
  • 网络head grade
  1. 近几年来,丰山铜矿加强管理,降低采矿贫化率,提高入选原矿品位,提高选矿回收率,实现了年增上千万元的经济效益。

    In recent years , through strengthening management in decreasing ore dilution rate , increasing the head grade and increasing recovery rate in Fengshan Copper Mine , good economic benefit is obtained .

  2. 关于原矿品位、回收率、尾矿品位之间相关性的分析

    Correlation analysis of ore grade , recovery and tailing grade

  3. 原矿品位预测模型研究

    Study on Grade Forecasting Model for Run-of-mine Ore

  4. 选矿回收率与原矿品位和原矿含泥率的线性回归方程

    Linear regression equation between the grade and slime content of run-of-mill ores and the recovery

  5. 原矿品位的概率分布研究

    Probability distribution studies of crude ore grade

  6. 原矿品位是矿石加工和选矿流程的主要依据。

    The grade of a raw ore is the basis of ore milling and ore dressing .

  7. 在选矿过程中,矿石的原矿品位、回收率、尾矿品位三者是密切相关的。

    Mill grade of ore , recoveries and tailing grade are very correlative during dressing processes .

  8. 由于原矿品位较低,选矿过程中产生大量的尾砂。

    Because of the lower grade ore , a lot of mine tailings generated during mineral processing .

  9. 镇源金矿的炭质板岩型矿石与其它矿石类型比较,具有原矿品位低,且选矿回收率和精矿品位均较低的特点。

    The carbonaceous slate ore in Zhenyuan Gold Mine is of lower grade and the concentrate grade and recovery are lower compared with other ore type .

  10. 单系统工业试验结果为原矿品位29.73%,铁精矿品位67.44%,尾矿品位10.25%。基本上达到了预期的试验目标。

    Single line industrial test obtained an iron concentrate grading 67.44 % and tailings grading 10.25 % from a run-of-mine ore grading 29.73 % , basically attaining the expected test target .

  11. 闭路试验表明,当原矿品位为Ni0.68%、Cu0.534%时,所获镍精矿镍、铜品位均大于3.5%,回收率分别大于60%、76%。

    The concentrate of 3.5 % Ni and 0.534 % Cu was obtained with respectively recovery of over 60 % and 76 % of Ni and Cu respectively by the closed-circuit test .

  12. 随着矿山规模的不断扩大和进入深部开采,矿石的原矿品位和相对可磨度逐渐降低,磨矿成本随之升高。

    With mining capacity continuous increase and with mine entering into deep mining stage , the grade of crude ore and the grindability of ore decrease that raise the cost of grinding .

  13. 针对上海宝钢集团梅山矿业公司在进入二期开采后,出现的矿石品位下降,不能满足市场需求的矛盾,分析原因,并探索了提高原矿品位的有效途径。

    Addressing problems of failure to meet requirement in ore quality of ore market at the second stage mining , Meishan Mining Company , the paper analyzes the reasons and explores ways of raising ore grade .

  14. 锡矿资源开发和利用过程中,经过多年的开采,国内外都不同程度的面临着锡矿石原矿品位下降、后续资源不足等问题。

    During the process of development and usage of the tinstone and with perennial extracting , there are many problems such as the decline of quality of Tinstone raw ore , and the shortage of follow-up resource at home and abroad in different degree .

  15. 在原矿品位只有019%的条件下,白钨精矿品位达到40%,回收率接近30%,为充分利用鄂东矿产资源提供了技术条件。

    The concentrate grade of scheelite is up to 40 % , and the recovery is nearby 30 % when the raw ore grade is 0.19 % , which provides technological conditions for adequate utilization the mineral resources in the east part of Hubei province .

  16. 工业应用获得的生产指标为:原矿铁品位31.32%,精矿铁品位60.38%,回收率为73.43%,精矿含氟0.58%,含磷0.124%。

    And the results obtained in industrial application are as follows ; At a run-of-mine ore grade of 31.32 % Fe , a concentrate containing 60.38 % Fe , 0.58 % F and 0.124 % P can be obtained with a recovery of 73.34 % .

  17. 从磨矿开始浸出的金氰化流程原矿取样及品位计算方法探讨

    Exploration on mill-head sampling place and method of its grade calculation in the process flow of cyaniding which begins cyanide leaching with ore-grinding stage

  18. 经典的多金属矿石选矿流程平衡数学模型充分尊重了化验的精矿品位,忽视了调整后的原矿和尾矿品位的合理性。

    The classic mathematical model of multi-metallic mass balance fully respected the concentrate grade in testing , bur ignored the reasonability of adjusted raw ores'and tailings'grade .

  19. 旬阳镜铁矿原矿全铁品位在57%左右,单一强磁选获得TFe65%以上的铁精矿,回收率大于85%;

    The total iron grade of Xunyang specularite was 57 % or so . The grade of the iron concentrate obtained from single intensive magnetic dressing was more than TFe 65 % , its recovery more than 85 % .

  20. 元素分析表明,原矿中铜的品位为1.26%,铁的品位为22.16%。

    Elemental analysis showed that the ore is with copper grade of 1.26 % , and with iron grade of 22.16 % .

  21. 从含铁为32%的东鞍山赤铁矿原矿中可得到品位为53.1%、回收率为95.3%的粗精矿。

    And also concentrates containing 53.1 % Fe and recovery of 95.3 % were yielded from Dong'anshan crude ore assaying 32 % Fe .

  22. 目前产生的尾矿储量约为12000万吨,含稀土氧化物超过800万吨,尾矿中的稀土氧化物平均品位达到8%左右,与原矿中的稀土品位相当,铌的品位甚至高于原矿,价值十分可观。

    The reserves of tailings is about 120 million tons , containing rare earth oxides more than 8 million tons . The tailings reach an average grade of around 8 percent , which amount to the raw ore nearly .