
yuán jì huà
  • original plan
  1. 一时心血来潮,就改变了原计划,那怎么行呢?

    How can we change our original plan on a sudden impluse ?

  2. 我们部分地改变了原计划。

    We 've altered the original plan to some extent .

  3. 这将比原计划晚几个星期完成。

    It will be completed several weeks behind schedule .

  4. 总统选举原计划在去年12月举行。

    A presidential election was scheduled for last December

  5. 会议原计划于三月开幕。

    The conference was originally planned to open in March .

  6. 原计划须加以修改。

    It is necessary to revise the original plan .

  7. 他们不顾疲劳坚持工作,比原计划提前三个星期完成了任务。

    Ignoring fatigue , they kept at the job and finished it three weeks earlier than planned .

  8. 我们跟有关部门联系过,知道那个会将按原计划举行。

    We have checked with the Department concerned and find that the meeting will take place as planned .

  9. 我原计划在阳光下度过这个周末,到户外去种种花。

    I 'd planned to spend my weekend in the sun , planting flowers outdoors .

  10. 他们听从了他的劝告,撤销了原计划

    They accepted his advice and rescinded the original plan .

  11. 原计划进行的潜泳因巨浪而被迫取消了

    The planned snorkelling was cancelled due to rough waves .

  12. 他们决定改变原计划。

    They decided to deflect from the original plan .

  13. 原计划已经作了相当大的修改

    The original plan had undergone fairly extensive modifications .

  14. 有一些原计划上市的IPO股已经决定推迟上市,而且可能将再次跳票。

    Some scheduled IPOs have already been delayed and may be put off yet again .

  15. 他原计划今日与美国总统巴拉克奥巴马(barackobama)举行的会晤已被取消。

    A meeting with Barack Obama , the US president , planned for today , has been cancelled .

  16. 与此同时,按市值计算为全球第二大银行的中国建设银行(ChinaConstructionBank)表示,由于市场不确定性,它可能把原计划的110亿美元筹资推迟到明年。

    Meanwhile , China Construction Bank , the world 's second-largest lender by market value , has said it may delay its planned $ 11bn capital-raising until next year due to market uncertainty .

  17. 当时正在与克林顿基金会(ClintonFoundation)合作,通过提供经济援助来鼓励母乳喂养的美多拉克公司表示,公司只得放弃原计划。

    Medolac , which said it was working with the Clinton Foundation and wanted to encourage breast-feeding by making it financially attractive , abandoned its plan .

  18. ICE原计划在2013年收购的新加坡商品交易所(SingaporeMercantileExchange)的基础上于本月推出其新加坡交易所。

    ICE had planned to launch its Singapore exchange , based on the Singapore Mercantile Exchange which it bought in 2013 , this month .

  19. 据熟悉商议内容的一名驻希腊分析师表示,IMF可能通过原计划的3年期贷款提供上述资金。

    The fund could make that sum available under a planned three-year loan , according to an Athens-based analyst familiar with the negotiations .

  20. 这些工作原计划用于为基于IaaS的服务创建远程管理。

    The work was originally initiated to create a remote management API for IaaS-based service .

  21. 这对于确认以下两个问题可能有用:正在被监控的JVM是否是将要监控的JVM;WebSphere应用程序是否按照原计划的配置运行。

    This can be useful for confirming whether the intended JVM is being monitored and whether WebSphere applications are running with the intended configurations .

  22. 在近期举办的纽约车展上,通用汽车公司(GeneralMotors)正式宣布:全新推出的2013款雪佛兰迈瑞宝将拥有2014年的改款&这至少比原计划提前了两年。

    General Motors recently made it official at the New York Auto Show : it is giving the all-new 2013 Chevy Malibu a makeover for 2014 & at least two years ahead of schedule .

  23. 这也就意味着,这款名为TerrafugiaTransition的又能奔驰又能飞行的家伙最早可在明年秋季正式上市销售,这距离原计划的面市时间晚了两年。

    It means the Terrafugia Transition could be in U.S.garages as early as next autumn , after two years of delays .

  24. 路透社今早报导,索尼爱立信表示仍将按照原计划于今春在华推出Android手机,没有延期的打算。

    Reuters reported this morning that Sony Ericsson has no plans to delay the launch of its Android phone in China , which is set for this spring .

  25. CERN原计划关闭大型强子对撞机两年,来进行维护工作。

    CERN had been planning to shut down its atom-smasher for two years for maintenance work .

  26. 医疗保险原计划的增长可能会缩减,然而作为GDP一部分,医疗补助计划的开支和政府为穷人制定的卫生保健计划到2050年可能会被缩减一半。

    The projected growth in Medicare would be crimped , while outlays on Medicaid , the government health-care scheme for the poor , would be halved as a share of GDP by 2050 .

  27. 若原计划的住宅改造得以实施,Chetrit原本打算对一套复式公寓开价最高3200万美元——对于电影《华尔街》(WallStreet)曾拍摄内景的建筑来说,这一价格十分合适。

    Chetrit had planned to charge up to $ 32m for a duplex unit if its planned conversion into residential space had gone through - fitting for a structure where interior scenes for the movie Wall Street were filmed .

  28. WrkRiot前首席技术官兼联合创始人阿尔•布朗(AlBrown)表示,崔原计划个人注资200万美元,但后来只投了40万美元。

    WrkRiot 's former chief technology officer and co-founder , Al Brown , said Choi had intended to put $ 2 million of his own money into the company but that only $ 400000 had materialized .

  29. 然而,至少有一家豪华酒店无法按原计划在奥运期间开业,那就是在新建央视大楼落户的文华东方酒店(MandarinOriental)。

    However , at least one premium hotel , the Mandarin Oriental in the new China Central Television building , will not be open in time for the Olympics as originally scheduled .

  30. 原计划想把F-35维持在一个稍微便宜的价位上,但却失败了。

    The original plan held up the F-35 as being less expensive , but that 's fallen through .