
  • 网络Original Painting;Primal Painting
  1. 原始绘画和儿童绘画是绘画形式中两支独特的奇葩。

    The original painting and children painting is the exotic flower in the painting form .

  2. 文章从原始绘画、儿童绘画两个方面来阐明什么是稚拙美。

    The essay tries to analyses what the immature beauty is by original and children painting .

  3. 本文对原始绘画、儿童绘画和现代绘画中的稚拙美进行了分析研究。

    This paper analyses the immature beauty of the original painting , children painting and modern painting .

  4. 我们看到世界各地的原始绘画中,大部分都是在用线条描绘物象。

    We have seen the original paintings from around the world , most of them in the use of lines depicting physical image .

  5. 原始绘画产生于洪荒、神秘的远古巫术礼仪时代,儿童绘画反映着儿童自然天性的流露。

    The original painting produced from the desolate and mystical remote witch ceremony , and the children painting reflects the natural character of the children .

  6. 全文共分三个部分,分别为:原始绘画中的线;传统绘画中的线;现、当代绘画中的线。

    This paper is composed of three parts , namely : line in primitive painting ; line in traditional painting ; line and modern contemporary painting .

  7. 原始绘画艺术与现代绘画艺术的比较研究敦煌壁画山水与中原传统山水画之比较研究

    Primitive Drawing Art and Modern Drawing Art Comparison Research The Comparative Study of the Landscape between Dunhuang Frescoes and the Traditional Painting of the Central Plains

  8. 它可以和科学有关,也可以无关。人类以至动物的某些天赋功能都可以称为“technique”,如水獭捕鱼,原始人绘画,等等。

    Some inherent abilities of human beings or animals can also be regarded as " techniques ", such as the ability of beavers to catch fish or of prehistoric men able to sketch drawings , etc.

  9. 1906年毕加索受到非洲原始雕刻和塞尚绘画影响,而转向一种新画风的探索。

    Influenced by primeval African sculpture , Picasso began to explore a new painting style in1906 .

  10. 艺术应归属于我们人类的原始本性,而绘画艺术作为艺术的重要组成部分,更应该遵守这个原则。

    Art should be vested in the original belonged to human nature , and painting as an important part of art should follow this principle .

  11. 中国很早就创造性地用线条去造型,比如原始时期的彩陶绘画,岩画,墓室帛画和壁画以及画像石和画像砖等。

    China has long been creatively used to form lines , such as painted pottery of the original period paintings , rock paintings , and murals , as well as tomb stone and brick , such as portraits .