
  1. 从理论上讲,作为一款发动机前置的汽车,由于质量的分布和更低的极惯性矩,F-Type在拐弯时应该比发动机后置的保时捷911慢。

    Theoretically , being a front-engine car , the F-Type should be slower to rotate in a corner than the rear-engine 911 , due to F-Type 's distribution of mass and lower polar moment .

  2. 现代悬挂动力学与轮胎设计,几乎已将发动机前置或后置布局所造成的劣势给完全中和了。

    Modern suspension kinematics and tire design almost entirely neutralize the penalties of either front - or rear-engine layout .

  3. 等速万向节是发动机前置前驱动轿车的关键部件,目前广泛采用球笼式万向节,但其加工精度要求高,因而价格较高。

    V. joints are widely used in today 's car . But its cost is high because of its high manufacturing precision .

  4. 因此对布置空间要求高的发动机前置前驱动轿车的前悬架几乎全部采用了麦式悬架。

    Therefore for front-wheel-drive cars with pre-positioned engines , which has high requirement on the layout space , the front suspensions all use Mcpherson type suspensions .

  5. 随着发动机前置前轮驱动型轿车日益增多,因汽车前轴负荷的增加使得转向轻便性成为人们普遍关注的问题。

    As the number of FF car is increased and there is more loading on the front suspension , people widely pay more attention to the steering handiness of automobile .

  6. 航空发动机静电传感器前置放大器设计

    Design of preamplifier for aero-engine electrostatic sensor