别下降3.0、8.4、22.5和32.8%,同时种子质量(y0千粒重和发芽势等)也会受到一定程度的不利影响。

    The results showed that , when picking off the male flower and 1 ~ 4 leaves while detasseling , seed yield might decrease by 3.0 , 8.4 , 22.5 and 32.8 % respectively , and the seed quality ( such as thousand kernal weight , germinative force etc. )

  27. 磁场对水稻种子发芽势的影响

    Effect of Magnetic Field on the Germinating Viability of Rice Seeds

  28. 磁化水可提高甜菜种子的发芽势。

    Magnetic water also can enhance germination rate of sugar beet seeds .

  29. 种子发芽势在环境污染监测中作为生物指标的尝试

    A trying of seed germinating potential as a biological index for environmental monitoring

  30. 最后,本文还介绍了各种机械损伤对大豆籽粒发芽势和发芽率的影响。

    Finally , this paper introduced the effects of mechanical damages on the germinations .