
yuán cái liào ɡōnɡ yè
  • Raw material industry;raw and semifinished materials industry
  1. 我国原材料工业发展环境及其布局区位选择

    The development surroundings and location selection trend of raw materials industries in China

  2. 有色金属是我国原材料工业的重要组成部分。

    Nonferrous metals is the important part of original material industry in our country .

  3. 资源型城市和原材料工业基地面临着资源枯竭,没有接续产业;

    Resourceful city and raw material base is suffering from the fate of drying-up resource ;

  4. 作为原材料工业,在国民经济中占有不可替代的地位。

    As raw materials industry , it plays an irreplaceable role in the national economy .

  5. 就能源基地加速部署高耗能原材料工业

    Speeding Up the Location of Raw Materials Industries With High Energy-Consumption in Bases of Energy Sources

  6. 该地区采掘工业、原材料工业产品产量在全国占重要地位。

    It holds an important position nationwide in terms of its production of raw material industries .

  7. 长江上游地区能源原材料工业发展对策研究

    The countermeasures research on developing energy and material industries along the upper reaches of Yangtze River

  8. 钢铁工业作为基础原材料工业,在中国国民经济中具有举足轻重的地位。

    Irom and steel industry plays an important roll in Chinese civil economy as a material industry .

  9. 对基础产业,是以信息基础设施行业、原材料工业和能源工业为重点;

    Information-infrastructure industry , raw and processed materials industry and energy industry in the development of foundation industry ;

  10. 中部地区是中国主要的基础工业(能源、原材料工业)基地,该地区生产的原煤、原油均占全国的半数以上。

    The central region is the major base for China 's fundamental industries such as energy and raw materials .

  11. 消费品工业呈现回升态势,装备制造业和部分原材料工业出现转机。

    Consumer goods industry looked up , while equipment manufacturing and some raw material industries turned for the better .

  12. 应首先在政策上作些调整,作者提出,应将原材料工业的发展战略与对策纳入加强基础产业的倾斜政策体系中。

    Therefore the strategy of their development should be included in the series of policies inclined for encouraging basic industries .

  13. 原材料工业所占的比重很大,高加工度和深加工度产业发展不足。

    The proportion of the raw material industry is very big and deep processing and highly processing industry is insufficient .

  14. 采矿作为重要的原材料工业之一,在国民经济中占据着非常重要的地位。

    Mining industry , as one of the important raw material industries , plays an important part in the national economy .

  15. 我国沿海地区原材料工业发展及其生产基地建设研究

    A Study on the Development of Raw and Semifinished Materials Industries and Construction of Its Production Bases along Coastal Areas in China

  16. 冶金工业是重要的原材料工业,也是国民经济的重要支柱产业。

    The metallurgical industry is an important industry for providing raw material , and also is an essential sector for national economy .

  17. 造纸业属于我国重要的基础原材料工业,在国民经济中所处的地位相当重要。

    The paper industry is important basic raw material industry in China and has a very important position in the national economy .

  18. 缺水制约着中国北方及东部沿海城市的经济发展。本项研究探讨以能源原材料工业为主的粗放型工业地区的水资源可持续开发利用规划问题。

    This paper discusses the development and planning of groundwater and water resources in a rough industrial region , which is mainly composed of energy sources and original material industries .

  19. 通过原材料工业发展的国际比较,发现中国原材料工业在规模、结构、布局、竞争力等方面存在的差距和面临的问题。

    Compared with the international trends of raw materials industry , China is found a series of urgent problems in the fields of production scale , structure , allocation and competitiveness .

  20. 但是,原材料工业产品结构不优、质量不高、技术含量低等与市场需求结构不相适应的问题依然存在。

    However , the problems of not good enough production structure , low quality and technique content and so on , which can not meet the market needs , still exist .

  21. 钢铁工业属原材料工业,钢铁一直是人类使用的主要结构材料,人类的每一点进步都与钢铁工业的发展紧密相联。

    Steel industry attributes to raw materials industry . Steel and iron is main constructive material for human being , and each advancement of human being relates to the developments of steel industry .

  22. 流程工业包含很多重要的能源和原材料工业,是国民经济的支柱产业,其地位举足轻重。

    Process industry includes many important energy and raw material industries , and it 's the backbone industry of national economy of one country , it holds the balance of national economy of the country .

  23. 化工地质矿山行业属于资源性产业,同时具有基础原材料工业和支农工业的双重属性,在国民经济中占有十分重要的地位。

    The industry of chemical and geological mining occupies an important place in the national economy , which belongs to resources industry with dual nature of basic raw and semifinished material industry and aid-agriculture industries .

  24. 从引导消费倾向、征收原材料工业开发基金、调整原材料价格、推动技术进步、发展社会集资和利用外资等方面拟定促进原材料工业发展的对策。

    Measures such as guiding the trend of consumption , collecting development funds , modifying prices of raw materials , advancing technological progress , gathering social funds and make use of foreign capital are also necessary .

  25. 本文从国内经济和玻璃钢工业的发展入手,论述了我国玻璃钢工业和相关原材料工业发展的前景和对策,以及对原材料行业的几点建议。

    Based on the development of China economy and FRP industry , the paper describes the way to develop FRP and raw material industries and their prospect and makes some suggestions on the raw material industry .

  26. 中国正处在工业化和城镇化进程的高速发展阶段,钢铁行业作为国家重要的基础原材料工业,直接影响到国民经济的稳定运行,然而目前我国钢铁行业出现了很多严重的问题。

    China is in a stage of rapid development of the industrialization and urbanization process , the Steel Industry as a heavy industry and basic materials industry , directly affects the stable operation of the national economy .

  27. 近期应以增强东北地区原材料工业生产的持续竞争力为重点,巩固钢铁和石油化工的优势地位。

    In the near future , the emphases should be put on strengthening the constant competing abilities of the raw and processed materials industry in the northeast , and confirm the preponderant statue for steel and petroleum industry .

  28. 文章首先评析了水泥制造业的国内外发展现状,认为作为原材料工业的水泥制造业,既面临难得的历史机遇,又有严峻的挑战。

    Firstly , with analysis of the present developing situation in the business of cement manufacturing within and outside China , the writer think , as in the business line of raw material , the cement manufacturing is facing a perfect opportunity and austere challenge .

  29. 贵州实施优势矿产资源转换战略,就是要充分发挥资源比较优势,形成产业优势和经济优势,加快发展具有贵州特色的能源、原材料工业;

    To implement the strategy of switching advantages in mineral resources in Guizhou , it should make full use of its comparative advantages in resources , form the advantages in industry and economy , and develop the energy and raw material industries with Guizhou characteristics .

  30. 新疆处于工业化初期,工业主要由采掘、原材料工业支撑,并且其重工化程度越来越高;目前第二产业吸收劳动力能力有限。

    Xinjiang is in the industrialization initial period , the industry mainly by the excavation , the raw and semifinished materials industries support , and its heavy industry degree is getting higher and higher ; at present the second industrial absorption labor force ability is limited .