
shuānɡ biān tiáo yuē
  • bilateral treaty
  1. 无论是在双边条约、区域性条约以及wTO有关协议中,国民待遇都主要表现为一种条约规范,仅仅适用于相关的缔约国,并不是习惯国际法的一部分。

    Whether in bilateral treaties , regional treaties or the agreements related with WTO , national treatment all embodies as a kind of treaty criterion , not a part of customary international law .

  2. 涉及蒙中之间双边条约的产生,蒙外双边投资的发展。

    Review beginning of bilateral treaties between Mongolia and China , and development of Mongolian bilateral investments with foreign countries .

  3. 双边条约与国际法渊源

    Bilateral-treaty and the origin of international law

  4. 地区性的跨国破产公约,特别是欧洲的跨国破产公约为国际破产法的统一化运动增色不少。此外,各国还缔结了大量的双边条约以解决破产宣告的域外效力问题。

    Regional treaties on transnational bankruptcy , especially in European countries , have promoted the movement .

  5. 母国与东道国签订保护投资的双边条约;

    The prevention of such risks lies in three aspects : parent country , host country and investor .

  6. 美国最好能够签订一项新的双边条约,以便美国食品和药物管理局在中国实现有效运作。

    Most likely , a new bilateral treaty will be needed for the FDA to operate effectively in China .

  7. 虽然我国也参加了为数不多的国际条约和双边条约,但因其中规定不甚合理而收效甚微。

    Although China had taken part in few international treaties and bilateral treaties , little actual effect hade been received .

  8. 条约与习惯是国际法的主要法律渊源,但由于在不恰当的程度上强调作为法律渊源规则拘束力的普遍性和适用的自动性,多数学者将双边条约拒斥于外。

    It is correct to take treaty and custom as primary legal origins , but most scholars exclude bilateral-treaty improperly .

  9. 为了使中朝宗藩关系取得国际合法性,清廷主动让朝鲜与西方国家建立外交关系,其后,又与朝鲜订立双边条约,从而使宗藩关系被纳入条约体系当中。

    China made Korea made diplomatic relations with the Western countries initiatively and got the international legitimacy for the traditional Sino-Korea tributary relation .

  10. 《中日联合声明》是一个双边条约,中日双方都必须根据“约定必须遵守”原则履行该约。

    As a bilateral treaty , both China and Japan should perform the Sino-Japan United Declaration according to the principle of'Pacta Sunt Servanda ' .

  11. 文章认为,短期而言处理北极法律问题的可取方法是国家间双边条约。

    This paper holds that the preferable solution to legal issues in the Arctic is a bilateral treaty between countries in the short term .

  12. 奥巴马表示,到年底,美国与俄罗斯将对减少战略武器库存共商合法双边条约。

    Mr Obama said that America would seek a legally binding treaty with Russia on reducing stockpiles of strategic arms by the end of the year .

  13. 国际税收情报交换可以建立在双边条约、多边条约、国内法和超国家的统一立法基础之上。

    And there are a number of international legal instruments on the basis of which exchanges of information for tax purposes may take place , such as bilateral convention , multilateral convention , domestic law and supranational law .

  14. 1860年以后,清政府对东南亚华侨开始实施全面的保护政策,并采取了在华侨居住国设立使领馆、与有关国家签订双边条约及规定等措施。

    After 1860 , Qing Government began to put the protective policy into effect to the ethnical Chinese in Southeast Asia . It took some measures including setting up embassies and consulates in the countries where the ethnical Chinese lived and signing bilateral treaties and stipulations .

  15. 双边投资条约(BilateralInvestmentTreaty下文简称BIT)是国际投资法制的最主要表现形式,其重要性不言而喻。

    The international investment regulation are largely in the form of bilateral treaty .

  16. 双边投资条约(BIT)构成迄今为止外国投资的国际保护的最重要工具。

    Bilateral investment treaties ( BITs ) constitute to date the most important instrument for the international protection of foreign investment .

  17. 现阶段,投资自由化是国内法、双边投资条约、WTO框架下的多边投资规则的一个显著特征。

    Recently , liberalization of international investment is a remarkable character in domestic laws , bilateral investment treaties and multilateral investment rules of WTO .

  18. 双边投资条约(BITs)是资本输出国与资本输入国之间签订的保护私人投资关系的协定。

    Bilateral Investment Treaties ( BITs ) is an agreement that protects the private investment relationship signed between the capital export country and the capital import country .

  19. CFC税制与双边税收条约兼容性问题及中国因应对策

    The Issue of Compatibility between CFC Tax System and Bilateral Tax Convention and China 's Countermeasures

  20. 随着发展中国家外国直接投资的日益增长以及大量双边投资条约(BilateralInvestmentTreaties,BITs)的签订,越来越多的外国投资者将与东道国之间的争端提交国际仲裁。

    The proliferation of direct foreign investment in developing countries and the increasing of bilateral investment treaties ( BITs ) have resulted in the phenomenon called investor-state arbitrations brought by foreign investors against host states .

  21. 做为一个阿斯佩特利亚企业,MDR有限公司的经济利益因他方违反了双边投资条约而受到了无法弥补的伤害。

    The economic interests of an Aspatrian national – namely , MDR Limited – have been irreparably harmed by this violation of the bilateral investment treaty .

  22. 当前,在大量的双边投资条约(BITs)中一般都规定了对角线条款,即投资者可以依据条约对投资东道国提起国际仲裁。

    Nowadays , in most bilateral investment treaties ( BITs ), the diagonal clause has been inserted according to which the covered investor would be able to bring arbitration against the host country .

  23. 第二部分是研究双边投资条约项下的投资定义仲裁实践,分别举例说明ICSID仲裁庭对双边投资条约项下投资定义内涵和外延的界定。

    Subchapter 2 studies on the arbitration of investment definition under bilateral investment treaties , separately illustrates how the arbitral tribunal identifies the connotation and intension of the definition of investment under bilateral investment treaties .

  24. 近十年来,因为包含解决投资者和东道国间投资争议的国际仲裁机制的双边投资条约和贸易协定的数量越来越多,所以ICSID受理的有关国际投资争议的案件迅速增多。

    Over the past decade , an increasing number of bilateral investment treaties and trade agreements have signed . Most BITs and FTAs include the settlement mechanism of international arbitration for investment disputes between investors and host countries . So the cases submitted to ICSID increased rapidly .

  25. 双边投资条约争端解决中的几个问题

    Some Issues of the Disputes Settlement in Bilateral Investment Treaties

  26. 送还被窃或被盗用车辆双边示范条约;

    Model bilateral treaty for the return of stolen or embezzled vehicles ;

  27. 双边投资条约中的绝对待遇标准评析

    Absolute Treatment Clauses in Bilateral Investment Treaties : Analysis

  28. 双边投资条约对发展权的负面影响及对策

    The Negative Impact of BIT on the Right of Development and Its Resolution

  29. 晚近双边投资条约发展值得注意的几个特点&极力弱化东道国外资管辖权成为趋势

    Some Characteristics of Development of Latest Bilateral Investment Treaties

  30. 我国《引渡法》和中外双边引渡条约也确定了这一引渡原则。

    Extradition Law in China and Sino-Foreign Extradition Treaty have both prescribed this principle .