
cān kǎo jià
  • reference price;proposed price
  1. 您给的参考价,是否最后的价格?

    Is the reference price offered by you the final one ?

  2. 这个参考价我们无法接受。

    This reference price is out of our reach .

  3. 在瑞银(ubs)带领下进行全球路演后,民生银行h股将于本周四进行定价,其参考价为8.50-9.50港元。

    Minsheng H-shares will be priced on Thursday this week , following a global roadshow led by UBS , within the indicative range of HK $ 8.50-hk $ 9.50 .

  4. 通常来说,官方收盘价对市场是最重要的官方参考价。

    The official close is generally the most important official reference price for the market .

  5. 本文的研究成果对无砟轨道技术再创新工作具有积极的参考价佰。

    The research of this paper has positive reference value in the ballastless track technology innovation .

  6. 以下价格为参考价,实际价格一律以市场价格为准。

    The reference price as follows , and the real price completely depends on the market price .

  7. 若要收取门票,此次调查的中位值20元可作为参考价。

    If you want to collect tickets , this investigation , the median value $ 20can be used as reference price .

  8. 当产品价格越低,降价幅度越大时,消费者内部参考价下降越大。

    When the product price is lower , the cut prices is higher , consumer ' internal reference price decline more .

  9. 实行网上交易后,开发商将在销售前以幢为单位,提供一个销售参考价。

    After the introduction of online transactions , developers will be issued for pre-sale units to provide a reference sale price .

  10. 在没有发生取消事件?即于到期前中国人寿股份之收市价分别低于取消价及参考价的情况下。

    No knock-out event occurs-the closing price of China Life shares is below both knock-out price and reference price prior to maturity .

  11. 若挂钩证券的价格跌至参考价以下,投资者将会损失部分或全部投资金额。

    If the price of the underlying security falls below the reference price , investors will lose some or all of their original investment amount .

  12. 作为回报,这些股权单位将以高出参考价20%的价格转换成股票。

    In return , the units convert into stock at a premium of 20 per cent to the reference price , which will be set shortly .

  13. 若表现最差证券于定价日之收市价低于参考价,最初证券数目5。

    Initial number of securities5if the closing price of the worst performing security as of the fixing date is below the reference price on the fixing date .

  14. 本文只是对爆炸驱动技术进行了初步探索性的研究,希望研究成果对从事爆炸驱动技术方面工作的研究人员有一定的借鉴作用和应用参考价。

    This thesis studies the it Preliminarily , hoping the achievements of this dissertation have use for reference and practical consulting value for researching personnel who major on Explosively Drive Technology .