
yuán gǎo
  • manuscript;original manuscript;master copy;original pattern
原稿 [yuán gǎo]
  • [original manuscript;master copy] 尚未付印的手写稿

原稿[yuán gǎo]
  1. 他在原稿上删去了好几处。

    He made several deletions to the manuscript .

  2. 原稿已经遗失。

    The original manuscript has been lost .

  3. 我写的演讲原稿被压缩到了大约十分钟。

    The original speech I had written got boiled down to about ten minutes .

  4. 采访记录原稿后来丢失了。

    The original interview notes were subsequently lost .

  5. 原稿已经寄给印刷厂了。

    The manuscript had already been sent off to the printers .

  6. 编辑的目的非常简单——删掉原稿中那些无用的部分。

    The purpose of the edit is fairly simple — to chop out the boring bits from the original .

  7. 作者对原稿做了校订。

    The manuscript was emended by the author .

  8. 原稿将于下月初付印。

    The manuscript will go to press early next month .

  9. 原稿已经退回。

    The manuscript has been sent back .

  10. 原稿是匿名送交的。

    The manuscripts were submitted anonymously .

  11. 该类型的扫描仪使用两块相同型号的CCD进行图像采集并通过图像拼接来完成对大幅面原稿的扫描。

    There are two same CCD in the scanner to complete the scan of large size area .

  12. n.手稿;原稿adj.手写的他昨天将原稿送到印刷厂。

    manuscript He sent the manuscript to the printer yesterday .

  13. neil很高兴能买下原稿。

    That Neil very happily paid for the original .

  14. 本文介绍一种织物图案处理系统。该系统用He-Ne激光对织物多色图案原稿进行扫描。

    A textile pattern processing system using a He-Ne Laser to scan a textile multi-coloured pattern is described .

  15. 公司生产的头两件娃娃是给Furmansky的妹妹Michelle的,而原稿则成了公司的非正式吉祥物。

    The first two Budsie dolls were made for Furmansky 's sister , Michelle , with the original becoming the company 's unofficial mascot .

  16. 即使作者的原稿使用了其他格式(Word、TeX,等等),为了进一步的处理,通常也会转换成MathML格式。

    Even if author submissions use other formats ( Word , TeX , and so on ) they are often translated to MathML for archival purposes of further processing .

  17. 缩样的传真在Phoebus(第十五个世纪)原稿。

    Fac-simile of a Miniature in the Manuscript of Phoebus ( Fifteenth Century ) .

  18. 该模型具有以下主要功能:分析原稿特性、获得分色所用的专色墨的光谱数据、利用纽介堡方程实现色空间转换、将颜色查找表写入分色Profile文件,通过Photoshop软件进行分色。

    This model has the following function : analyzing the color characteristic of the image , get primary color data , doing color space convert , creat ICC Profile , put this Profile into Photoshop and then do spot color separation .

  19. 他删除了网上的日记,但他和法国政治家伊莎贝·阿达尔(IsabelleAttard)说,他们已经有计划,促进安妮的原稿在网上更广泛地传播,在此之前,他们要看看一月份会发生什么。

    He removed it , but he and a French politician , Isabelle Attard , said they were waiting to see what happens in January before pressing forward with a plan to encourage publication of the original manuscript more widely online .

  20. 根据网络卡编号的唯一性特点,利用软件设计方法和工作站变量P-STATION(传回工作站的地址)的功能,介绍了能完全自动登录Novell网的网络登录原稿的技术和启动界面菜单的方法。

    This paper introduces a technique and start interface menu which can login Novell Netware automatically by means of software method and work station variable ( P-STATION ) on the basis of the unique characteristic of Net work card number .

  21. 他对原稿只作了一些细微的修改。

    He made only a few superficial changes in the manuscript .

  22. 出版的书刊和原稿差距很大。

    The published book is far cry from the early manuscript .

  23. 你多印几份,并非要毁掉原稿。

    Thou shouldst print more , not let that copy die .

  24. 被雇来制作公文档案或原稿的副本的人。

    Someone employed to make written copies of documents and manuscripts .

  25. 基色是图像中的原稿颜色。

    The base color is the original color in the image .

  26. 图片原稿:作复制用的相片,图画或美术作品。

    Original : Photograph , drawing or artwork to be reproduced .

  27. 在原稿上,它的密度范围是0.5至1.0。

    In an original , it is those areas having density of0.5-1.0 .

  28. 在印刷过程中对扫描原稿的校正

    To Correct the Picture of the Manuscript in Print Process

  29. 印前图像设计制作中的原稿图像调整

    Prepress Graphic Design Production of the Original Manuscript Image Adjust

  30. 不平整原稿扫描图像几何校正的研究

    Study on Geometry Correction for Image Scanned from Rugged Manuscript by Scanner