
luǎn shēnɡ
  • oviparity
卵生 [luǎn shēng]
  • [oviparity;ovipara] 动物的幼体由离开母体的卵孵化出来

  • 鸟是卵生动物

  1. 鸟类、爬虫及昆虫是卵生的。

    Birds , reptiles and insects come from eggs .

  2. 鸟是卵生动物。

    Birds come from eggs .

  3. 卵黄蛋白原(Vitellogenin,Vg)是卵生动物中卵黄蛋白的前体,它是受激素调控的一种大分子磷脂糖蛋白。

    Vitellogenin ( Vg ) is the egg yolk protein precursor in all egg-laying animals .

  4. 北草蜥(Takydromusseptentrionalis)是中国特有的卵生蜥蜴科动物,在大陆有广泛的分布范围。

    The northern grass lizard ( Takydromus septentrionalis ) is an oviparous lacertid lizard that is endemic to China and widely distributed in southeastern part of the country .

  5. 鸟类、鱼和两栖类是卵生的动物。

    Birds , fish , and amphibians are " oviparious " .

  6. 鸟类、鱼和栖类是“卵生”的动物

    Birds , fish , and amphibians are " oviparous "

  7. 卵黄磷蛋白是所有卵生雌性动物卵黄的主要成分。

    Vitellin is the major constituents of the yolk protein .

  8. 只在澳大利亚塔斯马尼亚岛和新几内亚发现的原始卵生哺乳动物。

    Primitive oviparous mammals found only in Australia Tasmania and New Guinea .

  9. 朝鲜古代鸟崇拜与卵生神话之起源探究

    Probe into the Origin of Bird Worship and Egg-laying Myths in Ancient Korea

  10. 有刺且卵生的非洲蜥蜴的一个小的科目。

    Small family of spiny ovoviviparous African lizards .

  11. 古代朝鲜神话中反复出现的卵生母题是其族源神话的一大特色。

    Oviparous heroes and maternity-centred backgrounds appeared repeatedly in the fairy stories of ancient Korean literature .

  12. 鸭嘴兽是半水栖卵生哺乳动物,原产于塔斯马尼亚岛和澳洲的南部及东部。

    Also called duckbill semi aquatic egg-laying mammal native to Tasmania and southern and Eastern australia .

  13. 它们也是卵生的。

    They laid eggs too .

  14. 对于卵生动物来说,卵黄物质的形成与积累是卵子发生过程中的重要事件。

    For oviparous animals , yolk formation and accumulation are the important events in the process of oogenesis .

  15. 属“哺乳植物”,而不是人工用种子栽培出来的“卵生植物”,更不是移植、嫁接出来的“试管植物”。

    They come into being by birth like mammals , not produced by seeds or by way of graft in a laboratory .

  16. 鸭嘴兽是半水栖的卵生哺乳动物,全身长毛,鸭嘴蹼足,看起来像是其它动物组装而成的。

    This semiaquatic , fur-covered , duck-billed , web-footed mammal that lays eggs seems to have been assembled from bits of other animals .

  17. 在卵生动物中,雌性个体生殖细胞不仅为子代提供遗传物质基础,还必须为受精卵的进一步发育提供营养物质。

    Besides providing genetic substance for filial generations , germ cells of the female individuals provide nutrient substance for the development of spermoviums in the oviparous animals .

  18. 本文从其分类史、系统演化关系、生物地理学研究三个方面进行总结,并指出沙蜥属卵生类群的系统关系还比较混乱,生物地理历史过程有待进一步研究。

    This paper summarizes the taxonomic history of the species , and presents their phylogenetic relationships and biogeography . Besides , the future research objects are given .

  19. 雌性蛋白包括卵黄蛋白和卵黄蛋白原,是卵生类动物早期生命阶段中主要的营养物质来源。

    Female specific proteins , containing vitellin ( Vn ) and vitellogenin ( Vg ), are main nutrition resource in early stage of life for oviparous animals .

  20. 蛇或为卵生,通常雌蛇在某个隐蔽地点产卵后弃之而去,或为胎生,幼蛇同样被抛弃。

    Snakes reproduce either by laying eggs , which the female usually abandons in some secluded spot , or by bringing forth living young , which are also abandoned .

  21. 动物界的每一纲都有某些共同的特征,亦即所有鸟类都以卵生而不是胎生来繁衍后代。

    Each class in the animal kingdom has certain characteristics in common ; i.e. , all birds bear their young by laying by laying eggs rather than live births .

  22. 家禽属卵生动物,胚胎发育容易受到外界环境因素(营养、孵化温度、激素和运动等)的影响,其中孵化温度对禽类胚胎发育和机体代谢影响较大。

    As the oviparous , Poultry embryonic development is susceptible to external environmental factors , including nutrition , incubation temperature , hormones and exercise , in particular the incubation temperature has great impact on poultry embryonic development and metabolism .