
fā zuò xìng shuì mián
  • hypnolepsy
发作性睡眠[fā zuò xìng shuì mián]
  1. 莫达非尼是一种新型精神兴奋剂,治疗发作性睡眠症及自发性睡眠过度。

    Modafinil is a novel central stimulant for the treatment of narcolepsy and idiopathic hypersomnia .

  2. 通过对白日发作性睡眠患者的研究,研究人员指出一种化学物质将对夜间失眠患者有帮助。

    By learning from patients who nod off unexpectedly during the day , researchers have pinpointed a chemical that could help people who can 't sleep at night .

  3. 发作性睡眠患者不仅困倦嗜睡,而且还突发肌力失调。在一些极端的例子中,甚至引起虚脱和数分钟意识完全清醒地僵直发作。

    Narcoleptics suffer not only from sleepiness , but also from sudden loss of muscle tone that , in extreme cases , can cause them to collapse and remain frozen-fully conscious-for minutes at a time .

  4. 按化学结构分类概述失眠和发作性嗜睡型睡眠紊乱治疗药物的研究与开发。

    According to chemical structure , the research and development of the medication for insomnia and narcolepsy were summarized classifiers .