
  1. 西峡县山茱萸生长的地质环境分析

    An analysis on geology enviroment of shan-zhuyu development in Xixia County

  2. 金寨县山核桃资源调查及开发前景

    The Resources and Development Prospect of Walnut in Jinzhai County

  3. 长汀县山麻鸭寄生蠕虫调查及其群落生态分析

    A survey and ecological analysis of helminth community of domestic ducks in Changting county , Fujian

  4. 本文对内蒙古自治区赤峰市宁城县山嘴子辽代墓地出土的古代契丹族颅骨的人类学特征进行了研究。

    The skulls of Qidan nationality studied in this paper were excavated from the Liao dynasty tombs in Shanzuizi site , Ningcheng County , Inner Mongolia .

  5. 通过对金寨县山核桃资源及其生长条件的调查,阐述了其开发前景和在山区经济建设中的作用。

    The natural resources , growth conditions , development prospect and plan of walnut in Jinzhai County were discussed in the paper , and walnut production will play an important role in the economic development in the mountain area .

  6. 本文阐述了四川省旺苍县山王庙红色花岗石矿的地质特征,重点对其矿石的商品特色及矿石质量作了评价。

    The paper describes in detail the geological characteristics of the Shanwang Miao red granite deposit in Wangcang County , Sichuan Province . It maks a geological economic appraisal of the commodity features and the quality of granite in the deposit .

  7. 壶关县太行山绿化经验与技术浅谈

    Techniques and experiences of Taihang Mt . Greening in Huguan County

  8. 卢龙县低山丘陵区灌丛的聚类分析

    The cluster analysis of deciduous broad-leaved brush-wood in the Hilly District in Lulong County

  9. 江西资溪县马头山自然保护区森林小气候变化特征研究

    Studies on Variation Characteristics of Forest Microclimate in Matoushan Nature Reserve in Zixi County

  10. 峨眉山风景区总体规划宁夏泾源县堡子山景区总体规划构思

    The plot of overall plan for baozi mountain landscape area in Jingyuan County of Ningxia

  11. 日本爱知县的山车祭

    Float Festival In Aichi-ken , Japan

  12. 云南镇康县大雪山常绿阔叶林的群落分析

    Community analysis of the evergreen broad-leaf forest on Da Xue mountain . zhenkang county , Yunnan Province

  13. 记得要登上南郑县汉山山顶,那里可以拍到最美的景色。

    Remember to climb to the top of Hanshan Mountain in Nanzheng county to take the best pictures .

  14. 川中丘陵区一个农田生态平衡的雏型&盐亭县林山公社

    An embryonic form of equilibrium of agro-eco-system in Mid-Sichuan basin region & linshan people 's commune of Yanting County

  15. 选取双鸭山市羊鼻山铁矿、汤原县东风山铁矿作为典型矿床进行研究。

    We Select Shuangyashan City Yangbi hill ironore , Tangyuan county east hill iron ore as typical ore deposit .

  16. 江西省都昌县矶山联圩内坡护坡方式选择及应用

    Slope ( inside slope ) protection pattern selection and appliance about Jishan dyke in Duchang County in Jiangxi Province

  17. 江西星子县玉泉山青石矿矿体为中元古界双桥山群上亚群浅变质含粉砂绢云母板岩。

    The bluestone body in Yuquanshan of Xingzi , Jiangxi consists of a slightly metamorphosed silt-bearing sericite slate of the Middle Proterozoic Shuangqiaoshan Upper Subgroup .

  18. 本文对承德县甲山正长岩体进行了岩石谱系单位划分,归并为甲山序列;

    In this paper , the authors divide the lithologic unit series of syenite intrusive bodies in Jiashan , Chengde County and classify them as the Jiashan System .

  19. 湖南洞口县炭山一带,是官话、湘语和赣语交汇之处,其语音系统颇具特色。

    This paper describes the phonological system of Tanshan dialect , which is used in the junction of Mandarin and Xiang dialect in Tongkou County , Hunan province .

  20. 总结了沂水县跋山烈士陵园主纪念塔方案设计的全过程,分析了纪念性建筑和环境、形式和思想内容之间的密切联系。

    The essay summarizes the process of the design that for the monument sacred to the memory of marlys , arlalizes tile relation between the memorial architecture and its environment .

  21. 依据现存文献,颞颌关节脱位口内复位法的最早记载见于1984年湖北省江陵县张家山出土的汉简《引书》。

    The earliest records of temporomandibular dislocation reduced inside the oral cavity can be found in Yinshu ( The Pulling Book ) unearthed in Han Bamboo script in1984 in Zhangjiashan , Hu-bei Province .

  22. 1645年,李自成在湖北通山县九宫山遭到地主武装的袭击,壮烈牺牲,1646年底,张献忠壮烈牺牲。

    In 1645 , Li Zicheng was attacked by the landlord force in Jiugongshan Mountain of Tongshan County , Hubei and died a hero , s death . At the end of 1646 , Zhang Xianzhong died and the peasants uprising at the later period of Ming failed eventually .

  23. 南郑县和鸡公山地区年轮宽度与NDVI年值之间关系均不显著(P>0.05)。

    In northern subtropical region , the relationship between masson pine tree-ring width and forest NDVI was not significant ( P > 0.05 ) .

  24. 旺苍县鼓城山森林公园景观评价

    Landscape evalution of Gucheng Mountain Forest Park in Wangcang County

  25. 四川省汶川县四姑娘山地区冰川作用初步考察

    Preliminary Investigation on Glaciation in Siguniang Mountainous Region of Wenchuan County in Sichuan Province

  26. 青龙是山区农业县,境内山多地少,素有“八山一水一分田”之称。

    Dragon is a mountainous county of mountainous territory , known as " Eight mountains of water a sub-fields ," said .

  27. 关于舜帝的卒葬地,传统一般认为在湖南省宁远县的九疑山。

    It was traditionally thought that the burial place of Emperor Shun was on Mountain Jiuyi of Ningyuan county in Hunan province .

  28. 本文根据赫章县县情、山情,提出该县山区综合开发的发展战略及对策;

    According to the actual situation of Hezhang county , this paper put forward general development strategy and countermeasures for mountain area comprehensive exploiting .

  29. 贵州省纳雍县五轮山煤田地层严重漏水钻孔清水顶漏钻进,遇到孔壁不稳定地层时,经常引起孔壁坍塌事故。

    Hole wall often collapses in the unstable strata while serious leaking drilling top leakage drilling in Wulunshan Coal Geological Drilling Area of Nayong County , Guizhou province .

  30. 这座位于忻州市宁武县芦芽山的冰洞与汾河相连,人们认为是汾河为冰洞提供了水源。

    The cave , in the Luya mountain in Ningwu County , Xinzhou City , is connected with Fenhe River , which is believed to provide water for the cave .