
  • 网络anti-scientism
  1. 现代反科学主义思潮的科学文化观

    A New View of Scientific Culture on Modern Anti-scientism

  2. 论尼采哲学的反科学主义思想资源

    On Nietzsche ' Anti-scientism Thought Resources

  3. 反科学主义思潮下中国现代史学的人文指向

    The Humanism Side of the Modern Chinese History under the Trend of Anti

  4. 因此,研究反科学主义本身不仅具有理论意义,也具有现实意义。

    The investigation is important in the reality as well as hi the theory .

  5. 中国反科学主义如何可能&以科玄论战为例

    How is Ant-scientism Feasible in China & Take " The Controversy " for Example

  6. 评中国的反科学主义

    On Chinese Anti - scientism

  7. 第二部分,分析中国当代的反科学主义产生的背景。

    In the second part , the social contexts of the rise of Chinese contemporary anti-scientism are analyzed .

  8. 因此,反科学主义主要地不在于它的具体内容,而在于它那否定科学价值的立场和态度。

    So anti-scientism is not distinguished from other attitudes to science by specific contents but by its emotionally negative attitude .

  9. 现代新儒家的文化观也有两个最显著的特征:一是反科学主义或反科技主义;

    The culture outlook of the modern new Confucianism also has two most notable features : one is anti-scientism or anti-technolatry ;

  10. 文章详细地分析了科学、科学主义和反科学主义的概念的内涵与演变,指出了三者之间在当前存在的紧张与矛盾。

    The paper analyses the conception and evolution of science , scientism and anti-scientism in detail , and it point out the tension and contradiction among them .

  11. 本文对现代西方人本主义文化观做了批判性的考察和分析,认为现代西方人本主义文化观有两个显著的特征;一是反科学主义;

    This paper makes a critical analysis of the culture outlook of the modern western humanism and deems that this outlook has two notable features : anti-scientism and non-rationalism .

  12. 科学主义与反科学主义的分歧与冲突在西方社会由来已久,中国20世纪20年代发生的科玄论战中两者的冲突现象也尤为明显。

    The contention between scientism and anti-scientism has continued for a long time in the West , which is apparent in " the controversy between sciences and metaphysics " in 1922-1923 in China .

  13. 推动科学文化与人文文化的融合,倡导科学文化是第一文化,抵制反科学主义倾向,是当代中国文化发展战略的核心。

    The core of strategy of culture development of modern China is fusing the scientific culture and humanism culture together , advocating scientific culture as the first culture and resisting the trend of anti-science .

  14. 本文将对科学主义在西方和中国的发展历程做简略概括,目的在于为第二章反科学主义的出现及学衡派反思科学主义作背景铺垫。

    This paper will summarize the development of scientism in the West and in China . The aim is to pave the way for the emergence of the second chapter of the anti-scientism scientism and Xue Heng School reflection background .

  15. 综观这场话语权的激烈交锋,我们发现其焦点在于科学主义者与科学文化人关于反科学主义与反科学之争。

    Take a broad view of the fierce debate of " speech right ", we find the focus of the debate lie in the argument between " scientism " and " humanities " about the " anti-scientism " and " anti-science " .