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  • 网络Double Lamps;Dual Lamps
  1. 双灯并联YAG激光机有两套点灯电路。

    The YAG Laser with parallel double lamps have two lamp feeding circuits .

  2. NJH-30双灯串联钕玻璃激光焊接机及其激光光路系统

    Type NJH-30J Nd-Glass Pulsed Laser Welder and Its Laser Light-Path System

  3. NJH-30双灯串联型玻璃激光焊接机的控制电路

    The Control System for Type NJH-30 Nd-Glass Pulsed Laser Welder with Two Xe-Lamps Connected in Series

  4. 概述了Er∶YAG晶体的光谱特性,在此基础上设计研制了2套激光装置,单灯单椭圆和双灯双椭圆聚光腔及电源,比较了两者的优缺点。

    This paper describes the emission spectrum characters of Er ∶ YAG crystal . Two sets of laser devices are designed & one is single flash tube with single ellipsoidal condenser cavity , the other is double flash tube with double ellipsoidal condenser cavity and its power supply .

  5. 双灯快速烘干器的应用

    The Lamp quick ; The Application of Twin Lamp Baker

  6. 双灯互补提高功率因数的研究

    The Study or Double Fluorescent Lamp Mutual Supplement to Increase Power Factor

  7. 运用模型对双灯实例进行模拟。

    The model was applied to the case of Sund and was optimized .

  8. 钕玻璃激光器采用双灯、对称紧耦合非聚焦泵浦腔,激光棒的冷却通道与闪光灯的水冷却通道分开且相互独立。

    The designing construction of Nd ∶ glass laser cavity is double flashlamp pumped , symmetrical , close coupling and unfocused .

  9. 根据组成可分单灯(电流)、双灯(电流、电压)两种最基本形式的指示型电源插座。

    According to the components , the power socket can be divided into two basic modes , namely single light and double lights .

  10. 费驰有一只叫诺丽丝夫人的猫。那是只骨瘦如柴而且脏兮兮的东西,和费驰一样长着双灯泡似的鼓突大眼睛。

    Filch owned a cat called Mrs. Norris , a scrawny , dust-colored creature with bulging , lamp like eyes just like Filch 's.

  11. 本文主要论述双灯电子镇流器谐振槽路间的相互交叉干扰问题以及消除谐波、提高功率因数的重要性,并分析了谐波电流对提高功率因数的影响。

    This paper presents the cross-interference problem caused by the mutual effect between two fluorescent tubes , and the influence of harmonic currents on improvement of power factor , as well as the importance of using restraint of harmonic currents .

  12. 分析了造纸废水生态处理场降雨量、蒸发量和苇田蒸散量,以及实际耗水量和贮水量,结果表明,双灯纸业有限公司废水生态处理工程的零排放目标是现实可行的。

    Rainfall , evaporation capacity , rising capacity and practical water consumption and pondage were analyzed in ecological treatment fields of papermaking wastewater . The result enunciated that the goal of zero release of paper making ecological treatment fields in SUND Group Co. is realistic and feasible .