
fā pàng
  • get fat;fatten;put on weight;gain flesh
发胖 [fā pàng]
  • [get fat] 身体变胖

  • 年老发胖

发胖[fā pàng]
  1. 伦敦国王学院的汤姆·桑德斯教授称:“有趣的是,研究人员发现,青年和中年时期的新陈代谢速度差异很小,而发达国家的大多数成年人都是在中年时期发胖的。”

    Prof Tom Sanders , from King 's College London , said : " Interestingly , they found very little differences in total energy expenditure10 between early adult life and middle age - a time when most adults in developed countries put on weight .

  2. 有些人天生就容易发胖。

    Some people have an inborn tendency t put on weight .

  3. 你如果吃这么多巧克力就会发胖的。

    You 'll get fat if you eat so much chocolate .

  4. 发胖至少有一部分是源于遗传。

    The tendency to become obese is at least in part hereditary

  5. 女孩子在长足个头之前可能会发胖。

    A girl may fill out before she reaches her full height .

  6. 有些食物比其他食物更容易使人发胖。

    Some foods are more fattening than others .

  7. 这种疗法有许多令人非常不舒服的副作用,包括发胖、粉刺、皮疹和头痛。

    The treatment has a whole host of extremely unpleasant side-effects including weight gain , acne , skin rashes and headaches

  8. 你要是吃得那么多,是会发胖的。

    If you eat so much , you will get fat .

  9. 四十岁以后她有点发胖了。

    She was somewhat inclined to fat after forty .

  10. 他长得敦实,可并不发胖。

    He is stocky though not chubby .

  11. 他渐渐发胖了。

    He is gaining flesh .

  12. 我近来好像发胖了。

    I seem to have put on some weight lately .

  13. 吃的食物里碳水化合物太多会让人发胖。

    Eating too much carbohydrates shall make you fat .

  14. 她不是发胖,是双身子。

    She isn 't really getting fat ; she is with child ( or she 's in the family way ) .

  15. 牛奶也是无糖和无添加剂的,营养学家推荐脱脂牛奶作为睡前的最佳选择,因为它是最不容易发胖的。

    Milk is also sugar-free and additive-free with nutritionists recommending skimmed milk as the best choice before bed as it is the least fattening .

  16. 牛奶也是无糖的,因为它最不容易使人发胖。

    Milk is also sugar-free because it is the least fattening .

  17. 人们之所以发胖,是因为他们不能消耗所有的卡路里。

    People get fat because they can 't consume all the calories that they get .

  18. 他有发福[发胖]的趋势。

    He has an inclination to stoutness / to be fat .

  19. 我们用人造黄油代替奶油,因为奶油会使人发胖

    We substitute margarine for cream because cream is fattening .

  20. 门上敲了一下,一个身材魁梧、略为发胖的男人走了进来。

    There was a knock on the door and a large stoutish man stepped in .

  21. 雷斯的同事路易丝·森夏恩(LouiseSunshine)发胖后,同样受到了来自特朗普的审视。

    Her colleague Louise Sunshine experienced similar observations from Trump when she gained weight .

  22. 食物原材料专家JessicaFenton表示,黑巧克力健康但又不发胖的枢纽在于纯正的可可豆荚。

    Raw-food expert and nutritionist Jessica Fenton says the answer lies in the unadulterated beans of the cacao pod .

  23. 他们发现,体内携带一种被称作DD的特殊基因变体的男子发胖的几率是常人的两倍。

    They found that men with a particular variant of it called DD were twice as likely to get fat .

  24. 来自瑞典乌鲁萨拉大学的学者ChristianBenedict主导了这次的研究,他表示充足的睡眠将有助于避免发胖。

    The study suggests that getting plenty of sleep might prevent weight gain , said Christian Benedict of Uppsala University in Sweden , who led the study .

  25. 可口可乐(Coca-Cola)投放了一个广告,展示一位人气高的女星戳穿这种软饮料会使人发胖、腐蚀牙齿以及含有过多咖啡因等荒诞说法,但这个决定取得了适得其反的效果。

    But Coca-Cola 's decision to make an advertisement showing a popular actress busting the myths that the soft drink is fattening , teeth-rotting and overly caffeinated has backfired .

  26. 有两条正常BDNF基因的患者与普通人群相比,不太可能在儿童期开始发胖,也没有报告不正常的超常的暴食。

    The patients who had two working copies of the BDNF gene were no more likely to develop childhood onset obesity than the general population , and did not report unusually high levels of overeating .

  27. 比尔19岁时开始发胖。

    When bill was nineteen , he began to fill out .

  28. 真冒失,居然跟我说我发胖了。

    What a sauce , telling me I 'm getting fat .

  29. 她开始发胖并长高了。

    She is starting to put on weight and grow taller .

  30. 我停止节食后就开始发胖了。

    I began to gain when I went off my diet .