
  • 网络double-decked tunnel
  1. 本文主要介绍了在世界上首条双层隧道(上海市复兴东路越江隧道)这一特殊隧道结构的施工过程中,有关其通风控制模式、设备的选择、选型的一些经验和想法。

    This article mainly introduced in the world the first double-decked tunnel ( The Fuxing East Roas Tunnel ) in this special tunnel structure construction process , concerned it ventilates the control pattern , the equipment choice , the shaping some experiences and the idea .

  2. 地铁双层隧道试验研究

    The Research on Sole - hole Double Deck Tunnel of Subway

  3. 地铁列车荷载作用下双层隧道的动力响应分析

    Analysis of Double-deck Tunnel Dynamic Response under the Train Load in the Subway

  4. 双层隧道地震反应分析

    Seismic response analysis for double-layer tunnel

  5. 上海复兴路双层隧道大直径盾构旋转测控技术

    Rotational measurement / control technique for large diameter shield in double deck tunnel at Fuxing road , Shanghai

  6. 修建单洞双层隧道是一种隧道施工新技术、新工艺。

    Single - hole double lap tunnel is a kind of new technical method and proess in tunnel construction .

  7. 复兴东路越江隧道在国内首次成功完成双层隧道联络通道冻结法施工。

    Freezing method was successfully used to construct cross-passage of the first double-deck cross-river road tunnel in shanghai East Fuxing Road Tunnel .

  8. 单洞双层隧道作为一种新的隧道形式,不同于分离式隧道和连拱式隧道。

    As a kind of new structure form , the single cavern and double layer tunnel is different from the separated tunnel and double-arch tunnel .

  9. 地下铁道单洞双层隧道施工技术研究两线双向中继器。可指定单线或双线。

    Study on construction technology of sole hole double deck tunnel in underground railway 2-wire , 2-way repeater . One or two line can be specified .

  10. 而单洞双层隧道较易保证施工安全和控制地表下沉量。

    As for the sole hole double deck tunnel , it is easy to ensure construction safety and control the settlement of the earth ′ s surface .

  11. 针对双层隧道衬砌结构,建立了既考虑围岩与结构的相互作用,又能考虑车辆活荷载作用的结构计算模型。

    The calculation models of the double decked tunnel were established in consideration of not only the interaction of the strata surrounding and lining but also the effect of live loads of vehicle .

  12. 以单洞单隔板双层隧道断面为研究对象,对有限元模型进行了模态分析,确定了体系的阻尼参数以及动力分析的时间积分步长。

    The method aims at a single cave which is be parted as a single double-deck tunnel by a clapboard to study , finite element model of a modal analysis to determine the damping parameters of the system and the dynamic analysis of time integration step .

  13. 单、双层衬砌隧道的非线性有限元分析

    Nonlinear FEM analysis for single and double lining tunnels

  14. 双层重叠隧道施工关键技术及对策

    Double lap tunnel construction technique and Its Countermeasures

  15. 介绍了工程概况,对江中双层圆隧道、联络通道和岸边段的施工方案、机电设备安装作了详细阐述。

    An overview on construction of under-river section , liaison passage , landward section and electromechanical installation is presented .

  16. 介绍世界上第一条投入运营的盾构法双层公路隧道&上海市复兴东路越江隧道江中段圆隧道衬砌圆环的结构选型和设计计算。

    This article introduces the lining structure selection and design calculation of the world first double-decked highway shield method tunnel - Shanghai East Fuxing Road Tunnel .

  17. 系统中磁浮列车与轨道梁,轮轨列车与轨道,双层衬砌隧道,隧道与土体中的耦合作用采用不同的动力耦合模型。

    Different non-linear dynamic coupling methods are adopt to simulation the different dynamic interaction between maglev train and guideway , wheel-rail train and track , inner and outer lining , tunnel and soil in the model .

  18. 上海复兴东路双层越江隧道道路同步施工工艺研究与应用

    Synchronized Construction of Upper and Lower Road Decks in East Fuxin Road Double Deck River-crossing Tunnel

  19. 双层越江隧道联络通道冻结法温度场影响因素

    The Influencing Factor of the Temperature Field of Cross-passage Construction by Freezing Method in Double-Deck Road Tunnels

  20. 双层推板式PTC隧道窑及其控制过程

    A Two - Story Pushing Board Tunnel Kiln and Its Controlling Process

  21. 双层集装箱列车过隧道空气压差阻力实验研究

    Experimental research on pressure drag of the double container car passing through tunnel

  22. 为了给列车牵引计算提供依据,在遂渝线上对双层集装箱列车过隧道时空气压差阻力进行了实车测量。

    In order to provide the basis of the traction calculation of the train , the experiment of the pressure drag when a double container car passes a tunnel was carried out in the Suining-Chongqing railway line .