
fā xiàn quán
  • right of discovery
  1. 论科学发现权之知识产权属性的合理性

    On The Reasonableness Of Its Intellectual Property Characterization Of Scientific Discovery Right

  2. 我可以让你拥有发现权。

    And I 'll let you have the claim .

  3. 对前者应当采用授予其发现权予以保护,对后者则应在充分尊重其知情权的基础上予以补偿。

    The former one should be protected by being granted with finding right , and the latter 's knowledge right should be respected and the indemnity should be provided .

  4. 在我国,发现权制度的粗略,导致了司法实践中发现权纠纷解决的困境。

    In China , the legal system of right of scientific discovery is very rough , leading to the plight of dispute resolution of right of scientific discovery in judicial practice .

  5. 随后分四个方面,即反不正当竞争法、民法、新闻发现权、信息库权利论述了保护事实信息所载利益的现有立法和理论。

    Furthermore , the author talked on the legislation and theory about the fact protection in four aspects that anti-undue competition law , civil law , the right of news discovery and the right of information base .

  6. 关于艾滋病病毒发现权之争的著述在国外已有许多,但国内对这一事件从科学史角度的研究还不多见。

    A good many articles and books on the controversy of patent right of the discovery of HIV / AIDS have been published abroad , but the studies about the event from the angle of history of science are rare at home .

  7. 科学发现优先权与科学奖励制度

    The Priority of Scientific Discovery and the Reward System in Science

  8. 面向科学发现优先权竞争的科学期刊发蒙之考略

    Emergence of Science Journals Facing Scientific Discover Priority Competition

  9. 研究发现控制权因素是影响定向增发选择的主要因素。

    The result indicates that control consideration is the main factor that affect the choice .

  10. 最可能发现先占权的领域或许是州际运输业。

    Perhaps the area in which preemption is most likely to be found is interstate transportation .

  11. 从科学史角度解释科学发现优先权争论的两个案例

    Explain Two Examples of the Priority Disputes of Scientific Discovery in the Methods of History of Science

  12. 但随着社会的发展,人们发现三权分立有时也不能有效地平衡权力。

    With the development of the society , however , people find that these three branches sometimes can 't effectively balance the power .

  13. 通过对存在失衡指标的招投标实例进行分析,发现常权的综合评估法对此类投标的评价存在偏差。

    Based on analyzing of bidding which has unbalance value , we found deviation on evaluating this kind of bidding by constant weight comprehensive evaluation .

  14. 本文通过研究勾股定理的的起源和历史,根据古代发现优先权的确立原则与判定标准确定了古希腊和古代中国同时发现了勾股定理这一结论。

    In this paper , firstly we assure that Ancient China and Ancient Greece found out the theorem simultaneously , according to investigating its origin and history , the principle and Ancient Found Priority judging criteria .

  15. 本文通过考察我国1997&2003发生控制权转移的282个样本,发现控制权转移能给目标公司带来9%以上的累积超额收益率。

    After investigating 282 samples of control right shift from 1997 to 2003 , we find that the shift in control right can give above 9 % abnormal excess return rate to the shareholders of target firms .

  16. 回顾林权制度的变迁史,不难发现林权制度的变迁都是为了更好地保护和实现其经济价值,满足利益相关者的诉求,这就忽视了林业的其他效益。

    Recalling the history of changes in forest tenure , forest tenure is not difficult to find that the changes are intended to protect or realize its economic value better and meet the demands of stakeholders , which ignore the other benefits of forestry .

  17. 科学学派的重大发现与优先权

    An important discovery and the problem of priority in science schools

  18. 研究发现,控制权转移对单个指标的影响并不一致。

    Found that transfer control of a single index is not consistent .

  19. 通过研究发现,弹劾权的运行程序主要分为二个阶段:弹劾的提起与弹劾的审理。

    Through the study , we find the operation procedure is divided into two stages .

  20. 第九十七条公民对自己的发现享有发现权。

    Article 97 Citizens who make discoveries shall be entitled to the rights of discovery .

  21. 研究还发现,林权改革有利于推动我国农村地区的林业发展。

    It is also found that forestland tenure reform is a driving force for rural forestry development .

  22. 建国后我国的立法进程可以划分为三个阶段,对地方立法权限在这三个阶段进行纵向比较后,发现地方立法权的享有主体逐渐增多;

    The national legislation experienced three stages , in which the subject of local legislative authority has been increasing gradually .

  23. 但是另外的日常日常观察表明,那些被发现的有权者很少表现出忏悔。

    But another everyday observation is that powerful people who have been caught out often show little sign of contrition .

  24. 发现人有权申请领取发现证书、奖金或者其他奖励。

    A discoverer shall have the right to apply for and receive certificates of discovery , bonuses or other awards .

  25. 作为知识生产制度的科学,依靠了一种非常特殊的知识产权&发现的优先权,来激励社会公共知识的生产和公开披露。

    As an institution of knowledge production science provides a quite efficient incentive scheme for the production and disclosure of public knowledge society needs .

  26. 既然布什先生已经发现了否决权的威力,他看来不会轻易放手了。

    Now that Mr Bush has discovered the power of the veto pen , he sees little incentive to keep it in the inkwell .

  27. 在1990年出版的《美国经济研究》发现特许权价值这种措施在对银行能运营的地方加以更多限制时失败。因此失掉市场力的银行能够作为应对破产缓冲力的资金更少了。

    Research published in the American Economic Review in1990 found that a measure of franchise values fell after restrictions were lifted on where banks could operate .

  28. 因此,发现警察盘查权运行中的问题,研究相应的对策,建立和健全相关制度十分必要。

    So , it is necessary to find and study those problems existed in the functioning of stop and question power by police to construct and perfect the system concerned .

  29. 通过分析同行承认与科学家个人综合利益之间的关系,本文认为科学发现的优先权之争实质包含了利益之争。

    Having analyzed the relationship between the recognition and the comprehensive interest , this dissertation argues that the priority disputes of scientific discovery involves the interest disputes of the scientists who involve .

  30. 从患者主动并自愿申请安乐死,我们能发现患者生命权法益的欠缺的事实根据,可以被看作医生为患者实施安乐死行为违法阻却的法律依据。

    From the point of the form with which the patient apply for euthanasia voluntarily and actively , We can find factual basis of the deficiency of legal interests in the patients'right of life .